Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 306: Four Years in the Principality

When the 204mm caliber cannons were fired one after another in the turrets of the Gem Port, Lawrence finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Only by being on the front line can you feel the pressure from the south of the New World.

Even the white-skinned people who are still mainly sailing battleships can still cause huge troubles by relying on numbers.

Fortunately, with the support of the local area, building an indestructible port can greatly improve the pressure now faced.

The engineers and machinery that came with the ship not only brought the ability to repair warships, but also brought some intelligence to Lawrence.

Far away from the mainland, even if the letters are constantly received, it is difficult to avoid forming a narrow worldview.

The ever-changing mainland cannot be summarized by a few letters.

"The steam turbine has been authorized to several civilian shipyards. It is estimated that civilian steam ships will be launched by the end of this year. At that time, it will be more convenient to travel to and from the New World."

The news that the engineer accidentally revealed made Lawrence attach great importance to it.

Nowadays, the fleets traveling back and forth from the New World, in addition to carrying supplies and immigrants, at most transport some valuable items such as gold, silver, gems and spices.

In fact, the New World also has mineral resources such as coal and iron ore.

Unfortunately, the transportation capacity and cost do not allow large-scale transportation.

If the transportation cost can be further reduced, the connection between the mainland and the New World will be closer.

Of course, the influence from the principality will also rise sharply.


In the mainland, the Northern Principality is about to usher in the third New Year, and the fourth year of the Principality is about to open a new chapter.

The Principality Army has reorganized more than 50,000 new troops, and several railway trunk lines have also started construction.

The entire principality is in full swing, with construction sites everywhere.

Steam engines gradually entered the market in the third year of the Principality, and a large number of civilian machinery have been designed and manufactured, and productivity has ushered in explosive growth.

These changes are difficult for the slow-witted feudal nobles to detect quickly.

However, as the first-year college students go home for the New Year, there is a wave of learning about the Northern Principality everywhere.

In their spare time, the civilians are more discussing when the Duke will wear the crown and whether the Duchess is pregnant with a boy or a girl.

That's right, the three years of the Principality are about to end, and good news comes one after another. For Derek, the upcoming four years of the Principality is a very important turning point.

Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!!

Hundreds of artillery pieces fired fireworks into the sky, and the entire city of Plan to Swan Castle was lit for a few seconds.

Like a miracle, many believers even knelt down to pray.

The New Year is here.

This is the first time that humans have used fireworks on a large scale, which came from the Duke's creativity.

As the New Year's bell rang, the Duke and Duchess spent the third New Year in Plan.

With the government holiday, officials also stopped their busy pace.

Although they work five days a week and rest two days a week, the Principality, which is in its rising period, has many affairs and is so busy that it explodes.

Whoever wants to rest, go back home and rest slowly.

The black-hearted Duke Leopold, like an entrepreneur, has many ways to force you to work overtime voluntarily.

So in the New Year, officials rarely enjoy a short vacation.

And the nobles of the Principality drove carriages, adhering to the ancient tradition, and began to run around everywhere.

However, for a large number of new nobles, the focus of the family has shifted from land to business.

There is always a way to make money, such as opening factories, overseas trade, and population trade.

With the means of production and political power in hand, it is difficult to lose money unless you are too stupid.

A country in a rising period is like a pig standing on the wind.

Of course, these two groups are not completely isolated.

A large number of nobles serve in the government, and there are also merchant groups represented by officials, similar to emerging nobles.

Amidst the turmoil, the New Year passed quietly.

Everyone re-wound up and started to get busy.

Spring plowing has begun.

As the highest leader of the principality, Derek appeared in the fields.

This is the tradition of the principality, and it is always necessary to show that agriculture is valued.

In fact, it is indeed valued.

Without a stable food supply, all ambitions are a joke.

Expecting to import completely from abroad, if the other party cuts off the supply at a critical moment, it will be a mess.

It's just that this year's spring plowing is a little different.

The Duke was bending over to check the seedlings in the field, while several farmers with furrowed faces were giving instructions, and a group of officials were stepping in the mud.

On the ridge of the field, a wooden box was placed on several supports, and a piece of black cloth covered the box and the person behind it.


A stream of green smoke came out, and there seemed to be a flash of strong light.

"Okay, Your Excellency the Duke."

Derek straightened up and looked back at the latest gadget.

This ancient camera was not made under his leadership.

Thanks to the development of chemistry and other disciplines, there are already many derivatives.

Then the camera was placed in front of Derek one day.

He also reacted quickly and prepared to put the photos in the newspaper for publicity.

Of course, posing does not mean showing off, he really attaches importance to agriculture.

In the randomly selected fields, after listening to the local farmers' inner thoughts, Derek assured the selected representatives: "This year, the Principality will maintain low agricultural taxes, and there will be no showdowns. My agricultural officials will conduct irregular inspections and will never allow situations that harm farmers to occur."

The moved farmers knelt on the ground and rushed to kiss the Duke's shoes to express their gratitude.

"May your blood rule this land forever."

For them, life ten years ago is still vivid, but since Duke Leopold became the owner of this land, everything has changed.

A brand new life, finally no longer has to run around for heavy taxes.

The older generation is still alive, and they have not forgotten the oppression of the old nobles.

This is the best time for the public's heart.

Thank God for the miracle that allowed the Duke to rule this land.

Derrick helped the farmer up, he enjoyed this gratitude, which would give him a great sense of accomplishment.

Humans are emotional animals, and it is impossible to completely avoid the influence of the outside world.

However, today's task has not been completed. Outside the exposure range of the camera, huge metal monsters are ready.

Derrick walked to the side, took a few photos of these machines, and waved his hand and said: "Let's start!"

The steam engine was started, and the steam seed drill with a steering gear went down to the ground with a huge noise.

Now that there is no internal combustion engine, this kind of machinery is crude and slow, and its symbolic significance is greater than its practical effect.

However, the machine spewing black mist represents advanced productivity.

With the sound of clicking and a large number of exposures, one photo after another was recorded.

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