The nausea of ​​the past two days broke out at the same time.

Although Colison had suffered hardships when he was a child, that was not as good as now.

When the Connor family was in a bad situation, it was still a knight family with a fiefdom. How could they have such an experience?

The hardships he suffered were just the kind of knight training, such as working in the fields, which was not the turn of a noble young master like him.

However, after this incident, it was considered an experience.

When Colison returned to Earl Connor again, he felt at ease.

To be honest, Viscount Barin suffered more than him.

After all, if a person went to the Northern Principality to hang out, did he really think that having a father who was an earl in the Holy Cross Kingdom would be useful?

The nobles also have their own circles, and the identity of a noble in the Holy Cross Kingdom will only bring more troubles and suppression.

Earl Connor was very satisfied with the result this time, just letting his eldest son suffer a little, otherwise he didn't know what troubles he would cause in the future.

He had a clear view of the current situation, and the Northern Principality would rule the world in the future.

The 101st Infantry Division has not yet been fully staffed, but a new mission has been assigned.

It just so happened that Collison came back, and Earl Connor did not avoid suspicion at all and directly gave him the title of battalion commander.

"Barin, Collison, according to the order of His Excellency the Duke, the 101st Division must take on the task of maintaining public order in a province, and there are still some stubborn people who are resisting, and we have to deal with all of these."

Earl Connor quickly came up with a plan to create an opportunity for his son to make meritorious deeds.

It just so happened that the army of the Holy Cross Kingdom was dealt with on a large scale, and the army of the Northern Duchy had begun to move out in batches.

The Holy Cross Kingdom is very large, and of course it is necessary to take advantage of the empty defense to try to achieve greater results.

At this time, Derek had already raised the flag openly to announce his existence.

Fernandez was still on the way, and bad news came one after another.

The three provinces in the East fell one after another, and the nobles, who had already been drawn from a large number of troops, had little resistance at all.

Some nobles who had long been connected with the Northern Principality changed their flags directly, and the rest were besieged and wiped out by the army one by one.

Although many nobles abandoned their territories and fled, a large number of people and land had already fallen into the hands of the Northern Principality. What was the use of having only a group of nobles?

Fernandez recruited troops along the way and gathered up the defeated soldiers. When he met the army of the Northern Principality, he barely had more than 20,000 people.

With these 20,000 people, there was not even enough for each person to have a rifle, and heavy weapons such as artillery were nowhere to be seen.

It happened that the Sixth Guard Infantry Division held its breath and immediately launched an attack after meeting the army of Duke Fernandez.

In the previous battle, the Sixth Guard Infantry Division suffered little loss and was almost fully staffed.

Along the way, it rarely encountered an organized army.

It was of course not a great achievement to have been fighting some small fish all the time.

Now seeing the big fish, everyone was very excited.

"Fight, fight hard for me."

Without waiting for the artillery regiment to arrive, the infantry regiment had already started charging in the wilderness.

The leading infantry regiment of the Holy Cross Kingdom encountered the enemy and was hit head-on without even time to respond.

After less than half an hour, the entire infantry regiment collapsed.

The armies of both sides moved towards the battlefield and directly launched an encounter battle.

Fernandez had many old troops who had experienced many battles and could hold on at the beginning.

But after all, the firepower was insufficient, and even with the advantage of manpower, they were beaten back step by step.

At the critical moment, Duke Fernandez cut off his arm and escaped from the Sixth Guard Infantry Division.

Duke Fernandez personally went in to observe the battle. The mountains and plains were full of soldiers from the Northern Principality charging with rifles.

That spirit is the foundation of victory in every battle.

The current situation is extremely bad, but he has not given up.

"The kingdom has a population of nearly 20 million, and I will wear you out."

He made up his mind to arrange defense lines layer by layer to consume the spirit of the Northern Principality with human lives.

If the time drags on for a long time, the outcome is still unknown.

The only thing that makes him feel fortunate is that his brother is still far-sighted.

A complete steam industry system has been formed in Hansen County, at least the war will not cause the logistics to fail to keep up.

With guns and population, he believes that he can turn defeat into victory.


The army of the Northern Principality is advancing step by step, and the rear has not stopped.

Although this war came suddenly and without any signs.

Fortunately, the war of annihilation in Virut has been going on, and the operation of the principality has never stopped.

In terms of basic raw materials, food and industrial raw materials, the annual output is increasing.

There are gold and silver minerals shipped from overseas, more and more abundant materials, foreign material stimulation, and enough orders.

The economy of the Northern Principality is unprecedentedly prosperous, and the development speed even exceeds that of peacetime.

A large number of military factories are running at full capacity, and the roar of steam engines does not stop for a quarter of an hour.

Batches of goods are produced and then quickly pulled to various places.

The construction of the railway network in the Northern Principality year after year has long been effective.

The two north-south and three east-west main lines have been completed long ago, and even some branch lines have been built.

Because of the war, the construction of some lines was stopped and began to focus on the main line.

For example, the new route from the Degen Port station to the Holy Cross Kingdom has begun to be constructed overtime.

The Railway Department stopped the construction of seven or eight branch lines and called for tens of thousands of black tools to start laying railways.

More materials were transported by ox-horse-donkey carts and arrived at the front line continuously.

The industrial output of the Kingdom of the Holy Cross was really not enough.

On the other hand, a batch of new recruit camps set up by Derek on the newly occupied land of the Kingdom of the Holy Cross also began to operate.

The first new recruit camp that started recruiting has completed the first batch of short-term training.

More than a thousand new recruits have undergone queue training, command training, shooting training and ideological education.

They were barely able to go into battle, and they were all added to the 101st Infantry Division.

And more new recruits are still in training, and the normal time has been compressed, and they will be assigned to the army in one month.

As for some technical arms, naturally there is no time to train, and all those who are used are reserve talents.

In this case, Bahrain also received new orders.

After handing over his ragtag regiment to Earl Connor, he took a small number of confidants and some officers and reported directly to the new recruit camp.

The appointment of Duke Derek soon fell into his hands.

"Viscount Barin, the Duke personally ordered that the Army Department grant you the position of commander of the 102nd Infantry Division and order you to form the 102nd Infantry Division."

Viscount Barin received this appointment in a daze. This was a reward for his merits.

As for whether the father and son should avoid suspicion, this is to ask the officers of the 102nd Division what they think.

Unlike Earl Connor's 101st Infantry Division, the 102nd Division has many grassroots officers from the officer training class, and even some of them are from the Northland Knights.

If you want to rebel... first check whether your head is still on your neck.

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