There are just as many subordinates as there are bosses.

A sheep cannot bring out a pack of wolves.

The officers of the Guards Infantry Division definitely have the highest morale.

Everyone is a carefully selected elite talent.

Therefore, it is not a bad idea to dare to take the lead in the charge.

While the shells were still falling, the third regiment had already begun to charge.

The position was only that wide, just enough for an infantry regiment to charge together.

However, the people responsible for the response were very jealous. They should have spoken out earlier if they had known it yesterday.

Infantry and artillery coordination has been done by many armies.

This is not difficult as long as you are well trained and able to overcome your fear.

But the third regiment was more ruthless. Before the bombardment stopped, they had already entered the bombing range.

In this way, the enemy did not even think about it, and there was no obstacle, allowing them to rush to the outer defense line in one breath.

There was a crackle of gunfire, and then there was a bayonet fight.

The battle was more brutal than imagined.

However, the fighting power of the three regiments was overwhelming, and it took two quarters of an hour to drive the enemy out of the trench.

At this time, without sniping, other infantry regiments could keep up.

Moreover, the trenches are connected, which is an advantage when defending, but it is a disadvantage when it is broken through.

With the help of trench cover, the 4th Guards Infantry Division rushed into the position.

In half a day, just half a day, they broke through an opening.

The fall of the town of Poker means that several surrounding defensive positions have lost their fulcrum.

The troops of the Northern Principality can attack without restraint, and then the entire front will collapse.

The 4th Guards Infantry Division did not stop and rushed directly into the Holy Cross Kingdom.

The temporary brigade was left stunned. It turned out that they wouldn't stay here if they didn't want a camp!

Viscount Balin has already returned with his army.

Now there is no need for them to fan the flames. The entire western front of the Holy Cross Kingdom is in chaos.

When every village and town is no longer safe, it is impossible to maintain public order with the help of the remaining troops.

Viscount Bahrain also happened to take a rest and clean up the scum in the army.

He wants to do big things, so of course he can't really degenerate like the scum below.

If it weren't for the artillery fire, he would have killed the entire infantry regiment.

Of course, now he has received a new task, responsible for responding to the principality's army.

As a local snake, it is too easy to find a safe place to stay.

Even the location of the station has been reported for a week.

Knight Kane is getting more and more impatient, and this experience really tortures him.

And after all, the kingdom's army had just won once, so he didn't have that much confidence in the Northern Principality.

On this day, he couldn't help but ask Viscount Balin: "Young Master, the front line has been maintained for so long, can the Northern Principality come over?"

Judging from the intelligence, the front line is very stable and does not look like it will collapse easily.

Viscount Balin understood his mood, and it was normal to have concerns.

One of his tasks is to cheer up these colleagues who were instigated to rebel.

Therefore, even though he was unsure, he still pretended to be confident: "Uncle Kane, I was just teasing them before. Once General Manniu gets serious, he can break through the defense line in minutes."

Kane felt that it was not very reliable, but it was hard to say anything else. After boarding the ship, he still wanted to get off?

He touched the pistol on his waist again. It was a good gun.

Just then, there was a sudden commotion outside, and then a soldier broke in excitedly.

"The troops of the Northern Principality have arrived, and I saw their flags."

Viscount Balin and Knight Kane looked at each other and stood up together.

"Let's go and have a look."

They had just gone out when they saw the large troops of the 4th Guards Infantry Division.

According to the location marked on the map, the Fourth Division accurately found the residence of Viscount Balin.

Commander Charlie saw the soldiers hiding in the woods and felt a little strange: "There are really people here to meet us."

He thought it was normal to have one or two guides, but it was a bit magical to have an entire infantry regiment as support.

Mr. Charlie felt a little surprised when he experienced it for the first time.

Soon, the two sides met smoothly.

Viscount Bahrain was very enthusiastic and introduced himself: "I am Viscount of the Principality, and I have been ordered to develop my own people behind enemy lines.

Fifteen nearby noble families have defected to the principality, and they can organize one or two infantry regiments of militia at any time, providing a large amount of supplies and farmers. "

These are the results of his work, and they were not without danger during the process.

Now, it's finally time to test the results.

Commander Charlie smiled. With so many of his own people, it would save a lot of trouble.

"I am Charles, Commander of the 4th Guards Infantry Division. I would like to thank His Excellency the Viscount for his outstanding contributions to the Principality.

Now I need help. Please cooperate with our 4th Infantry Division to cut off the enemy's logistics routes. "

There are 70,000 to 80,000 troops from the Holy Cross Kingdom on the front line. If we really fight them inch by inch, we don't know how many people will die.

Cutting off logistical supplies can reduce many casualties.

Of course Viscount Baring is willing.

He had already been prepared.

The Connor family, His Excellency the Earl, got up very early today.

The entire castle was sealed off, and the personal guards trained by the family began to be fully armed.

The count even put on the leather armor he had not worn for a long time, with a sword hanging on one side and a pistol hanging on the other.

Collison was awakened, and the changes in his family made him feel strange.

Seeing that something big was about to happen, he hurriedly found Earl Connor.

"Father, what happened? Why is the castle blocked?"

For many years, the Connor family has not been so nervous.

The Earl looked at the mirror slowly and adjusted his collar.

"The Northern Duchy is coming. Now the nearest army is estimated to be less than ten miles away from our family's territory."

Collison was shocked and his first reaction was to run away.

But thinking that his father was also a veteran on the battlefield, he became excited again: "Father, you finally figured it out. Are you going to attack the Northern Duchy?

This is a good opportunity. If you can turn the tide and drive the people of the Northern Duchy out, the king will definitely use you again."

Collison became more and more excited as he thought about it. This is a good opportunity. Let's see if that bastard Barin dares to compete with him in the future?

Earl Connor finally sorted out his clothes, turned his head and said to his guards: "Give the young master a set of equipment, and then take him to do it with me."

Soon, the earl and his son went out.

Although he had mobilized his private army twice, the Earl still had a trick up his sleeve.

This was not the first time that Collison had joined the battle, but this time he was very excited on horseback, chattering: "I must kill a few Yankees myself to prove that there are warriors in our kingdom.


He did not notice that the knights around him were looking at him with strange eyes.

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