Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 414: Ten Years in the Principality

Guessing that they might have won a game, everyone was happy.

After all, why would they want to die if they could live?

For a moment, the atmosphere was warm, as if they had returned to the past.

Only the old king drank one cup after another. He was not a pervert like King Arthur, who wanted to drag everyone to be buried with him before he died.

Unfortunately, the Northern Principality was too cruel and did not give him a chance to live.

Rather than being humiliated and dying, it is better to be decent.

"So, don't blame me, blame the Northern Principality."

The wine glass in the old king's hand fell weakly, and the poison came quickly.


Everyone hurried forward, but soon they also found that something was wrong with them, and the poison took effect one after another.

After a while, they fell into a pile.

Human joys and sorrows are not connected.

At this time, Viscount Hubble was very happy. After killing Duke Lehman's army, the Griffin Kingdom had no chance.

This last elite army died with courage and the last dignity of the kingdom.

The consequence of withdrawing a large number of elites is that the defense line is loose and there are flaws everywhere.

With the fighting power of the Northern Principality's army, the battle will soon be over.

The result of their speculation was a great victory, and they caught the last train of the Northern Principality at the last moment.


Far away in Ferreira Castle, Derek was spending the New Year.

The war in the Griffin Kingdom did not affect the joyful atmosphere in the country.

Although there have been wars in the past ten years, it is rare that there have been no natural disasters.

In addition, the grain output has increased year by year, basic materials have been continuously enriched, and taxes have been reduced. The life of the Northern Principality is better.

The earliest Melgen Province, with a population of nearly one million, has long been lifted out of poverty and become rich.

That is, the land that has joined the Northern Principality in the past two years is still a little difficult.

But overall, it is still a prosperous age.

Baron Ferreira was also very excited. His bloodline has branched out and become the most noble bloodline in this land. It is simply unimaginable.

At the New Year's banquet, the children gathered together and drank too much.

The fireworks outside the castle were constantly blooming, and the children had started to play around after dinner.

"Derek, next year... it's time to build an empire, right?" The old baron looked at him expectantly.

Derek nodded, and under the gaze of the whole family, he nodded affirmatively: "Yes, a brand new and unprecedented empire.

I want every inch of land in this world to be planted with the flag of the empire.

The sun never sets in the sky of the empire.

After thousands of years, time will no longer be able to erase my name."

Derek rarely let himself go. He has always been low-key and silent.

Everyone, including the old baron, was stunned.

Their vision was already the limit of being able to see an unprecedented empire.

How to maintain and continue the rule is the focus of their concern.

But...why do I feel so excited?

Derek's vision is exciting just by listening to it.

A wider world and a more noble mission, at least at this moment, they all trembled.

Tiona was the first to react and raised her glass: "For Derek's ideal, I also want to engrave an epic. Cheers."


The whole family raised their glasses together.

This ideal may not be achieved in one generation, so the whole family should be united.

Derek drank it with a smile. He was the only one who was confident that he could accomplish all the great deeds in this generation.

Moreover, only a distant goal can prevent everyone from falling.

New Year, a new beginning.

This is the 10th year of the Northern Principality.

Sensitive people realize that a real new era has arrived.

The fall of the Griffin Kingdom finally came late in this New Year.

The death knell of a kingdom just happened to open the curtain for a new era.

Of course, for ordinary people, any new era is false, and eating and drinking enough is the real thing.

The good news from the South Strait came all the way to Ferreira Castle.

The first time Derek saw it, he ordered someone to draft a document.

"Appoint Simon as the Earl of Griffin, build a castle on the site of the Griffin Kingdom, and the Earl of Griffin will inherit the position of the commander of the guard from generation to generation."

This is a reward for Simon, and it is also a signal.

From then on, the Simon family will stay in the South Strait forever.

Their role is executioner, suppressing the opposition forces in the south.

The position of the commander of the guards also ensured the close relationship between the Simon family and the Duke's family.

This had a precedent in another empire in Derek's previous life.

Facts have proved that this system was effective until Derek came here.

Dividing the opposition, simple means have extraordinary effects.

Because of Simon's New Year's gift, Derek had to return to Plan City in advance.

The entire northern nobles also came out in full force, even the old Earl Perez, who had been low-key for several years, came out.

The empire is about to be established, and it is time to divide the fruits of victory. Who can sit still?

A title can at least guarantee a family's prosperity for a hundred years. This is not an ordinary benefit.

Before Derek arrived in Plan City, documents requesting the establishment of an empire began to burst out.

There are also countless people calling for newspapers everywhere. For the old people in the Northern Principality, establishing an empire is a dual need for interests and spirit.

For the newly surrendered people, the old principality always makes them inferior. Only the new empire can get rid of most of the embarrassing situations.

The whole country was filled with a manic atmosphere.

But Tiona knew that Derek was still very calm.

Her husband seemed to always have a clear goal and had never been confused.

The train was about to arrive in Plan City, and Tiona poured a cup of tea for Derek.

Although she didn't like this new drink, she would still give up her favorite coffee when she was with Derek.

"Derek, do you want to wait a little longer?"

She felt that Derek might have some concerns if he didn't speak.

"No, let them prepare." Derek was really calm. Although he had thought about similar moments many times, he didn't expect it when the time came: "After the New Year, the mansion will carry out normal activities according to the usual practices of previous years."

The empire is built on a solid foundation.

Derek always remembered this. Those kingdoms disappeared, but the Northern Principality was about to be upgraded. This is the best proof.

It's not that you change your name or call yourself an empire and others will recognize it.

Of course, after it comes naturally, this name can also gather morale and people's hearts.

But there is no need to rush, just follow the routine. There is no need to mess up the Duke's Mansion and make a fool of oneself.

It is this steadiness that the Duke and Duchess did not lose themselves in the praises after returning to Plan City, but continued the tradition of previous years.

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