People change, and so does Balin.

From a baron to a viscount, he has further achieved a class leap with his own abilities, and his thoughts are naturally different.

Right now is an opportunity, and the greater the reaction of the Holy Cross Kingdom, the better news for him.

Only when the two sides are evenly matched can people like him have room to move.

Otherwise, the Holy Cross Kingdom is vulnerable, so how can he get the credit?

Earl Connor sighed, not knowing whether to be happy or sad.

"I hope my descendants can make a career, but I am also worried that you will be in danger. It's a complicated mentality." Earl Connor said with a wry smile, and then gave advice to Bahrain: "Duke Fernandez should not be underestimated. After such a tragic failure, he can regain his confidence, which is not something that ordinary people can do.

But according to my observation, the Duke of the North seems to be planning something. This war is very strange, but these are not what we need to consider. We just need to be a good chess piece..."


Duke Fernandez was also talking about the Connor family. He used to look down on this earl of civilian origin because of the contempt chain.

Now he still looks down on him, but it's because of the other party's behavior.

It's just that he didn't pay much attention to Earl Connor before, but now he looks down on him, but he is full of attention.

"I have only one request for the troops deployed around the Connor family's territory, to keep an eye on that old fox.

If the other party has any abnormal behavior, report it to me in time."

The adjutant was very surprised and raised an objection: "Earl Connor no longer has military power in his hands. What can his family's private soldiers do?"

"Don't underestimate an old fox who started from scratch. I'm worried that he will cause us a lot of trouble." Duke Fernandez replied.

If there was no reason not to attack an earl, he would have wanted to send troops directly to pacify the Connor family.

So, the strength of the royal family comes from rules and is also subject to rules.

Just like now, he wants to consume the noble coalition and the church's army, but he can't send them to die directly.

Two hundred thousand troops arrived one after another and began to attack according to Duke Fernandez's plan.

That's right, the strategic intention of the Holy Cross Kingdom is not only to provide a breathing space for the Locke Kingdom.

On the other hand, seizing the opportunity to regain lost territory is also an important strategic goal.

As Duke Fernandez's plan was implemented, the front line that had been restrained began to become restless.

The weather has been very good recently, dry and rainless.

An infantry regiment is advancing, and it is worth mentioning that there are eight artillery pieces in their ranks.

It is obvious that the traces of imitating the infantry artillery of the Northern Principality can be seen, but the gun body looks more bloated.

This should be a problem with the manufacturing process. In order to prevent the barrel from bursting, the only choice is to thicken the gun body.

Fortunately, there is enough animal power, and the increased weight is barely acceptable, sacrificing only part of the mobility.

The infantry carried long guns and marched around the artillery platoon.

However, it seems that the officers are inexperienced, and the marching queue is compressed severely, which affects the speed.

Soon, the officer on horseback took out his pocket watch and found this.

He looked up at the sun anxiously, and he had to order the messenger beside him: "Let each battalion speed up, we have to launch an attack before two o'clock in the afternoon."

The messenger started running, passing the message to the battalion commanders in turn, and then passing it down in turn.

Fortunately, after the first action after the repair, the soldiers still had enough physical strength, and under the urging of officers at all levels, the marching speed was slightly accelerated.

The officer rode a horse and unfolded the map directly on the horseback.

This was also learned from the Northern Principality. Making marching maps of various scales is helpful for command.

Including these new troops and officers, they are all trained in imitation of the Northern Principality.

It’s just that many details are not fully known, and it’s unknown how similar they are.

The officer observed the map and according to the command of the headquarters, he must launch an attack on the town of Poker before 2 pm.

This is part of the entire offensive plan. Even if it cannot be conquered temporarily, it must contain the nearby Northern Principality army.

Military orders are military orders, and there is no reason to delay.

It’s just that the quality of the troops under his command is a bit worrying, but fortunately they can get there with gritted teeth.

It has to be said that the Holy Cross Kingdom’s learning is still a little bit off.

Their combat mode has not changed fundamentally from the past, and everything in the war depends on the personal quality of the chief officer.

For example, this battle plan was completed under the leadership of Duke Fernandez, full of personal style and ability.

Not to mention that it took a lot of time, some details are difficult to cover.

The quality of this infantry regiment has not been taken into consideration, and it can only be imagined according to the stereotyped template.

Of course, this is the ability to meet the standard. If it does not meet the standard, will it delay time?

If it far exceeds the standard, is it a waste?

Besides, war changes rapidly. If only one person makes a plan, the larger the scale of the war, the more problems there will be.

Of course, all this has nothing to do with the infantry regiment that is carrying out the mission.

As a new army that has completed some reforms, they can still guarantee the lower limit.

After rushing, the infantry regiment finally arrived at the destination at about 1:10.

Without caring too much, after a simple rest and eating, the soldiers began to prepare for the attack under the urging of the officers.

First of all, the infantry artillery was pushed to the front line, and the anti-gun pits were dug properly.

The infantry commander took out his pocket watch again and looked at the time.

Two o'clock sharp! ! !


The artillery started roaring directly, and the small town of Poco, which had long discovered the enemy, was bombed.

Cannons were fired here, and the sound of cannons was heard one after another over there.

The two sides began to exchange bombardments, and tried hard to find the location of the other side's artillery, trying to directly suppress the other side.

However, the number of artillery pieces was limited, and the artillery game was stopped in time after half an hour.

In fact, the number of artillery shells carried is limited, so how can they be used up at once?

An infantry battalion began the attack after the gunfire stopped.

Let’s not mention the soldiers holding the line for the moment, because the emergence of rifles has surpassed the development process of muzzleloaders and fixed gunpowder, so the war model of the southern continent has also made a jump with the development of weapons.

The sparse walking lines started shooting at each other at a distance of more than a hundred meters.

There was a burst of crackling sounds, and occasionally an unlucky person was knocked down.

The infantry commander was observing the distribution of firepower in the small town of Pok, trying to find loopholes.

Of course, it would be better if it could cause enough casualties.

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