"Look, I said he wouldn't do it." Simon said to Peter with a smile.

The two had just made a bet, betting on whether Count Andre would do it.

Simon thought he wouldn't, Peter thought there was a 50% chance, but he could only bet.

The result was obvious, Simon won.

"Sir, how can you be sure he doesn't dare to do it?" Peter was really curious.

"If he had the courage, he would have died long ago." Simon's reason was very simple. He chose to kneel down for the first time, and it would be too difficult to stand up again.

If there was an accident, then it would be considered bad luck for Balin.

He was just from the Holy Cross Kingdom, and he was not afraid of more blood debts.

Although everyone is in the same camp now, they may not be harmonious inside.

Peter was helpless with his old boss's temper. If he had a better temper, he would not fall so far behind.

But who told him to follow this kind of boss, he could only accept it.

"Go, call them over." Simon lay on the sofa and ordered Peter.

He laughed out loud after the latter left.

How could he not know what Peter was thinking?

It's just that the position is different, so the vision is also different.

Even if there is an accident, he can bear the consequences.

If it is like now, everything will be much simpler.

So... why not take a gamble?


Count Andre was sweating all over, even if the weather was already very cold, he still couldn't stop his sweat from flowing down his back.

Just now, he tried to visit Simon, the executioner who went out.

But in the end, he only saw the unlucky Viscount Balin.

Just think about it, and you will know why this happened.

The other party is guarding against himself!

Or it can be said that this is simply a trap, waiting for himself to fall into it.

Fortunately, he didn't fall for it, otherwise the body would be cold now.

Looking at Balin again, he couldn't help but sympathize. It's scary to be the prey, but the other party is obviously not much better as a bait.

Viscount Balin also saw Count Andre. Is this the unlucky guy who was calculated? Fortunately, he didn't lose his mind.

Both of them were still in shock, and Peter just made a brilliant appearance.

"Please move to the Nevernight Harbor Hotel, where Sir Simon is waiting for you."

Count Andre was surprised again. He didn't expect Simon to be right under his nose.

Without thinking too much, the two hurried to the hotel.

Going up the stairs step by step, Andre's emotions changed. If he had known Simon was here, would he have taken action?

If it was fruitless.

Until they stood in front of Simon, neither of them dared to have any extra thoughts.

Simon's reputation was so great that both of them had heard of it countless times.

Especially just now, they had felt it intuitively, and experienced the feeling of being on the verge of death without any waves, and the feeling was very profound.

Your life is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the other party, so it's better to be honest, otherwise you may die at any time.

"It's nice to meet you two. I just made a joke with you and frightened you two. I'll give you a little compensation.

Count Andre!!"

"General Simon, I'm here." Andre responded honestly.

"I was going to kill everyone in the Griffin Kingdom, but now I'm giving you a chance to prove to me that you still have value in life.

Bahrain, you know the grudges between me and the Holy Cross Kingdom. I'll assign you a few divisions to cooperate with Andre to carry out the mission. Don't give me a chance to cause trouble for you."

Simon's words frightened the two men. This was not compensation, but a death warrant.

But the effect was really good. Count Andre, the indecisive guy, didn't dare to object, otherwise he would have started to struggle in the past.

Viscount Balin's face turned pale. Although he was promoted, the knife behind him made him sleepless.

Count Andre didn't dare to be hypocritical, and gritted his teeth: "I understand."

Viscount Balin also expressed his opinion, but he added: "General Simon, I am also a noble of the principality."

Simon looked at him with a squint, and didn't expect that this kid still had a little courage.

He grinned and showed a cold smile: "I'm a bit courageous, I hope you don't give me a chance.

Let's meet formally. I am the executioner, butcher, pervert, and murderer in your mouth. I hope that when you fall into my hands, you still have the courage today.

Now...get out."

There is no specific task, no attack direction.

Simon, the commander, drove the two away as a joke.

Viscount Balin's heart was already cold. He thought this was a new opportunity, but he didn't expect to meet Simon, a perverted lunatic.

But there is one thing he is right about, he can't fall into the hands of the other party.

So he looked at the unlucky guy beside him: "Count Andre, we have to cooperate sincerely next."


Inside the house, Simon returned to his normal expression.

Peter was very helpless, and persuaded with a wry smile: "My lord, you don't need to scare them, they will listen to normal orders."

"Who told you that I was scaring them?" Simon suddenly asked back, still with that scary expression: "I came here to kill people this time."

"Are you... serious?" Peter's expression also stiffened.

He had heard all kinds of rumors about his old boss, and thought it was just a killing on the battlefield. At least after becoming the commander of the internal guards, he had never seen his old boss personally go to the battlefield.

He thought it was just a performance, but why did it look so real?

Of course it was true, Simon had no habit of lying.

"Peter, you are very smart, but you lack the will to kill. Just watch... The army has already started the attack, and the task I gave them is literal."

The Nevernight Port is just a target, and the real attack is a blooming attack from all sides.

Everyone thinks that this war is like attacking the southern nobles, and there will be a line left in the end.

At the same time, the army has landed in each controlled port.

The 101st Division is not the main division. Don't you think that the West has been away from the army for a long time?

The real main division shoulders the heavy responsibility of attacking, and the task of executioner is left to the miscellaneous army.

Before Count Andre took action, other places had already opened fire.

The war of annihilation launched by mobilizing more than 40 divisions at a time has begun.

Simon's heart is cold to the end. The Duke said that the nobles of the Griffin Kingdom would be trouble, so he came to solve the trouble.

You see that Virut withdrew early, and it was because it was too difficult for him to intervene in this matter because of his identity.

The more involved, the more shackles.

Virut, who had just returned to Plan City, calculated the time and Simon should have already taken action.

He knew the Duke's intention, but he didn't know if the Duke had thought of this day a long time ago.

Otherwise, why did Simon's knife wander outside the aristocratic system? Once the blade that had been hidden for several years was unsheathed, he would do something big.

However, looking at the past, especially the aristocratic bureaucrats who were suppressed to death, he had a feeling that the Duke might have already planned it.

"Maybe... it's time to find a way out?" Virut didn't want to stay on this sinking ship until he died.

Maybe the Duke was sentimental and nothing would happen to him, but what about his descendants?

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