Benjamin received a generous settlement allowance, which was the income of an ordinary family for more than ten years.

For him, it was also a considerable income.

Sanger was not afraid that he would run away. He had investigated before giving the money. Professor Wenger was just a middleman, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

Benjamin settled his family and even took the initiative to recruit several engineer apprentices who had worked with him.

After all, he was a top student who graduated from Hadley University, and his reputation was still useful.

It was easy to win over some like-minded guys.

However, they did not know that the Eighth Investigation Department had been watching their every move.

Everyone who stepped into Sanger's business was recorded.

Some innocent people were persuaded to leave halfway.

Those who were really recruited by Sanger were guys on the blacklist of the Investigation Department.

But Sanger did not know and was even very happy.

With the guidance of Professor Wenger, a professional, he not only obtained a lot of information, but also recruited a group of scholars and engineers.

These people were either elite scholars in machinery or steam engines, or engineers with many years of experience.

Although Benjamin is the last guy, he actually has a certain level, otherwise he would not have graduated.

For Sanger, these are all high-end talents.

Of course, the money was spent like water, and he even felt a little pain.

When there were no employees coming, Sanger immediately organized the newly recruited high-end talents to set off.

He ordered a soft sleeper compartment for the train, which was the most luxurious seat that civilians could book.

Benjamin carried his luggage and got on the train under the guidance of the staff of Sanger Trading Company.

Each separate compartment had only one single soft sleeper, and even a table and a simple cabinet.

On the train, this is already a top enjoyment.

All the way from Plan City to Digen Port, one person needs at least one gold coin.

Moreover, Sanger Trading Company did not restrict their activities, and they could move back and forth freely. Even if someone escaped halfway, it would probably not be discovered for a while.

People as cautious as Benjamin were very satisfied with such arrangements.

The performance of Sanger Trading Company was obviously very sincere.

After living alone, Benjamin put the box in the box, leaned on the bed with satisfaction, and said to himself: "Although Mr. Sanger is white, he is strong and generous. He is a good boss and this job is reliable."

He decided to work for Sanger first, and after accumulating a certain amount of capital, he would decide what to do next.

That's right, he didn't think about working for Sanger all his life.

How could a guy who betrayed even the principality have faith?

Benjamin enjoyed the bumpy journey.

After leaving Plan City, others looked up to him because of his qualifications.

Sanger, the boss, also respected him very much and invited him to the train restaurant for dinner many times to ask some technical questions.

Although Sanger's skin was white, he was humble and polite, and seemed to be able to listen to opinions. He was a perfect boss.

When they arrived at Degen Port, Sanger took him to eat, drink and have fun for a few days, and then he got on the long-awaited ship and officially started the sea voyage.

For this group of bumpkins who had never been to sea, this was also a very interesting journey.

But they didn't know that when they left the port, the investigators of the Eighth Investigation Department who followed them all the way looked at their backs with pity.

This time... I don't know when I can come back.


Benjamin felt very comfortable. After adapting to the initial discomfort, sailing on the sea was also a very wonderful journey.

A week later, the ship arrived at a very prosperous port.

There were so many large ships coming in and out that everyone was stunned.

However, Sanger and others were a little nervous and told them not to run around and look around.

"This is a supply port, directly under the jurisdiction of the Principality Fleet. They are very arrogant. Don't make trouble for yourself." Sanger explained.

Benjamin and others certainly wouldn't make trouble. They didn't want to die young against such a violent organization as the army.

Everything went well. During the period, a tax officer came on board to check the documents and goods, and left without saying anything.

Sanger's goods were compliant and the procedures were complete. Of course, there was nothing wrong with it.

After the inspection was completed and the navigation permit was obtained, Sanger waited only one night before he could not wait to set off.

Although fraud is not a capital crime, this is the territory of the Northern Principality, and he felt uneasy if he stayed any longer.

With what he did, he would definitely die without a complete body if he was caught.

He was relieved until the ship left the White Sands Islands.

At the same time, the atmosphere on the ship also changed quietly.

Of course, Sanger would not take the initiative to tear off his hypocritical face, because he still wanted these people to work for the United Kingdom and for himself in the end.

But the sailors below could not think so much.

For them, this is just a job, national interests are shit, and they can't give them an extra copper coin.

Before, because Sanger asked everyone to serve these people humbly, now that they have left the territory of the Northern Principality, who is willing to be humble and be a dog?

You must know that the people of the Northern Principality are not polite to these foreigners, and they usually suffer a lot of anger.

Expecting these sailors to repay grievances with kindness is probably not awake.

Benjamin felt something was wrong. After the harbor inspection that day, the eyes of the sailors around him changed.

Although there was no change in diet and accommodation, the sailors' attitude towards them was completely different.

Benjamin was actually quite smart to graduate with a group of classmates who were good at cheating with his own ability.

He realized something was wrong, but he did not act rashly. He just quietly took away the remaining shrimps during dinner.

He knew that Jack, the engineer who was traveling with him, loved shrimps the most and had a bad temper. He had lost his temper with the chef on the ship before.

Because of the special treatment given to them by the business, the chef must have been the one who suffered the most in the end.

From that day on, there must be shrimps for every meal, and the quantity was sufficient.

If Benjamin had finished catching shrimps in the past, the chef would definitely persuade him a few words, but today the other party just glanced at him, and even had a gloating look in his eyes.

Benjamin was sure that the chef was definitely doing it on purpose.

In fact, Benjamin guessed correctly. The chef certainly did it on purpose. Even if Benjamin didn't want shrimps, the amount today would not be enough.

He knew that these people were highly valued by Sanger and the country, so he did not dare to confront them openly.

However, since they had already left the territory of the Northern Principality, there was no need to be too nervous.

After all... the chef's skin was white.

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