The navy ships were floating on the sea, and finally they were able to free up some space.

The messenger sent by Lawrence disappeared, and the entire port fell into the hands of the Navy Command.

Next, a series of preparations were made, and even the gem mine was taken.

The colony was also well prepared.

The captured white-skinned man was directly pushed into the mine to atone for his sins with his own physical strength.

Some supplies were also loaded early and could be set off at any time.

The traces left by the war had not disappeared, and everyone was ready for the final action.

Fortunately, there were no accidents, and the Gem Port was steadily occupied.

Since Earl Jeffreys had agreed to Lawrence's request, he would not play tricks again.

The slaves who directly belonged to the Governor's Mansion were driven out of the farmland, went south along the land, and soon arrived at the inland dock controlled by the First Brigade of the Guards.

"The Governor has ordered to build a dock and open up a waterway."

Boom, the heavy construction work began.

Far away on the mainland, although there was no war, death and sacrifice never stopped.

The railway from Augusta City to Digen Port was finally completed.

The officials of the Ministry of Railways worked like crazy, day and night, and several sections started construction at the same time. The governor completed the work in mid-summer.

Since then, starting from Digen Port, passing through Augusta City, and then to Plan City, hundreds of miles along the way, it only takes two days and one night to arrive.

The rumbling train is running all the time, and with its unique transportation capacity, it can handle a large amount of goods every day.

From the temporary capital to the largest port of the principality, the railway is like an artery, transporting huge supplies.

Affected by the opening of the railway, the price of commodities in the entire kingdom fell.

Many commodities that rely on imports have directly reduced their prices, and cheaper and faster commodities have participated in the market circulation.

Of course, behind the medals of the Ministry of Railways are the white bones under the railway.

Because of their huge demand, the price of slaves in the principality has risen by 10%.

However, no one cared about the sacrifices behind the scenes. They only saw that the Duke met with officials from the Ministry of Railways, and was promoted to a higher position and rewarded with gold and silver for more than 50 meritorious personnel.

The entire Ministry of Railways ushered in a bumper harvest.

Of course, they also had other tasks.

Build more railways and strive to cover the entire principality with this convenient means of transportation.

At the right time, it was the third year of the principality, and the population of the principality was also growing at a steady rate.

With the improved medical level and the influx of foreign population, the annual increase in the adult population of the principality was more than 300,000.

The emergence of surplus value allowed a large number of civilians in the principality to have extra money.

The local market ushered in an explosion, which also brought some negative effects.

Of course, several surrounding countries also began to be seriously affected.

The dumping market for goods mostly came from abroad.

Especially the emergence of steam engines. With the emergence of steam locomotives and steamships, military needs further promoted technological progress.

This type of new technology has gradually transformed into lower-level results.

For example, the improvement of military machinery, such as the improvement of civilian equipment such as textile machinery.

Especially in coastal areas, some noble merchants began to build large-scale factories.

The cloth produced by machines is cheaper and of better quality than handmade ones.

The price of cloth on the market has plummeted, and a large number of farmers' families have been affected.

Under the strong control of the Duke's government, this impact has not yet caused catastrophic results.

The government has made preparations in advance, with sufficient grain reserves and proper price control.

At least it will not let farmers go bankrupt on a large scale, but will gently guide some of the labor force from the farmland to the factory.

But for other countries, this is another matter.

It is better to pray that God will come to the world and solve all difficulties immediately than to expect a group of feudal nobles to understand the consequences of dumping.

The Kingdom of the Holy Cross.

The war has long been underestimation, and there are small-scale conflicts on the front line from time to time, reminding the people of the Holy Cross who is the boss.

But generally speaking, it is still stable.

For the nobles near the border, smuggling has never stopped when the war is the most intense.

Now it is in a semi-open trade state.

The Bruno royal family turned a blind eye to the trade.

Gold and silver from the Northern Principality have been flowing into the Holy Cross Kingdom in large quantities.

Merchants from the Northern Principality used gold and silver to buy and buy, and all kinds of primary means of production were the objects of their purchase.

And 99% of these gold and silver will eventually flow into the hands of the nobles.

Looking at the increasing gold and silver, everyone was happy and smiled, and then increased trade.

As for whether the extra gold and silver can be eaten or drunk, they would not think deeply.

Trade deficit and the influx of gold and silver are not good things.

There are more and more gold and silver in the warehouse, but the materials of the people have become scarce.

However, the nobles don’t care. No matter how scarce the materials are, can they still miss the masters?

A group of low-class people, if they don’t work hard to grow more food, can they blame the masters for not giving them food?

Food is grown from the ground, not made by the masters.

Originally, this situation could still be maintained, but with the influx of a large number of primary processed products into the market, the contradiction was completely triggered.

The first to bear the brunt is the high-quality cloth from the Northern Principality.

When the farmers came to the market with the cloth they had worked so hard to weave to supplement their family income, they were surprised to find that the goods were cheaper and better than their own.

The price was even lower than the cost of their weaving.

"What, two pieces of cloth for only one silver coin, how is that possible, our cost is one silver coin."

The farmer holding the handmade cloth looked at the boss in front of him in surprise, suspecting that the other party was trying to lower the price.

The boss smiled coldly, he didn't have the pity of others.

He directly pulled out a batch of cloth, even with more patterns.

"See, the high-quality cloth from the Northern Principality is better than the one you have. One silver coin for two pieces, I will sell you as much as you want.

My purchase price will be 30% lower, and I may not accept it after today."

The goods are his confidence. It is impossible to expect the merchant to take the initiative to raise the purchase price and pity the farmer.

The farmer looked sad and repeatedly checked the merchant's cloth.

The stitches are finer and there are patterns. It is indeed of good quality.

But if he buys at this price, he will lose money.

He had hoped that selling the cloth would help him make ends meet and ease the family's financial crisis.

He had never expected such a desperate outcome.

At this moment, he was really desperate.

"Are you still selling? If not, don't affect my business." The merchant urged.

The farmer was silent for a long time, then opened his mouth and said, "Sell!!!"

He had to sell it even at a loss. If he didn't get some money back, he would be finished.

He had only survived today. What would he do in the future?

The farmer was confused.

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