How the fleeing Sanger managed to take away the original model of the steam engine is unknown to outsiders.

But what he didn't know was that he was like a fly caught in a spider web, the more he struggled, the tighter he was tied.

And the center of the spider web was the monarchs and ministers of Swan Castle.

The Northern Principality attacked cities and plundered the Locke Kingdom, and a large amount of land and population were incorporated into the Principality.

There was a commotion in the country, and some people even arrogantly wanted Derek to be king and emperor.

But all this had no effect on Derek at all.

He knew clearly what he wanted to do.

Even setting traps for overseas whites was just a layout in his spare time.

He paid more attention to the movements from various countries every day.

There were also a few people who started the war, and the Holy Cross Kingdom and the Griffin Kingdom could not just watch.

A large number of troops were recruited, and then they were sent to the front line after simple training.

The large-scale proliferation of firearms actually weakened the military advantage of the knight class.

Naturally, the military power in the hands of the king and the nobles began to expand.

Especially the king, relying on the name of justice, his power has expanded greatly.

But once the power loses balance, it is not a good thing.

That is to say, there is a strong enemy like the Northern Principality, otherwise the balance would have been broken long ago.

However, there are turbulent clouds in the dark, and changes may occur at any time.

"The church has organized a crusade, equipped with a large number of firearms, and secretly trained.

The Holy Cross Royal Family has privately recruited a large number of craftsmen, and recently purchased a batch of steam engines from us under various excuses. It is estimated that the monthly production of rifles will exceed 20,000.

The Griffin Kingdom secretly built ironclad ships in the ice-free port across the strait..."

Derek listened to the report of the spy department, and there were many things in private in various countries.

Especially he fanned the flames, which intensified the arms race.

You ask Derek why he has nothing to do to strengthen his opponents?

No, this is weakening.

A group of feudal nobles, church remnants, and extremely stubborn old parties.

Even if the land is conquered, the influence of these people cannot be cleared.

Unlike the Northern Principality, the original aristocratic power is relatively weak, and there are many emerging bourgeoisie, working class and new aristocrats.

Derek does not want to get only a piece of land that seems to be surrendered, but only changes the ruler.

Since there is a chance, of course let them break it and start over.

Only a tragic war can get rid of all those remnants.

Then build a new empire in the ruins.

Even if many people have to die.

Derek is cold enough now.

"Order the troops on the front line to prepare, don't knock down our old friends all at once, give them some hope." Derek smiled. I wonder if these guys can still sit still without external pressure?




Screams rang out in the holy temple, but the priests around them looked indifferent, as if they didn't hear it.

Occasionally there were a few gunshots, and then all kinds of noisy sounds.

Look carefully, there are many black-robed inquisition personnel mixed in with the white-robed priests.

Blood was already spilling out of the door of the Sacred Council Hall.

Suddenly, someone pushed open the door and shouted, "Wash the floor."

The black-robed priest of the Inquisition rushed in with a wooden bucket and a mop, dragged the noble corpse on the ground, and then rinsed the floor with clean water and mopped it clean.

On the gorgeous door, the statue of an angel was looking at the mortal world, and the Holy Spirit was singing with a harp in his hand.

Several bullets were embedded in the door, which was very discordant.

The slight smell of blood could not be washed away at all.

The gaps between the floor tiles were stained with black and red.

The Pope sat in the chair in the middle, and the whole person looked very small.

He looked indifferently at the front, at the remaining archbishops.

These were his confidants or church leaders who agreed with his ideas.

As for those who opposed, they have now been put into coffins, and I am afraid they have seen God.

There is no shortage of bloody conflicts in the history of the church, and there have been larger-scale ones.

This is the first time that a movable gun has been used.

Especially the armed fanatics, with a simple month of training, can defeat the knights trained by the archbishops for decades.

The Pope, who holds great power, easily defeated these powerful figures.

Facts have proved that all beings are equal in front of rifles.

This is the sacred weapon that implements God's will.

The Pope did not speak, and the rest did not dare to speak.

Those who just opposed have shut up forever, and they don't want to shut up either.

After a long time, the Pope came back to his senses.

It was a last resort to come to this point.

However, only in this way can the glory of the church be restored.

Even if he goes to hell, he has to do it.

Besides, he does not believe in the existence of hell, otherwise the first person to go to hell should be the guy of the Duke of the North.

After persuading himself, the Pope's eyes were already a bit murderous.

"I have received an invitation from the king to assist the king in sending troops to the Northern Duchy, and I agree."

This is something everyone knows. The Northern Duchy is too powerful, like a thorn in the back.

If the Northern Duchy is not resolved, the Bruno royal family and the Pope will not be able to sleep.

The external conflicts were greater than the internal conflicts, so the two sides joined forces.

It is understandable that the king took away the church's army before leaving. Otherwise, what if the church destroyed his lair?

The Pope glanced at them and finally stated his purpose: "The people who opposed just now were the king's people, so I killed them.

I trust you all, but it is safer to stay at the headquarters recently.

Then please gather the fanatics in the diocese, distribute weapons, and accept the unified training of the Inquisition."

The Pope did not say what the army was trained for at this time. Normally, a temporary army would not have combat effectiveness.

But with the reinforcement of rifles, one month is barely enough.

If the front line is tight, then these troops are prepared for the Northern Duchy.

If there is good news on the front line, it is prepared for the Bruno royal family.

Theocracy and royal power will never compromise.

What is lost on the sword, then it will be taken back with guns and cannons.

All this, needless to say.

It will be difficult for the Bruno royal family to figure out the changes in the church for a while.

At the moment, they are more concerned about the Northern Duchy, and they can no longer let the Northern Duchy expand disorderly.

Once the entire Locke Kingdom is annexed, that will be the nightmare of the Holy Cross Kingdom.

King Bruno had already arranged for the mobilization of the army. He had already prepared for war before Prince Radek's envoy arrived.

"Fortunately, Derek is so unwise and inconsiderate that he did not strengthen the control of such a military and national weapon." King Bruno could not understand.

If it were him, he would have secretly forged weapons and overthrown the church.

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