Derrick didn't know yet that his old friend, Count Lovett, had come out to cause trouble again.

But even without Lovett, there were others.

The nobles of the three southern countries would never give up their power easily.

This was not the noble war that used to be played at home. Everyone could shake hands and make peace after fighting, and they could hold banquets together after capturing prisoners.

Since the establishment of the Northern Principality, the extinct noble inheritance is no longer a family.

There are so many new nobles and big businessmen in the Northern Principality. Where do they get their interests from?

Someone took a position, and naturally someone gave it up.

It's just that this kind of humility may not be very friendly, the kind that directly destroys the body.

So he endured for a long time and waited for a long time.

War is just to achieve the goal.

If the Northern Principality is in a mess because of the forced war, it is meaningless.

Because of the advance preparation, the war not only did not cause a bad impact, but also stimulated the domestic market in disguise.

A large number of products found a market, and the flow of goods promoted the prosperity of the market.

In this environment, the merchant ship from the Griffin Kingdom finally docked.

Peter carried a suitcase and left a business card to the white captain Sanger.

"Thanks for letting me take the favorable boat. You can come to me if you need anything."

Sanger happily sent Peter off the boat, and the two of them were like good friends.

Of course, this was all an illusion.

During these days on the boat, the two of them had been trying all kinds of things, and their lips were almost worn out.

When Peter's back was out of sight, Sanger's expression immediately changed.

"What a cunning hunter."

He carefully looked at the business card in his hand, and the words he had learned these days were useless.

As soon as he waved his hand, a slave immediately ran over.

"See what's written on it?"

As these white people obtained legal status and walked in the southern continent, these slaves had accepted their fate.

He took the business card and subconsciously read: "Ninth Detective Office... Inspector Peter.

Address... Address..."

After a few pauses, the slave stammered: "Headquarters: Swan Castle.


"Swan Castle?"

After all, he was not a local, so Sanger did not understand what Swan Castle meant for a while.

If it was Plan City, he would know it.

The slave was shocked and terrified. He often saw Mr. Peter, but he did not expect that he was the Duke of the North.

Although it was not clear what the Ninth Detective Office was, the headquarters dared to directly mark Swan Castle, which must be something special.

Immediately, he explained the existence of Swan Castle and emphasized it several times.

For people in the southern continent, this place name is well-known, and they are very clear about the meaning contained in it.

Sanger looked numb. He did not expect that the other party really had a special identity and made it clear directly.

What does this mean?

A game of cat and mouse?

This kind of thing that is not under control is really annoying.

Sanger disliked it very much, but he could only accept it.

He just reminded himself in his heart that he should be more careful in the next action.

After calming down, Sanger regained his composure and said, "First figure out the situation here, slowly sell the goods, and don't act arbitrarily."

He had a hunch that this would be the most terrifying enemy he had ever encountered.


Peter didn't care what these white people thought. He just found these guys with bad intentions on the way back and made a move to alert them.

A group of foreign white people can't cause any big waves for the time being.

He was more concerned about his mission this time.

Although the Griffin Kingdom is far away, it is a big country after all and needs to be fully infiltrated.

The Ninth Investigation Department not only arranged Andre alone, but also influenced many noble officials of the Griffin Kingdom in various ways.

For the great cause of the Duke, some things must be prepared in advance.

And the business card he left behind was just a cover.

The Ninth Investigation Department does have a separate office in Swan Castle, but it is only used as the Duke's entourage consultant.

On the contrary, the largest branch of the Ninth Investigation Department is in Digen Port.

That's it, the address left on the surface is also fake.

If Sanger sent someone to follow, they would find Peter walking into the so-called Ninth Branch.

But after Peter entered the branch, he changed his clothes and left through the underground passage.

As a secret department, the public place is just a cover.

Although there have been people working normally and carrying out work, it is not confidential work.

The real secret work is elsewhere.

In this way, some employees and juniors arranged intentionally or unintentionally by some nobles cannot know the real secrets of the Ninth Investigation Department.

Such caution is certainly not an upright thing.

If people know, Peter and his people will die.

Returning to the old nest, Peter relaxed a little.

The suitcase in his hand was thrown directly at the door by him, and there was no secret document in it at all.

The truly valuable things are all remembered in his mind.

After passing the security check all the way, Peter arrived at the place and knocked on the door.

"Director! I'm back."

"Are all the missions completed?"

"Yes, a few minor characters agreed to cooperate with us further, the Griffin Senate also agreed to help pass the Lend-Lease Act, and... the Griffin King can only live for half a year at most."

"You did a good job. Don't go to the Griffin Kingdom again this time. I will assign you a new position."

Peter had been prepared for this result. If what he did was leaked, it would definitely cause a huge sensation. The Griffin Kingdom might go to war with the Principality.

Assassinations are not uncommon in this world, but they are definitely hated by all nobles.

Transferring positions is also for safety.

In addition, he also reported the white people he met on the road.

After listening, the director took a folder from the table.

"It just so happens that the Duke has the latest instructions for these white guys, so let you do it, okay?" The director asked.

This is an extra reward. It doesn't matter whether the task is difficult or not, at least you can show up in front of the Duke more.

Of course, if you feel tired, you can go back and rest.

Peter also took on this task without hesitation.

"Don't worry, Director, I will definitely complete the task according to the Duke's instructions."

For more details, Peter will then submit a specific action report, which will be sealed after a few people read it.

Peter didn't open the folder until he returned to his residence.

There is a lot of information in it, everything from when Sangger and others entered the White Sand Islands.

The number of people, weapons, goods and goods, and the estimated amount of gold coins are all there.

Even some people's personality analysis is recorded.

For a country, many secrets are not secrets.

As long as there is contact, there will be traces left.

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