The prosperous Silver Port seemed like returning to the homeland.

If you ignore the skin color, it is indeed difficult to tell.

For outsiders like Councillor Joey, the completely different exotic customs are full of novelty everywhere.

Seeing the foreign guests, the shrewd small businessman hurried forward to sell: "Guest, do you want to take a look at this Mo? It is definitely the best tool man. It only takes three gold coins. Look at how good its teeth are."

With his hands tied by ropes, Mo hurriedly cooperated to make a strong look, which was extremely funny.

"Get out of the way, this is the guest of the Governor."

The guarding soldier pushed the merchant away, and the latter smiled and didn't care, still trying hard to sell: "If you like female Mo, I also have it, and it is absolutely very obedient."

Similar merchants are everywhere. There are countless farmers in the nearby Great Plains. Silver Port is the largest city, which makes the business atmosphere here very strong.

From the attitude of the soldiers, some local policies can be seen. It is obvious that this is a piece of land very suitable for commercial activities.

If there is no mission, Councillor Joey even wants to stop and buy some.

Fortunately, after passing the streets of the port, the group quickly got on the carriage and drove straight to Silver City.

On the road, you can see carriages coming and going, and large tracts of fertile fields on both sides of the road.

It has just passed the sowing season, and it looks a bit sparse.

Councillor Joey lost interest after a while.

His curiosity about this country made a colony unable to satisfy his curiosity.

The carriage was very slow, and it took two days to reach Silver City.

This emerging city gave up the tall walls, and the planning was a bit messy.

But it was very big, and it was rare to see a large city with a population of more than 50,000 in the New World.

The sheriff in black uniform rode a tall horse through the streets and alleys.

The vendors pushed carts or carried loads on their shoulders and hawked along the streets.

The independent courtyards were the residences of the citizens.

Every household raised some silent slaves.

The whole city magnified the rough side of the North.

Only when you go to the Governor's Mansion, you can see the exquisite side.

Inside and outside the palace are two different worlds. The life of nobles and commoners is like living in heaven and on earth.

Count Jeffreys stood at the door to greet him, which was considered to be a face for his younger brother.

Sanger was worried all the way, but after meeting him, he took the initiative to step forward and shook the hand of his elder brother.

"Governor, I brought you a gift, I hope you like it."

The name was unfamiliar, but the tone was very familiar.

Governor Jeffreys smiled at him and waited quietly for the answer to the mystery.

Sanger clapped his hands, and the gifts that the entourage had carefully carried along the way were brought out.

The huge box was more than two and a half meters high and more than one and a half meters wide, which looked very visually impactful.

It took a lot of effort to transport it. If Sanger hadn't insisted, this big guy would have been abandoned on the road long ago.

The entourage carefully opened the box, and a lot of fur as a lining was first exposed.

As it was carefully peeled off bit by bit, the gift inside finally revealed its true face.

This is a huge golden coral that is one meter and two meters high.

Red coral as the base, gold sculptures, jewels and agate as decorations.

It glitters with gold and jingles when the wind blows.

Even though Earl Jeffreys has seen the world, he was shocked.

However, the king remained calm, as if he was used to it.

"What a fun thing! My baby daughter is going to have her tenth birthday, so it's just right to give her a gift.

Brother Sanger, you are thoughtful."

The Governor patted Sanger's arm, looking affectionate.

Who can say that the Earl is snobbish?

From the beginning, he treated Sanger with courtesy and never changed. It was not because of the gift that he changed his attitude.

True and false, real and fake, is life.

Maybe it's true, maybe it's fake, but does it matter?

The Governor needs a bridge of communication, and Senator Sanger needs a tiger skin.

Senator Joey also needs someone to act as a matchmaker.

Everyone wins.

Anyway, if it's really about the interests of the important relationship, even brothers can kill each other, not to mention brothers in words.

Senator Sanger got the feedback and had a clear mind.

He immediately made a request to buy warships and explained his purpose directly.

"Brother, we want to buy two warships to strengthen our momentum, otherwise those local jackals may want to swallow us up.

If you are willing to come and visit once, the effect will be better."

It is impossible to hide such things.

You can fool Governor Jeffreys once, but you can't fool him forever.

Sanger simply confessed, anyway, he was not the only one who was embarrassed.

Count Jeffreys laughed secretly, these white-skinned guys were not strong, but they had a lot of trouble.

"Your queen is no good. Look at our Northern Principality. We are united and this kind of thing never happens." Governor Jeffreys stood on the moral high ground and pointed fingers. Then he touched his chin and said in embarrassment: "Brother, it's not that I won't help you. You see, I'm busy here and don't have time to run around!

And warships are very sensitive. The news comes and goes, plus the manufacturing time, it will take at least a year and a half. Are you waiting impatiently?"

If it was a ship of a few hundred meters, the colony would have done it by itself.

But there is no technology for this kind of warship of thousands of meters.

Sanger glanced at Congressman Joey, who knew that it was time for him to take action.

"Governor, let's pay more."

Paying more money is always the most sincere and sure-fire move.

Governor Jeffreys had a lot of things to say, but they were forced back.

Paying more money? Okay, you are awesome.

"It doesn't matter whether it's money or not. What matters is the relationship between me and my brother. I will definitely help you with this matter." The Earl said righteously without blinking: "I despise those corrupt nobles who are good for nothing the most. I must help you vent your anger."

As for difficulties, they can be overcome.

After a discussion, the Governor suddenly had an idea: "In this way, I will contact the commander of the navy of the colony and ask them to sell the active warships to you. You can find some sailors and start the operation immediately. Even the ammunition in stock can be sent to you."

Where can there be a faster transaction than this? The money is exchanged and the goods are delivered. The warships leave directly from the Jewel Port, providing a one-stop service throughout the process.

The main point is to be fast, worry-free, cheap and affordable.

"Will this warship have... trouble?" Councilman Joey hesitated and pointed out his concerns tactfully.

The Governor was so smart that he immediately understood his concerns and explained: "The longest-serving ironclad ship in the Colonial Navy Fleet has been in service for nine years.

But the Warrior-class warships were basically put into service in the last six years, which is when they are in the best condition.

If you take good care of them, they can serve for another thirty years without any problem."

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