A group of people passing by the shipyard stayed where they were for a long time.

Their shipyard is right on the coast, not far from Port Deegan.

If this railway is opened to traffic, it will be convenient in the future.

This time, they're not here to ask for money.

The first Thousand-Micro-class ironclad ship was successfully launched and completed its maiden voyage test. Now it is being installed with some gadgets.

His Excellency the Duke does not have time to be present in person, but the work of announcing the good news still needs to be done.

After all, no matter how good the work is, what’s the use if the leader can’t see it?

“The last time I went to ask for money, I came back with someone from the Railway Ministry. The railway had not yet been built at that time.

I didn't expect that so much has been completed. It seems that it will be open to traffic in two months at most. "The director of the shipyard sighed with emotion. Just when everyone thought he was just sighing normally, the conversation suddenly changed: "Brothers, look at how involved our colleagues are. Can you sleep at night?

After we return, we need to organize a large-scale activity. We cannot be outcompeted by our colleagues in other departments. Otherwise, what will the Duke think of us? "

Good guy, just because he took one more look at the construction site, he made such a mistake.

The shipbuilders who were traveling with me wanted to dig out their own eyeballs. I didn’t deserve to see them!


Suddenly, a gunshot was heard from the construction site, which scared everyone in the shipyard.

As a military shipyard, they are also equipped with guns.

There were even enlisted soldiers accompanying him.

As soon as gunshots were heard, several pistols were pulled out.

"Factory, be careful."

There was a commotion on the construction site in the distance, and several gunshots were fired.

Soon, a large number of soldiers blew whistles and drove the troublemaking black slaves together.

The situation was quickly brought under control.

Once something like a gun is manufactured, the possibility of a successful resistance by an unarmed person drops sharply.

When the shipyard team saw the excitement, they were no longer afraid of danger, so they all came closer to watch.

If he hadn't revealed his identity, he might have been arrested by nervous soldiers.

The official from the Railway Ministry had an ugly expression on his face. After perfunctorily dealing with his colleagues who were passing by, he immediately came to the scene.

Do not let the family scandal be publicized. If there is a riot on the construction site, it will be fine if you handle it yourself. But it will be too bad if others see it.

Especially looking at the gossipy faces of the people at the shipyard, who knows how this will be spread.

"Are all the rioters here?"

The entire construction site had stopped working, and a large number of black slaves were ordered to squat on the spot, waiting for work to continue.

Only a small number of people participated in the riot, and it was obviously an unorganized and temporary riot.

There were only a few hundred participants, and they all jumped in after seeing the riot.

The body of the real initiator was starting to get cold.

Usually, these participants would be shackled and handcuffed to participate in the heaviest labor, and 80% of them would die within a month.

But today, a look of cruelty flashed across the faces of the officials from the Railway Ministry.

"Let them dig a hole and bury all those involved alive. Let everyone come and see the end of the riot."

The subordinate was startled: "Sir... the progress is very fast. I don't know when the next batch of black slaves will be replenished. I really need to..."

Unexpectedly, the other party looked at him coldly: "Kill the chicken to scare the monkeys. If you don't follow the order, jump into the pit to take their place."

Now no one dared to speak.

The left and right are just a bunch of tool guys, and wear and tear is normal on the Railway Department's list.

For losses of several hundred gold coins, the responsible official has this power.

Soon, a large pit was dug at the site, and the rioting black slaves were driven into it.

Realizing what was about to happen, some of them knelt down and cried, while others wanted to resist.

The surrounding soldiers held wooden poles and beat back those who wanted to resist.

Then the surrounding black slaves were ordered to fill the pit, and shovelfuls of soil were filled into the pit.

The shipyard team looked dumbfounded.

"These railroad guys are so ruthless."

"Don't look at it. A group of black slaves who resisted the Duke's orders are not even human beings."

"Yes, the Duke gave them the right to breathe. They don't have to repay the Duke with their own humble flesh and blood, and they dare to resist."

"I heard that castrated black slaves do good work, but unfortunately the ones on the market are too expensive."

"It's okay. Once the armored ship is delivered, I'll say hello to the Navy and get a group of cheap black slaves over."

"Long live the factory."

The employees who were still scolding in their hearts just now turned around and sang praises.


In Plan City, Captain Lawrence has arrived early.

Naturally, the news of the launch of a thousand-meter armored ship at the shipyard cannot be hidden from those who are interested.

This was no secret, so it immediately attracted a group of hungry wolves.

There are more and more fleets traveling to and from the New World, but not many of them truly belong to the regular navy.

The navy is currently poorly organized and has always been under the direct jurisdiction of the Duke's Palace. Lawrence is the oldest, so of course he wants to get involved.

The latest news is that the Duke intended to establish the Admiralty, but was delayed due to various reasons.

But this trend is inevitable.

For the sake of the future, Lawrence could not sit back and watch the first ironclad ship fall into the hands of others.

Therefore, representatives from all sides of the navy gathered together to try to compete for the title of this first ironclad ship.

When the shipyard party arrived, they were immediately warmly received.

Lobbyists from all walks of life kept coming, which made them feel flattered.

Ships are currently a seller's market, so they are naturally popular.

A new military shipyard was built. It had nothing to do with it before, but after this contact, similar situations will inevitably happen in the future.

Derek stayed at home and had no idea what was going on outside.

It is certainly understandable that the military would lobby shipyards.

As the principality's stall grew, it was impossible for him to cover everything.

So there are many similar situations. For example, when the Zero rifle is put into production and the production is limited, who should be given first?

When the Duke didn't say anything, the people who made the plan and the people in the gun factory had a certain say.

Therefore, public relations is essential.

But understanding is understanding, as a ruler, of course he would not like to see this situation.

Even if loyalty can be guaranteed, you still need to put a little pressure on your subordinates from time to time.

"Are there any smart people who didn't try to make connections?" Derek asked.

The equerry replied: "Yes, Captain Lawrence..."

There are many smart people, but this does not mean that they are more loyal than others, nor can they avoid trying to establish relationships in the future.

But at least now, their discernment has paid off.

"The first ironclad ship will be given to Lawrence, and others will also appropriately allocate resources. The regular navy will give priority to the ironclad ships, and the first batch of ironclad cargo ships for the auxiliary forces will be given to them." Derek made appropriate arrangements, and finally ordered: "By the way, let me know the news , tell them I don’t like to see this kind of clique behavior.”

News came out from the Duke's mansion that a group of people had not even seen the Duke, and the distribution had ended.

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