Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 282 New Year Tribute Operation (3)

How do you get experience?

The more times you are bombarded, the more you will naturally have physical memory.

Old soldiers know that when the bombardment comes, don't run around, because you may not be unlucky enough to be hit.

The truly fatal attacks are often those that come with the bombardment.


Sure enough, gunshots were heard after a while.

There were small holes on the ground one after another.

The officer escorting the team had his mouth covered with mud raised by the shells. When he heard the gunshots, he immediately rolled into the nearby shell craters.

"Counterattack, counterattack, this is very close to the port, and reinforcements will come soon."

As he said, he took the lead and fired a shot.

But with the range of the pistol, I'm afraid you can't even touch the shadow of the enemy.

These words can't deceive people, but the soldiers all know that not fighting back will only make them die more miserably.

One by one, they began to raise their guns to fight back, with various shooting postures.

In the distance, the First Brigade of the Guards approached in the form of a skirmish line.

The endless gunshots suppressed the enemy from raising their heads.

Colonel Robert took out his pocket watch and took a look at it calmly: "There is enough time, let the brothers take their time."

The shells they carried had other uses, and it would not be good if the goods were damaged.

As for the support from Gem Harbor, it would take half a day to arrive.

It was just the right opportunity to increase the soldiers' actual combat experience.

Both sides covered their heads and shot at each other, which looked very lively, but the distance between them was not close, and the accuracy was even more touching.

Maybe in one round of shooting, thousands of bullets were fired, and only three or five enemies were killed.

So it looked lively, but the casualties were not as big as imagined.

But in this environment, the psychological pressure on the soldiers was completely different.

After experiencing it, facing the same battle again, they will be more calm.

Because of Colonel Robert's indulgence, every soldier took turns to experience it for a while.

Dozens of the ambushed red soldiers were killed by shells, and hundreds of them were killed one after another.

When the surrounding troops surrounded them, they finally couldn't stand it.

"I'm out of bullets."

"Mine is almost out of bullets."

"What should I do? Surrender?"

The soldiers of the Northern Principality on the opposite side have already put bayonets under their guns.

They also found that the gunfire on the opposite side was gradually becoming sparse, and the distance between the two sides was very close.

"The assault company is ready, hand-to-hand combat, and we will solve the enemy in one go. Don't lose face for us northern men."

The Guards did not lack similar training. The only thing they had to worry about was whether they would make mistakes due to the tension of actual combat.

However, the commander of the assault company personally took the field, and the bugler blew the horn during the gap between shooting.


The wolf-like assault company soldiers climbed up and charged, and the unprepared red-clothed soldiers were directly knocked over.

The officer holding a pistol fired a shot, and was pierced through the chest by a bayonet and nailed to the ground.

"I surrender!!"

The remaining red-clothed soldiers collapsed in morale, raised their weapons, and knelt on the ground.

It doesn't matter if you don't speak the language, the posture of surrender is universal.

The soldiers of the assault company would collect their weapons and then raise their bayonets and stare at them.

The soldiers following behind were not idle either, and quickly controlled the scene.

The armed personnel of the gem mine saw this and had no intention of resisting, so they were disarmed.

The well-protected goods fell directly into the hands of the First Brigade of the Guards.

Colonel Robert came to the goods surrounded by officers and guards.

"Open the box."

Uncut rubies don't look so shiny.

But a box full of gems looks very shocking.

"Take the prisoners and spoils, let's go."

Looking at the pocket watch, only two hours have passed, and the reinforcements from Gem Port are still early.

Pulling artillery and spoils, the First Brigade of the Guards rushed directly to the next stop... the gem mine.

At this time, the gem mine was in a panic.

They had received the news that the escort team was attacked a long time ago, but no one dared to go to support.

The armed forces of the mine were not enough to protect themselves, so how could they have the ability to save others?

When he saw a large number of enemies appearing outside, the person in charge of the mine kept wiping the sweat on his head with a handkerchief.

"Organize those damn black slaves and tell them that I will set them free if they beat back the enemies."

The person in charge thought that with the people under his command, they were definitely no match for the enemies outside.

Then he would use the black slaves in the mine as cannon fodder, at least until the reinforcements arrived.

"Mine manager, do you really want to set the black monkey free?"

The subordinates around him asked tactlessly. These are important assets of the mine. After beating back the enemies, they still need to mine.

Otherwise, if they cannot deliver the monthly ore, it will be a dead end.

The mine manager stared at this stupid subordinate fiercely and roared: "I am the mine manager, do as I say.

Save your life first, and when the enemy retreats, we have the final say?"

What promise? Whoever has the gun has the final say.

Even if you have moral cleanliness, at most you can let people go and arrest them.

When the slaves were driven to the front line, simple pickaxes and shovels were their weapons.

The mine did have some guns and ammunition in reserve, but these slaves didn't know how to use them.

Outside the mine, the army of the Northern Principality finally arrived at the location.

Colonel Robert looked at his pocket watch again and said to his men, "We still have three hours. Let the artillery fire all the shells. We will retreat when the time is up."

There are two reasons for attacking the mine.

First, to make the enemy unhappy is victory.

Second, there is only one valuable target nearby.

If you really want to attack the port, you must have the cooperation of the fleet, otherwise a large-caliber naval gun can kill dozens of people with one shot, which is too much casualties.

Unfortunately, the infantry guns they carried this time were still a little less powerful.

The rumbling bombing lasted for an hour, and the black slaves who were pulled to be cannon fodder really became cannon fodder.

Many black slaves don’t need to worry about the whites going back on their word, because whether the other party goes back on their word or keeps their promise, it has nothing to do with them.

When the infantry attacked with the horn, the entire mine became a battlefield.

The armed personnel in the mine retreated step by step, but the only advantage of the mine is that there are many places to hide, and there is no need to surrender.

Colonel Robert is not obsessed with killing people, as long as the guns are broken, production is fine.

Bomb what can be blown, burn what can be burned, and rob what can be robbed.

When the time came, the horn of retreat sounded, and the entire First Guards Brigade began to retreat in an orderly manner.

After consuming a large number of shells and bullets, they quickly disappeared in the mine with gems, prisoners, and the bodies of their fallen comrades.

No one dared to chase them, and they just watched the enemy leave.

Colonel Robert reserved a lot of time, and when the reinforcements from Gem Harbor arrived, they had been gone for more than two hours.

Only a mess was left, waiting for them to clean up the mess.

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