Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 378 Destroyer (4,000 words long chapter!!) (1/2)

Chapter 378 Destroyer (4,000 words!!)

The increase in machinery orders can greatly boost the economy.

Especially the government-run factories gradually transferred such orders to the private sector, which caused unprecedented prosperity.

As for why they gave up these orders, the reason is very simple...industry upgrading.

Knowing that the future does not belong to steam engines, of course, we must prepare in advance.

As for private capital, it will definitely not lose money, anyway, there are a lot of buyers who are crying out to pay.

As for individuals, in the face of the tide of the times, there will always be people who will be drowned.

It is also in this context that military shipyards almost completely abandoned private orders, and all docks were used to produce and test new ships.

Even the military's warship orders were diverted to new military shipyards.

The military shipyards of the Northern Principality gradually changed their nature and focused on research and development.

On this day, the first test model of the main destroyer was launched.

With a displacement of more than 7,000 meters, the latest rapid-fire naval guns, although there is no breakthrough in caliber, have greatly enhanced the projection capability per unit time.

The latest anti-gun armor is draped in key parts, and the most advanced steam turbine gives it powerful power.

Adrian personally participated in the launching ceremony of the new destroyer.

Professional warship engineers introduced them to him one by one.

"This destroyer is a medium-sized ship. It will not be outdated in the next ten years. There will be no major problems in serving for twenty years. It can perform most sea tasks and is the backbone of the future naval formation.

In the short term, the density of warships will not change much. According to the requirements of the Navy Department, a naval fleet must be hierarchical to meet various combat needs.


Adrian didn't understand the details of the parameters that were too complicated, but he was very clear about the positioning of the destroyer.

The current naval organization is chaotic. With the formalization of management, he has realized that this is not going to work.

Especially as the planned fleet becomes larger and larger, it is necessary to improve the matching of warships at all levels.

You can't always send out battleships for everything. Let alone whether it is necessary, the loss will be too great.

With the introduction of the engineer, the destroyer has been launched, the dry dock has been poured with seawater, and then the ship started.

When the new ship sailed into the sea, there was a cheer.

Behind every warship is the hard work of countless workers.

When they saw the warship being launched, it was like seeing their own children in trouble.

Adrian smiled and asked about the details of the test with concern.

The factory took the opportunity to say: "We have invested a lot of money in this test and learned from the previous lessons. After the normal test is over, we will directly sink the ship with cannons to see if we can find some weaknesses.

If the ship can still be repaired, it will be donated to the Naval Academy as a training ship."

This time they really spent a lot of money. The cost of a destroyer is over one million. It can sink at any time. Ordinary people can't afford it.

Even Adrian felt distressed when he heard it, but it is also a good deal to use money to reduce casualties.

Just like the previous Warrior class, the first and last ships launched have completely different details.

The shipyard does not just build a ship and leave it alone. In the subsequent use, maintenance and combat, various defects will be exposed, and then the designers will continue to adjust, and finally it will become more and more perfect.

Moreover, there are some materials and artillery upgrades, and the combat effectiveness of the later Warrior class is at least 30% higher than that of the first generation.

"Next year, our Navy Department will give you a separate budget." Adrian promised.

Of course, he understood what the other party meant, but it is indeed worth investing in the military shipyard, and the results have been good over the years.

Seeing that the test of the new ship will not be completed in a short time, Adrian took the opportunity to ask after the visit: "When will the real battleship be launched?"

"At least half a year, the new destroyer is too big, and the construction speed cannot be fast." The factory director answered honestly.

With the increase in displacement, the difficulty of design and construction has increased exponentially.

A century-old navy is really not a joke, and you can't afford it without some strength.

Adrian took a tour and finally left the military shipyard.

He is very busy as the Minister of the Navy, and he has a lot of official duties every day.

As the Minister of the Navy, he only needs to be responsible to Derek, so his level is very high.

Therefore, some intelligence will be diverted to him, at least to understand the current situation.

After returning, Adrian read the latest intelligence and felt a bit amused.

"This intelligence officer... is really a talent."

An enemy who can be so proactive and active, of course, cannot be defeated.

However, this is also a common scene in the southern continent nowadays. Not everyone has the ambition to resist.


Just when Adrian was considering supporting the Canard Navy Command first, the United Kingdom, which had been suppressed, finally had good news.

Benjamin and his party, who had just arrived, finally recognized the reality. A certain unlucky guy was thrown into the sea by the sailors, and then Sanger came forward to mediate.

One played the good cop and the other played the bad cop, and easily captured this group of senior talents.

Of course, people like Benjamin can see through the tricks, but so what?

In someone else's territory, if you don't want to die, you have to pretend to be stupid.

Besides, the white-skinned guy was still polite for the time being, at least on the surface, he didn't treat them badly at all.

Benjamin and others could feel that under the surface of kindness, there were all kinds of malice.

He could only struggle to survive cautiously, and vowed that if he could go back alive, he would definitely kill Professor Wenger.

It turned out that Benjamin and others were also quite capable.

The group cooperated with each other and soon improved the efficiency of the steam engine.

When the new machine was put on the platform for testing, Benjamin and others all held their breath.

The rumbling sound of the steam engine was very noisy, but the people present found it very pleasant.

It represents the most advanced technology and productivity in the world today.

As a pursuer, results are even more urgently needed.

Benjamin is worthy of being the first batch of college graduates, with good level and wide knowledge.

As soon as he heard the sound, he knew that this time it was stable.

Facing the white man, he also had the confidence.

"It's a success. With our current capabilities, this steam engine can be mass-produced on a small scale.

However, the rubber plug is not up to standard, and the quality of steel is a little poor.

Give me some time, and a more perfect steam engine can be born."

Sanger nodded as he listened: "No problem, we will find a way to solve these as soon as possible."

Finally, there was a result, and Sanger's pressure was much less.

He looked at Benjamin with satisfaction. He was indeed the person with the highest academic qualifications brought back this time.

With Benjamin's qualifications, if he hadn't been brought back by fraud, they would have had no attraction to each other.

As the steam engine kept turning, Benjamin's value continued to increase.

Sanger smiled and asked people to set up a shipyard to study new warships.

Compared to the role of steam engines in civilian machines, they obviously paid more attention to military use.

Especially warships, which are the most direct weapon affecting national strength.

Previously, the progress of the United Kingdom's shipyards has been limited, and technical barriers exist objectively.

They can produce some iron-ribbed ships and ironclad ships of one or two hundred meters, but they have no advantage against the fleet of the Canard Navy Command.

One side drives a sailing ship with a displacement of no more than one thousand meters, and the other side drives an ironclad battleship with a displacement of several thousand meters. This gap spans an era.

If the United Kingdom's fleet had not relied on artillery defense, the territory under their feet would have changed hands long ago.

Such a bad situation, the pressure transmitted from the upper level is very high.

Sanger has achieved success, but he also has new troubles.

Now that the steam engine test run has been successful, he is relieved.

He opened his collar and felt less depressed.

Reaching out and patting Benjamin's shoulder next to him, Sanger said happily: "I really didn't misjudge you. Everything will be fine if you work hard.

Let's go, I'll treat everyone to a drink today, and there are special gifts for you."

No one dared to refuse Sanger's invitation.

Although the two sides have broken off their relationship in name, Sanger, as a local snake, has considerable power.

At least compared to these outsiders, Sanger's status is much higher.

Benjamin was temporarily free from the pressure of death and went to the appointment happily.

This time, Sanger spent a lot of money.

There was no limit on all kinds of food and wine, and there were a lot of women dancing.

After eating and drinking, Sanger hugged two beauties and said to Benjamin: "Brother, I know you are capable. Take two of these dancers back and they will all belong to you in the future.

As long as you work hard, we will not treat the meritorious officials unfairly in terms of money, beauties and status."

No matter how much you say, it is more attractive if you don't do it.

Sanger didn't play tricks, and directly used beauties and gold bars to open the way.

Benjamin was confused. He was still thinking about survival the second before, thinking that it would be difficult to survive in a foreign country or being kidnapped.

The next second, the two beauties were stuffed into his arms.

The two white-skinned dancers twisted their bodies in his arms, and the thin gauze on their bodies was almost the same as if they were not wearing any.

Two pairs of snow-white headlights made Benjamin dizzy.

He wanted to say that he would not fall for it and that he would go back to his country.

But the soft body and the psychedelic effect of perfume made him unable to open his mouth.

Once, he thought that he was determined and would never be deceived.

Now, he plunged directly into the snow-white, and his whole head sank in.

Don't ask, it's dizzy.

Benjamin had forgotten the reality that he wanted to go back, and it seemed that this place was not bad.

Wine, sex, money, and anger, these are what a person pursues.

The United Kingdom can satisfy him in everything, so why is he still obsessed with going back?

Sanger laughed at Benjamin's gradually relaxed movements.

This kind of life is what he has only experienced after taking risks.

So he deeply understands that it is not an ordinary excitement to test people with this.

No matter how high your skills are, you are still controlled by me?

For useful people, this price is nothing.

The United Kingdom also began to improve steam engines, and the domestic enlightened faction began to improve the position and introduce new machinery.

As long as they are given a few years, the national strength will catch up.

Of course, before that, the trade with the Northern Principality cannot be cut off.

War is war, business is business, and there are more than one family entering the colony, and they will react sooner or later.

If you don't take this opportunity to develop well, it will be too late to regret it later.

But for the Canard Navy Command, seeing that more and more merchant ships are passing through the Jewel Port, they can't pretend not to know.

Commander Lawrence was very distressed. According to the domestic intention, trade must be encouraged.

It is this kind of constantly harvested trade that supports the huge size of the entire principality.

Even the white-skinned people are worth exploiting.

But before, he could still pretend not to see it, and one or two merchant ships slipped through, but as the trade between the two sides increased, it would be unreasonable to not respond.

"No, we can't just ignore it. Our colonial command is highly independent and has its own decision-making power." Lawrence finally decided to do something big.

Domestic policies are policies, but the colonial naval command also has its own tasks.

No matter how many economic considerations there are, they are not as good as military considerations.

"Call the warships immediately. I want to block the sea area and let the white-skinned people come to negotiate with us." Lawrence made a decision.

With Gem Harbor as the midpoint, this sea area is under the jurisdiction of the colonial naval command.

If they want to block the sea area, at least half of the ships will be stopped.

No one can bear the risk of taking more than half of the risk in one trip.

The Empire was sailing on the sea. It had just left the Jewel Harbor for a day and was carrying several warships to carry out a mission.

As the current leader of the ocean, the Warrior class was born only more than two years ago and is absolutely the most advanced in terms of technology.

This Empire has undergone several modifications and upgrades, and its combat effectiveness has even increased a little.

In the previous battles, the white-skinned guys were beaten to flee in panic.

The big double-headed dragon flag fluttered in the wind, and the roar of the steam engine was confined to one area.

The black smoke was like the devil's breath, with a strong smell.

For the sailors of the Empire, this mission was simple and easy.

Sure enough, three merchant ships suddenly appeared on the sea in the distance.

"No dragon flag, it's the white-skinned guy's fleet."

The lookout shouted excitedly, and finally the prey was hooked.

The entire fleet began to adjust its direction and sailed at a faster speed.

The merchant ship also discovered the warship, and there was a commotion on the ship.

"It was not dangerous to run away before, but I ran into the navy the first time I ran away. Did that bastard Sanger betray me?"

The new merchant ship manager cursed, this is really screwed.

It is not a good experience to pick peaches and get yourself into trouble.

He tried to bribe, but the other party opened fire very decisively.

No matter what backers you have or how big your ambitions are, you will be defeated with one shot.

The Canard Navy Command launched a massive attack and was soon noticed by the United Kingdom.

"We have to change our route and bypass the Jewel Port directly." Sanger had a new plan a long time ago, and it was just right to throw it out at this time: "Actually, this is a good thing, otherwise the Northern Principality has been indifferent to our caravan, and I would suspect that there is a trap."

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