Among the people who came to greet them was Sanger.

However, he was born in the countryside and had no good impression of the nobles.

If he had not been exploited by these bastards, he would not have gone to the New World to work hard.

Now that he has achieved some success, these greedy vultures want to reap the fruits of victory again, but Sanger will not agree.

He did not have the power to resist before, but it is different now.

He saw rows of soldiers on guard from the corner of his eyes, and his confidence also came from this.

Just as Duke Harrington looked down at the New World, they were also looking up at the nobles from the local area.

The impression left for a long time made the local parliamentarians still have some awe of the local area. After all, it was also a huge kingdom that maintained its rule for three hundred years.

Even half of the parliamentarians tended to be local, that is, their own interests were involved, otherwise they would have turned against them long ago.

But these people all have one characteristic, that is, they do not have much power in their hands.

The real power holders, like Sanger himself, who controlled the ships and private army, looked at these vultures with contempt.

Senator White controls most of the soldiers, and his attitude and position are also firm.

Others are similar, and they can represent the attitude of the New World.

"See, the redcoats from the mainland are still using outdated muzzle-loading rifles." Senator White's eyes are sharp, and he saw the key point at once.

Sanger only noticed this detail. In the colony, muzzle-loading rifles have been eliminated, which means that there are still a large number of them in the private sector.

Of course, they did not eliminate them voluntarily, but they had a conflict with the Northern Principality, and the muzzle-loading rifles were really not good enough. If they didn't want to die, they had to change their equipment.

"Decadent and old-fashioned, what else can these gentlemen do except exploiting us?" Sanger laughed without hesitation.

In his opinion, nobles should be as cool and domineering as their big brother, Governor Jeffreys.

What kind of nobles are these guys who dress like parrots?

Duke Harrington and others stood for a long time, and the wind and waves on the sea were not small, and they finally couldn't help getting off the ship.

The construction of the port is very advanced, which is relatively large in this era.

The docked merchant ships also made the eyes of the nobles from the mainland shine.

Duke Harrington has already calculated in his mind how much wealth this port can bring in a year.

But these exiled criminals seem unhappy.

It was still Congressman White who acted as a receptionist and went forward to communicate.

After greeting each other, the nobles behind Duke Harrington rashly caused the atmosphere to become stiff.

"Congressman White, according to the Queen's appointment, His Excellency the Duke will serve as the Speaker of the Parliament. When can you, a group of members, be recommended to the House of Commons?"

The atmosphere was awkward, and Duke Harrington seemed to have not heard it, but everyone knew that this must have been his instruction.

He seized power as soon as he got off the boat, arrogant and conceited.

Meat eaters are despicable.

Sometimes the stupid behavior of the superiors is not because they are stupid, but because they are too arrogant.

Perhaps in the eyes of Duke Harrington, this is his own charity, and a group of inferiors should be grateful.

Seeing that the atmosphere was deadlocked, Congressman Sanger, who had been patient, suddenly chuckled and took out half a cigar from his arms and smoked it.

"Sorry, Harrington... Duke, I refuse to serve in the House of Commons.

I am just a commoner and have no interest in sitting in that position.

In addition, the Queen has no right to order the Speaker. If you want to run for election, please ask half of the members to agree to restart the election and then vote to decide.

That's all for today. I have something to do. I'm leaving first."

Sanger threw the unfinished cigar directly on the ground, and stepped on the cigarette butt with his calfskin shoes, not feeling sorry at all.

The entourage behind him handed him a hat, put it on his head, and left without any courtesy.

Duke, this is the New World. I don't have any industry, my family is in the homeland, and my business is also in the New World. I'm not afraid of you.

If we really fall out, believe it or not, I will lead the troops to kill you.

Duke Harrington's expression changed from astonishment to anger, like an excellent actor, perfectly interpreting the process of emotional transformation.

It is the aristocratic upbringing that makes him try his best to endure.

Fortunately, he still has a lackey.

"Congressman White, is this the attitude of your local council?

I will report to the parliament and Her Majesty the Queen truthfully."

Congressman White put away his smiling face and became serious in a rare moment.

"Your Excellency the Duke, Congressman Sanger is right. We should abide by the rules. This is the New World." He raised his chin slightly and solemnly confirmed to the nobles from the local area: "The New World has its own rules. Please understand them first."

Confidence, the infantry in his hands is his confidence.

The warships cruising on the sea are his confidence.

On this point, the vested interest groups of the local council are unanimous.

They don't care about the duke. If it really affects everyone's interests, it's okay to kill a duke.

Duke Harrington came late. Five years ago, he could accept some power. Ten years ago, he could completely control this group of bumpkins.

But now, the bumpkins have been armed. A group of bumpkins with money, people and guns have the courage to overturn the table.

Councillor White was a bit stronger than Sanger. Although he had a tough attitude, his etiquette was impeccable. He accompanied the gloomy Duke Harrington through the whole process.

Travel, banquets, and even filial piety, nothing was missing.

But when they arrived at the residence, there were no less fully armed soldiers at the door.

The number of people coming from the mainland is not enough to fill the gaps between the teeth of the New World infantry.

That night, a group of people gathered in Sanger's villa.

Tea, cigars and various snacks with the characteristics of the Northern Principality.

Those who don't know would think they have arrived in the Northern Principality.

However, the industrialized products there are indeed popular, and the culture is also sought after.

It's just that there are very few people as crazy as Senator Sanger.

Senator White was lying on the sofa, which was also a product of there.

He was not unfamiliar at all and sniffed the smell of cigars.

"Pure northern cigars, at least ten gold coins each, Senator Sanger is so extravagant."

This level of cigars, one is more expensive than a slave, it is indeed a luxury.

The key is that you can't buy it even if you have money.

Sanger was very proud and took the opportunity to show off: "Of course it is the most authentic northern cigar. This is a gift from my big brother, Governor Jeffreys Jr., go ahead and smoke it... I still have several boxes."

(Governor Jeffreys Jr., far away on the South Coast: Where is the half of the cigar I smoked today? Find it for me quickly.)

Everyone present needs a cigar, they are just looking for an excuse.

Congressman White lit it up and took a puff, boasted a few words, and finally mentioned the purpose: "Congressman Sanger, can you contact the government of the Northern Principality through your big brother?"

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