Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 390 Times have changed, adults

Count Chavez walked out of the mansion with hurried steps.

When he went out, he stood there for a minute to adjust his excited mood.

After living for decades, he thought his mentality had been tempered, but he didn't expect that it was still a little short of the heat.

Fortunately, the skill of nourishing qi was still there, and he regained his calm after the adjustment.

When he walked out of the door, there was a pile of simple carriages waiting not far away.

Because they were afraid of causing trouble, these surrendered southern nobles abandoned the luxurious carriages in their families and only took the simplest two-wheeled carriages.

Rogers and others were standing by the carriages, looking around from time to time.

The so-called immovable as a mountain actually comes more from the foundation brought by status and position.

Now that he has fallen from the sky, Rogers found that he was no different from the inferior people he once laughed at, and he was just as anxious.

"Count Chavez is coming out." Someone shouted.

Rogers looked up and saw Count Chavez.

He didn't care about self-reflection and hurried to meet him.

"Count, what did Minister Virut say?"

"I am willing to donate half of my property to contribute to the construction of the principality."

In the panic, some people have already lost their temper.

Count Chavez was a little emotional. It is true that only when you lose power and status can you see a person's quality.

He stretched out his hands and pressed down, signaling everyone to calm down: "This is the official residence, don't make noise.

Follow me first... It's a good thing."

After revealing a few details, Count Chavez got on his carriage.

Rogers and others were surprised and happy. Since it was a good thing, it would not be the worst result.

"Go, go, hurry up and catch up."

Rogers quickly climbed onto the carriage, anxious.

A series of two-wheeled carriages followed Count Chavez's carriage.

The so-called low-key is nothing more than covering one's ears and stealing the bell.

There are not many people who can afford to ride in a carriage. Twenty or thirty carriages are not low-key at all.

I am afraid that only these nobles think this is low-key. After all, no matter how poor a person is, can't he afford to ride in a carriage when he goes out?

When they returned to Chavez's house, the group heard the good news from him.

"Viscount Rogers, I can't help you with the fief, but the title is finally left.


You should also remember to thank Minister Virut, he also contributed.

In the future, our southern noble lineage will continue to develop, and we must work together."

Rogers was really surprised. He thought he would definitely be in trouble, and he would probably be busy restoring the family's title in the next life, but he didn't expect this surprise.

Having a title means that you can get preferential treatment whether doing business or joining the army and politics.

This expectation is low, then it's all surprises.

Hearing Count Chavez's hint, he immediately stood up and responded: "We will definitely remember, Count, don't worry, the southern noble lineage will definitely be able to restore its glory under your leadership."

Count Chavez nodded with satisfaction, this is right.

After all the hard work and risking his life to be an undercover agent, isn't it just for this day?

Is it really for the great revival of the principality?

In the New World, after going through untold hardships, the nobles who fled from the south arrived at their destination one after another.

When they were escaping, some unlucky people were sunk.

On the way, they lost a batch of ships because of the detour.

It was not easy to come to the New World alive.

If they were to choose again, perhaps most of them would not want to go through this again, and would rather surrender to the Northern Principality.

Fortunately, the result was good.

Count Bergen stepped on the ground and felt a little dizzy. The people around him hurriedly supported him, and it took a long time for him to recover.

As the first noble to establish a colony in the New World, his territory was the largest and most developed.

And the location was superior, controlling a large area of ​​coastline.

In the Locke Kingdom, he was a high-ranking earl, and here he is still.

With a large number of confidants arriving in the New World, he was confident that he could quickly grasp the situation.

So after recovering some strength, Count Bergen asked his left and right: "Where is Karen?"

If the main force is strong and the trunk is weak, there will be no problem.

Now that the main force is weak and the trunk is strong, it is inevitable that some people will have different thoughts.

As the representative of Count Bergen in the Southern Noble Alliance and the person in charge in the New World, Karen is naturally in a high position.

It would be fine if there were no problems in the homeland, but now... accidents are inevitable.

Although Count Bergen has arranged a back-up plan, he does not want to use it.

Soon, Karen squeezed into the crowd and humbly bowed to greet: "Mr. Earl, your loyal servant greets you."

Count Bergen smiled at Karen. The other party may be less capable, but absolutely loyal, and he did not see any other thoughts at the moment.

Of course, people's hearts are unpredictable, maybe it's a disguise.

He smiled and said: "Thank you for your hard work, Karen.

I just came here and I am not familiar with everything. You continue to take on the important task for a while, okay?"

Karen is really loyal. He did not hear the implication of Count Bergen, but took the initiative to say: "This is not in accordance with the rules. Please appoint officials to take over the colony. I am willing to return to your side to serve."

A retainer is a retainer. There is no reason for a retainer to hold power while the master is weak.

Count Bergen stared at him and did not find anything wrong.

Even with his shrewdness, he felt a little touched.

He stepped forward and patted Karen on the shoulder: "Okay, then you come back first, and I will arrange a new position for you.

By the way, I brought your family with me. Your eldest son is old enough, let him come to my side and obey my orders. "

This was Count Bergen's first insurance, but it was not used.

Since Karen was still loyal, he was willing to continue to give his son the power to serve his family.

Being a dog... is also a gift.

Many people want to be dogs for him but are not qualified.

Karen was indeed very cooperative. Without saying a word, he handed over the guards under his control to the knights under Count Bergen.

Other things can be faked, but he has handed over his life and property, so what else can be faked?

Count Bergen breathed a sigh of relief. As long as someone has a territory, the New World can also make a comeback.

The Northern Principality's hand is again Long, can he still manage the New World?

He had been holding on before, but now that the situation has improved, Count Bergen wants to have a good rest for a few days.

Karen's ability is a little lacking, but his skills in serving people have been maxed out.

He had already prepared a place. Count Bergen and his party were tired and exhausted. They rested for a day that day and called Karen again the next day.

This time, Count Bergen was eating breakfast and motioned Karen to sit with him.

"Karen, thank you for your hard work. Call the officials from the colony today. I will understand the situation first."

"No problem, I will order someone to come immediately. "

Karen agreed readily.

The officials came very quickly, except for his original deputy Rick.

Karen was exiled to the New World. After all, he was a retainer of the Earl, but Rick was a complete grassroots.

If the attack on Gem Harbor had not been successful, he would not have been able to make a name for himself.

Although he was picked by others in the end, Rick also relied on the Northern Duchy and gradually rose.

Now... let him continue to be a dog for Count Bergen and be picked by others, or join the Northern Duchy with unlimited prospects. Does he still have to choose?

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