On the terrace of Swan Castle, Tiona held up a telescope and could just see the training ground on one side.

The money and resources promised by the old earl came faster than expected.

As for manpower, Tiona had too many ways to get it.

It was just a small matter to take more than a thousand recruits from the training camp with the Duchess's warrant.

It just so happened that the Guards Infantry Regiment responsible for the safety of the Duke and Duchess had the most professional officers.

It was normal for Sharif to train some people for his sister-in-law for free.

At least from the telescope, everything was in order.

"Old fox."

Tiona put down the telescope and picked up her son. The little guy opened his eyes and looked stupid.

From all the signs, the old earl had been prepared for a long time. He just ran to her to perform before.

She was a little regretful. She had known that she would have opened her mouth too high.

But there was no regret in making a move. Since the deal was settled, it was not a loss.

The Perez family had no more choices. Keeping the status of the little guy Qin was their way out.

A maid came out of the castle and saluted, saying, "Madam, the ladies of the Perez family are here."

"Bring them here. I will welcome them tonight and invite Sharif to attend."


In the south, after getting firearms and undergoing simple training, Prince Radek decided to make a big move.

While firearms are not yet rampant, he has a huge advantage. This is the best window period.

Otherwise, when other forces are gradually equipped with firearms, this gap will be eliminated.

In terms of background and strength, Radek knows that he cannot compare with others.

If he had not found an excuse to deal with several southern nobles not long ago, he would have had very few resources and relied entirely on the southern nobles for support.

During this period, he personally experienced the feeling of holding power and being self-sufficient. His voice was three degrees higher and he was confident.

How could he give up after experiencing the beauty?

It was not easy to catch the opportunity, so of course he had to take the opportunity to expand his power.

However, this time the target could no longer be the southern nobles. If the same excuse was used frequently, it would be a cause of gossip.

And at least at this stage, he still needs the support of the southern nobles.

Mutual use also needs to grasp the bottom line, otherwise he will definitely suffer the greatest loss if he breaks up.

Since he can't attack the southern nobles, he can only do his old business and attack his good brother.

After all, everything in the Louis royal family should be inherited by himself, not Arthur, the bastard who killed his father.

After making up his mind, Radek quickly found his confidants and discussed a battle plan.

The army, which had been trained in simple firearms, soon began to move.

However, before setting off, Radek went to his arms workshop on purpose.

After all, Radek controlled several noble territories and kingdom cities, and he could mobilize a lot of resources now.

As a high-end talent who received elite education from the royal family, he also had a certain foresight.

So early on, he paid attention to collecting some talents, and just when the firearm samples were in hand, he immediately established a simple workshop.

Several excellent local blacksmiths quickly changed their careers to become firearms makers.

Radek walked into the firearms workshop amid the clanging sounds. The production here was still very primitive. A manual drill was used to drill holes in the gun barrels, and some apprentices were making some simple accessories.

Some of the skilled blacksmiths were drilling gun barrels, while others were hammering precision parts such as springs.

The smell of fire and various greases made the air smell particularly unpleasant.

But Radek showed no strange expression. He personally inspected the workshop, talked to a few backbones, encouraged them, and then walked out.

He took a deep breath to prove that he was not really feeling nothing.

"How is the output now?"

"This batch of firearms in the north is quite advanced. The number of master craftsmen in our workshop is seriously insufficient. At most, we can make thirty or forty muskets a month. If we need to do some repair work, the output will be even lower." The person in charge lowered his head, knowing that this result would not satisfy Radek.

Sure enough, Radek looked unhappy. He knew the difficulties in reality. If he hadn't been lucky enough to find a few master craftsmen locally, he might not even be able to set up the firearms workshop.

But he would not lower his requirements because of difficulties. Seeing that firearms will become the mainstream in the future, how could he give up?

"Money, people, I can give you everything I can. Your task is to train more craftsmen and quickly increase production. Difficulties are not excuses."

"Yes, I have been thinking of ways. I want to find some friends of these masters through these masters to expand the scale in the short term. In addition, I also need to train new people myself and strive to produce 500 muskets per month this year."

The person in charge of the firearms workshop has a clear plan, which shows that it is not that he has not done anything, but it is really difficult.

The threshold for making firearms is a bit high after all, and they have only taken over for a short time.

Radek was satisfied when he heard this. It was enough for his subordinates to work hard.

And the output of 500 guns a month was barely acceptable.

"Do your job well, I will not treat the meritorious officials unfairly."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Radek came and went in a hurry, but as he said, he would not treat the meritorious officials unfairly. After all, he had very little. If he lost his credit, he would really not be able to survive.

The head of the firearms workshop turned around and found one of the master craftsmen: "Master John, didn't you say last time that a fellow apprentice was looking for a job? Hurry up and invite him to come here. I will increase his salary by 50%."

Master John stopped his work and nodded silently.

What fellow apprentice? It seems that he needs to ask his hometown for more people.

Radek, who was far away, didn't know that his craftsmen had always been in the shape of others.

In fact, he was still satisfied with the progress of the firearms workshop. It was not easy to build it from scratch and achieve this point under the condition of relatively scarce resources.

"After seizing more territory this time, we can increase investment in the firearms workshop." Radek thought.

He was far-sighted and knew that the way of fighting might change in the future.

After all, he had no advantage in the era of swords and knives. It was better to bet on the era of firearms, and maybe he could turn over.

On the other side, the army had assembled and started to act.

The whole south was like a powder keg, suppressing huge energy.

Firearm workshops are springing up everywhere.

But the output is still not high, and there are almost no organized firearms armies.

After all, the resistance from the knight class is great, and the old nobles cannot ignore the vision of the knight class.

On the one hand, the old nobles are preparing for a rainy day, and on the other hand, everyone is resisting.

It can be predicted that either the firearms will be gradually promoted over time, or they will be hurt all at once and naturally seek change.

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