Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 403 Big Brother and Little Brother

The next day, Sanger finally met the governor of the colony.

Although he was also a member of parliament and nominally a member of the upper class.

But compared with Governor Jeffreys, the two were not of the same level.

One was a big boss who was in charge of the civil affairs of a place and even held some of the military power of the local guard.

The other was just a member of the local parliament of a weak country.

The identities of the two were actually not equal, and Sanger himself was also in adolescence.

He was born in a poor family, but he actually cared about this very much.

He was timid and inferior in his heart, and tried hard to pretend to be a superior person.

For example, the entourage he brought this time were all tall and strong, dressed very exquisitely, and the guns on his waist were all precision products, which looked very stylish.

Usually in his own territory, he was escorted by a bunch of entourage when he went in and out, and his food, drink, and clothing were very luxurious.

However, the background is something that cannot be imitated in a short time.

The soldiers of the governor's guard are okay, at most they are a little bit more capable.

But when we arrived at the Governor's Mansion, the people around the Governor were all retainers of the Jeffreys family.

After years of training, generations have served the Earl's family, and every move has its rules.

From getting off the carriage, from the staff and entourage to the decorative murals, even the stone under your feet, it seems to have a particular style.

And the Governor's Mansion is the place with the strongest northern style.

Governor Jeffreys spared no expense to transport a large amount of supplies from the mainland, all of which are here.

Compared with other buildings in Silver City, the Governor's Mansion does not have so many gold, silver and jewelry decorations, but various ironware, armor, weapons and oil paintings are everywhere.

Some plants and flowers are brought across the ocean.

If someone else changes, they may not understand the meaning of these things.

But Sanger knows it in his heart.

He has been to the Northern Principality and has learned about the noble life there.

To be honest, it is human nature to admire the strong, and he may not even know his yearning for the Northern Principality.

So, Sanger's waist bent a few centimeters at once, and the confidence brought by gold, silver and jewelry seemed to become a vulgar shame.

When the young butler invited him in with a voice with a northern dialect, he even took off his hat unconsciously.

When he saw Governor Jeffreys, he sat on the sofa with a cigar in his hand and casually extended his hand to invite Sanger to sit down.

The new style and traditional style are combined together, which is surprisingly coordinated.

"Please sit down, Mr. Sanger."

Governor Jeffreys does not need to pretend, he is very confident.

The family heritage is older than the Locke Kingdom. Even if it is called a barbarian by the southerners, it has its own heritage.

In the past, this style of inheritance may not be mainstream, but with the rise of the Northern Principality, the style of the Northern Knights is the top of the world.

The Earl reached out and grabbed the cigarette box on the table and threw it to Sanger. Compared with the feminine nobles of the Lionheart Kingdom, he seemed particularly unrestrained.

However, Sanger felt that this was called aristocracy, true temperament and no pretense.

He lifted up half of his buttocks, and sat down after receiving the cigarette box. He carefully opened it, took out a cigar, took a pair of scissors from the table, warmed it by the fire, and took a puff.

Although the set of movements was unfamiliar, it was also in order.

"Hahaha, I said that Senator Sangge is not a bumpkin like the Lionheart Kingdom. Except for the skin color, he is like our northern nobles." The Governor said to the staff next to him with a smile.

If it were ten years ago, saying that you look like a northern noble, it might not be a good thing.

But now saying that you look like a northern noble is a compliment.

Sangge felt comfortable after hearing this, and secretly thought that the etiquette he learned was indeed correct.

"Those bumpkins in the country are treacherous and shameless." Senator Sangge complained in his heart, and the nobles of the Northern Principality were still powerful.

He felt sour in his heart that he wished his skin would be bleached yellow.

Of course, he has not yet clearly realized this.

The two were not in a hurry to talk about things, so they smoked one after another and chatted about some nonsense.

Governor Jeffreys soon discovered that Sangger was a real talent.

Although this kid had a poor background, he knew a little bit about everything and had no shortage of means to do things, but his vision was a little short.

He was a little interested and was going to get rid of him casually and cheat him once, but now he had other thoughts.

Such a good boy, if you catch him, don't cheat him more times.

So in the next few days, he took Sangger to eat and drink, wander around, and even watched a military drill.

The style of the old nobles, the prestige of the governor of a place, and the strength of the strong country and the strong army made Sangger very envious.

There is really nothing to say about living to this point, even if you die now, it is worth it.

Therefore, the two quickly became familiar with each other.

On this day, the two had enough food and wine, and finally talked about business.

Sangger, like a lackey, roasted the cigar for Governor Jeffreys, handed it to the other party, and then cut the cigar again by himself.

Judging from his obviously skilled movements, it is obvious that he has done it many times.

Governor Jeffreys took a deep breath, and under the smoke, he said: "Sanger, you are my type, and I know why you came. Don't worry and go back. The country will not go to war with you for the time being."

"I know, I came here just to get some peace of mind. After all, the journey is long, and fighting a war costs money, and no one can afford it."

"Haha, kid, what you said is superficial," Governor Little Jie Ferris snorted coldly, pointing to the mountains and rivers: "Money is very important to you, but in my position, money is dung.

The Duke doesn't even look down on this little money. What he wants is face and a name in history.


Governor Little Jie Ferris said it with a heroic spirit, as if he really regarded money as dung.

Sanger was half-believing and half-doubting. He had been brainwashed these days, but instinctively didn't believe it.

Governor Little Jie Ferris squinted his eyes and saw through his mind at a glance, so he waved his cigar and pointed: "You will understand it later. Now you should work hard to make money and enjoy the happiness of money."

Sanger smiled and flattered: "This still requires you to take care of me. When my caravan comes, you will loosen your grip and I will make a fortune."

"It's a small matter. Business will continue as usual next year. I will support those who come under your banner." Governor Little Jie Ferris was heroic.

For a while, both of them laughed happily.

Sanger ate and drank, and the journey that was supposed to be full of dangers turned out to be so pleasant.

Regardless of whether the governor's words were true or not, at least it sounded comfortable and his life was saved.

However, no matter how happy he was, he had to go back. In order to send Sanger off, the big brother Jeffreys specially made a big scene.

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