King Bruno has many shortcomings, but he trusts his brother very much and can let him do it.

Moreover, he is not as crazy as King Arthur, who wants to take everyone with him when he dies.

Therefore, the Kingdom of the Holy Cross can establish a certain industrial system in Hansen County and can struggle a few more times.

Seeing Fernandez at this time, King Bruno did not blame him, but he could not hide his inner panic.

Fernandez was depressed and even lost his courage for a time.

But when he saw his brother, he forced himself to cheer up.

King Bruno may not be a good king, but he is a good brother.

Even for his brother, he can't fall.

Fernandez couldn't bear to see his brother's expectant eyes, turned his head and said: "We can only hold on for another half a year at most. We have no chance of winning."

These words seemed to have pulled out King Bruno's spine. He sat down in the chair directly, without any strength in his body.

He just kept repeating in a trembling voice: "What should I do? What should I do?"

The foundation of the kingdom for five hundred years is now destroyed in his own hands, which he cannot accept.

Fernandez knows that his brother can't be relied on at this time, and he can only rely on himself.

He tried to squeeze out a smile: "Brother, the Holy Cross Kingdom is over, but the Bruno family will not be over. Half a year is enough."

The king immediately recovered some vitality and asked expectantly: "Do you have a solution?"

"Yes," Fernandez smiled bitterly: "I have sent people to explore new routes a long time ago. At present, we have found a route around the White Sand Islands. We still have time to withdraw to the New World and open up a new territory for the family there.

In time, we may be able to rebuild the kingdom."

This is Fernandez's last resort. Since the southern continent can't survive, he might as well pack up and leave.

With the steam industry system of Hansen County, plus the talents and resources reserved by the royal family, it will definitely be no problem to bring thousands of immigrants.

In the new world, you can definitely defeat a group of natives and seize a piece of land.

As long as you manage it carefully, there may be opportunities in the future.

King Bruno seemed to have grabbed a straw and repeatedly asked for details.

When Fernandez told him the details of his plan, his complexion looked much better.

In the current situation, there is no need to think more.

Just keep the foundation.

"Brother, since you have decided to migrate, you must start now, otherwise it will be too late." Fernandez took the opportunity to speak up.

While the kingdom still has some strength and at least controls a few ports, it is the right thing to do to move quickly.

King Bruno certainly had no objection to this.

It just so happened that the modified gun production line had not yet completed mass production, so it was loaded onto the ship as soon as possible and left with the first batch of immigrants.

Because there were not many people who could be taken away, Fernandez concealed everything and only took away a group of young male and female slaves, as well as a small number of scholars and royal elites.

And part of the factory in Hansen County began to be dismantled and taken away in batches.


Fernandez actually miscalculated the control of the Northern Principality over the ocean.

His so-called secret route was actually to transit through several deserted islands and avoid the White Sand Islands route.

The second half of the entire route was still highly overlapped with the New World route.

So less than a month after the first fleet set off, the relevant information came to Derek.

"Bruno Royal Fleet?"

Derek only took a look and figured out what these guys wanted to do.

Immigrate to the New World and open up overseas kingdoms.

This is nothing new.

Even now in the New World, there are at least dozens of private baronies, dukedoms and kingdoms.

These are all good things done by southern nobles, encircling a piece of land to dominate.

Of course, this kind of game is not taken seriously and is not recognized.

Derek never stopped it. Developing the New World is not a simple job.

The distance has determined the division of the two places.

Not everyone has a golden finger to maintain loyalty.

It's just right, let these suckers develop the New World for themselves.

As the saying goes, if my neighbor hoards grain, I hoard guns, and my neighbor is my granary.

When these nobles work hard to immigrate and develop agricultural commerce, more advanced means of transportation should also come out in ten or twenty years.

The Northern Principality has developed for decades, and the population has exploded several times, just in time to reap the fruits of victory.

So... let's wait and see him go.

Facing the request of the Navy Department to intercept the Bruno royal family, Derek directly rejected it.

And he sent his attendants to the coastal areas in person to provide some help to the Holy Cross Kingdom.

For example, more ships. Anyway, they can't take all the wealth away, so it's better to hand it over to him cleanly and neatly, and contribute to the development of the Northern Principality.

Fernandez was completely unaware of all this, and he even found that the advancement speed of the Northern Principality's army was a little slower, leaving him more time.

As for sending people to buy ships under various disguises, it was smoother than expected.

Not only ordinary wooden sailing ships, but also several ironclad merchant ships were bought.

Of course, the consequence of queue jumping is that the price paid is several times more.

This is still a way to find a way, but the other party is too greedy.

However, Fernandez was not afraid of the other party's greed. It was impossible for the royal family to take away all the wealth accumulated over 500 years. Instead of hiding it in a pit, it was better to use it now.

All tasks were carried out in an orderly manner, and the royal family evacuated in batches.

If the king was not needed to be in charge, even they would have run away.

Thanks to the poor information flow in this era, coupled with the control during the war, the secret operations in Hansen County were limited to a small area.

After the New Year, the evacuation speed was accelerated.

Fernandez took care of immigration while controlling the army to delay time.

At this time, there was no psychological burden at all to sell teammates.

Anyway, the situation of the royal family was already terrible, what else was there to be afraid of?

Time passed quickly, and in the middle of the seventh year of the Northern Principality, Derek found that the Bruno royal family had taken away enough people, and immediately ordered the army to speed up.

At this time, only a part of the coastal area of ​​the entire Holy Cross Kingdom was still under control.

However, the army of the Northern Principality was approaching, and there were also fleets on the sea that broke through the fleet blockade of the Griffin Kingdom, which occasionally caused a panic in the port.

Even if he could hold out for another month, Fernandez didn't dare to waste any more time.

On this day, he quietly boarded the armored merchant ship with his brother and the most elite and reliable troops under his command.

And the commander of the Western Front, Manniu, also directly issued an order for a general attack.

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