Connor family, Balin quietly walked out of the secret room.

It was dark at this time, and there was no nightlife in this era, it was very quiet.

The whale oil lamp in the study was very bright, and Earl Connor smoked his pipe one puff after another.

Soon, the room was full of smoke.

He hadn't been so nervous for a long time.

After a while, there was a knock on the door, very lightly.

Balin took the initiative to open the door, and Knight Kane flashed in directly.

With a click, the door was closed again.

Balin noticed that Kane had a gorgeous silver and gold-rimmed pistol on his waist, so he smiled.


Kane stood in front of the table, and he was mentally prepared to be called tonight.

Earl Connor took a few more puffs of his pipe, and then looked at Kane in the smoky environment.

"From today on, you and your men will listen to Balin's orders."

Knight Kane glanced at Viscount Balin and nodded seriously.

After the smoke, the face of Earl Connor gradually blurred.

That's right, the Connor family honestly handed over an entire infantry regiment, and even a few artillery pieces.

However, for the powerful nobles, population has never been a big problem.

As long as there are enough weapons, it is very easy to hide an army.

For example, in the manor of Knight Kane, there are two battalions of armed forces.

In terms of the degree of sophistication of equipment, it is better than the regiment handed over.

Viscount Barin was authorized and left the castle directly with Knight Kane.

He led the army out of the family territory overnight, and Viscount Barin continued to send people.

Soon, more than a dozen or twenty people joined in, and five battalions were gathered together.

These are just the names of the people. It is not so easy to play both sides.

With the cover of the local nobles, such an army was hidden during the day and moved at night, and it was not discovered.

When the Duke of Fernandez's army went far away, Viscount Barin led people to start the action.

Will Village.

The population of the entire village is only a few hundred people, and it belongs to the official village of the kingdom.

Before, they were ruled by the church army, and Duke Fernandez passed by without pursuing the matter.

There are too many such cases. There are many believers in the church and there are also armies. Can such a small village still resist?

For the royal family, eradicating the church army formed by fanatics and hunting down rebellious priests are the top priorities.

As for some deceived small fish, they are completely leeks and will be tools of the royal family in the future.

Naturally, there is no need to pursue them.

Knight Kane knew what Viscount Balin was going to do, and he felt a little reluctant.

He subconsciously touched a pistol on his waist and smiled bitterly.

From the beginning of accepting Viscount Balin's gift, there was no turning back.

Moreover, isn't this the duty of a knight?


No, knights are loyal to noble masters, and they are not protectors of civilians.

After understanding this, Knight Kane's expression gradually became cold.

"Master Balin, do you want to do it?"

"Do it!"

Viscount Balin didn't say a word more.

As the saying goes, if you want to continue to climb up, sacrifice is inevitable.

Do you need to hesitate whether to sacrifice yourself or a group of innocent civilians?

This is the era.

Dirty nobles, dirty politics.

So, with the orders of officers at all levels, this temporary army rushed into the village under the banner of the royal family.

"Everyone come out, under the order of Duke Fernandez, search for the rebels."

"Hurry up, do you want to die if you dawdle?"

The villagers were driven out in confusion.

The soldiers acted rudely and punched and kicked those who did not cooperate.


Since the emergence of guns and cannons, the resistance of civilians has become even weaker.

When everyone was gathered in the threshing ground, the village chief tried to step forward to inquire about the situation, but was violently knocked to the ground.

The soldiers pointed their guns at the villagers and said nothing indifferently.

The remaining soldiers searched from house to house. If there was money, it would be the best, but if there was no money, they could catch a chicken or a duck.

Viscount Bahrain had quietly retreated.

Soon, there were crackling gunshots and screams.

Someone set a fire again, and the whole village was engulfed in flames.

A moment later, the entire army disappeared quickly.

When the nearby villages and towns found something wrong, there were no survivors.

Even so, Balin and others deliberately let them go, otherwise how could some earth cellars escape the search.

When the rescued were found unconscious, they could not explain the specific situation, only heard these soldiers claiming to be the Duke of Fernandez's army.

This is also in line with cognition, only the royal army appeared in the vicinity.

A few days ago, the church tragedy in the city was still vivid, the royal family could do such a thing.

And the crime of harboring priests is nothing.

To be honest, there are really many rural priests who are safe and sound.

In this situation, everyone is in danger.

Next, similar tragedies continued to occur.

A royal army slaughtered civilians wantonly in the name of searching for rebels.

Although no one dared to resist openly, the undercurrent was already surging in private.

"We can't just sit there and wait for death. These executioners of the royal family want our lives!"

The priest in a white robe was loudly accusing. As a country priest, he was not liquidated, but he had a hard time these days.

In fact, most rural priests have considerable prestige in the local area, similar to gentry.

Many recent tragedies have proved that even if there is no priest hiding, they will still suffer misfortune.

"But how can we resist? They have guns."

Some villagers gritted their teeth. Unfortunately, this is no longer the era when a dung fork can kill a knight.

Facing a fully armed army, the probability of a group of farmers successfully resisting is too low.

"You don't have it, but I do." The priest suddenly spoke wildly and slapped the box under his butt: "A batch of supplies from the church was stored here before. There are just ten rifles. Even if I can't beat those beasts, I can at least increase my self-protection ability.

Has anyone signed up for the village's self-defense team?"

Some people already felt something was wrong. Where did a small rural priest get the firearms?

Don't say that the church stored it, that's simply an insult to everyone's IQ.

But most people are blind and can't think.

A group of farmers who don't know a word, do you expect them to see through this little lie?

So the priest quickly gathered a group of farmers.

The royal family was also very troubled by the recent appearance of the army.

It was obvious that this was a group of chaotic troops and had nothing to do with them.

However, if something went wrong, Duke Fernandez would not care about the cause.

Besides, officials had to be sent to manage the villages and towns!

So the local officers sent people to patrol and report the situation.

For some places with intense reactions, troops had to be stationed.

However, the sensitive villages and towns were already a powder keg.

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