Before Duke Harrington walked to the deck, he heard a voice speaking half-baked Kingdom dialect: "Let me tell you, that guy Simon is called ruthless. Dozens of nobles were hung on the boom, and they were all dried in the end." Bacon! Hahaha!

I have also done this. At that time, I put all the foreign nobles into the hunting ground and hunted live people with hunting bows. I shot five unlucky ones in one day. "

Little Count Jefferys tells horrifying jokes. The key is that he thinks they are funny, but others find them very scary.

Everyone committed murder, but they were all civilians and slaves.

After all, they don't regard themselves as the same species as ordinary people, and killing them is just killing them, no different from killing a chicken.

But they can still empathize with noble people, even noble people of other races.

Duke Harrington could guess that the other party did it on purpose, whether it was the bad accent or the perfect timing, he didn't believe it was just a coincidence.

But rationality is not something you can maintain simply by understanding it.

He felt that his legs were weak. If it weren't for his arrogance, he would have turned around and ran away.

When he was on the deck, the sun was dazzling, and he lowered his head to feel more comfortable.

Governor Jefferies Jr. was still bragging about all the glorious achievements, and vaguely said about the protagonist. Anyway, let’s talk about whichever one is famous and which one is shocking.

What a queue to be shot.

What artillery execution.

Anyway, it makes people's scalp numb after hearing it. It is the first time that I know that there are so many tricks in this world to torment people.

After all, the Lionheart Kingdom has been stable for many years, and the nobles are still less bloody.

"You don't believe me when I say it. Do you think personal bravery is useless under gunfire?

Let me tell you, next to our Duke is the most powerful knight in the world... The gun is quick from seven steps, and the man is quick within seven steps. "

Governor Jeffries Jr. made a pos, proving that what he said was true.

"This is what His Excellency the Duke said himself. The knights of the North are walking as fast as flying while carrying hundreds of kilograms of steel armor, and can move forward against the rain of bullets."

What little Earl Jefferys said is almost a myth.

Duke Harrington, who was completely ignored, took courage and interjected: "Mr. Governor, how can there be such a warrior in the world? I don't have such a warrior in the Lion Heart Kingdom, and it's even less likely that you in the Northern Principality have one."

Duke Harrington knew that if others kept controlling the situation, there would be no good end waiting for him. It was better to take the initiative, otherwise he would still be insulted.

Governor Jefferys's voice stopped suddenly, and he looked up and down at the so-called Duke. He was quite upright, and based on these words, he was not a loser.

This is interesting, otherwise there would be no sense of achievement when playing.

But... you still have little knowledge.

Governor Jefferies Jr. stood up. The genes that had been improved over generations were still bearing fruit. This was the outstanding air of a warrior.

I saw him pull out a pistol from the guard's waist and throw it directly to Duke Harrington.

"Get familiar with it and fire a few shots."

The structure of the pistol is similar, not to mention that many firearms from the Northern Principality have been transferred to the Lionheart Kingdom.

Duke Harrington held the pistol, checked it skillfully, and suddenly raised his head and pointed at Governor Jefferies.

The latter stood still, extremely calm.

Instead, Representatives Joy and Sanger stood up together, their expressions changed greatly: "What do you want to do? Put down the gun."

Duke Harrington glanced at the two men contemptuously. After confirming that Governor Jefferies was really not afraid, he waved the gun at the two congressmen and suddenly pointed at the sky and pulled the trigger.

Snap, snap, snap, snap! ! ! !

This is a pistol loaded with seven rounds, and now there is one last shot left.

Duke Harrington understood what Governor Jefferies Jr. meant.

Congressman Joy and Congressman Sanger were both covered in cold sweat. They really thought they were going to be beaten to death just now. The feeling of their hearts beating violently could not be disguised.

Little Earl Jefferys smiled and looked at the silent figure behind him: "Rand, let this boy see what a Northland knight is."

Only then did everyone notice the figure behind the count.

The Rand Knight stood there loosely, with a long sword hanging on his left waist and a pistol hanging on his right waist.

He is usually inconspicuous. If the count hadn't made a sound, no one would even notice him. He was completely inferior to those capable guards.

Seeing that everyone noticed, the Rand Knight reluctantly accepted the fact of working overtime.

"Your Excellency, Your Majesty sent me here to protect you, not to please you as an acrobat."

"A bottle of thirty-year treasure, a fine wine left behind by my father." The Earl directly offered the price.

"make a deal!"

The Rand Knight stood in front of Harrington, about three or four meters tall.


He spoke the language of the Southern Continent, and Duke Harrington did not understand.

But the other party's meaning was so obvious that he hesitated for a moment: "Are people really faster than guns?"

But he quickly raised his hand, so what if it was a trap, at worst, he would hand over his life here.

Duke Harrington moved, and so did the Rand Knight.

Even his retinas didn't react. He arrived first and grabbed Duke Harrington's wrist with one hand and raised it.


The bullet flew over the head of His Excellency the Earl. At that moment, he almost thought he was having fun and overturned.

Fortunately, Rand Knight is awesome and this bottle of thirty-year-old wine is worth it.

Duke Harrington looked at Knight Land in disbelief. The opponent's performance was beyond his imagination. At such a long distance, he was really faster than shooting himself.

If others could raise their hands, they could kill themselves.

Lost, no doubt.

Knight Land had taken the gun in his hand and threw it to the guard.

"Too slow. If the Knight-General made a move, you would not have the chance to pull the trigger."

Earl Jeffreys acted as a poor translator. Every time he saw the Northland Knight make a move, he could not help but get excited.

For the Northlanders, this is faith.

Especially Derek, who was born as a Northland Knight, created an unprecedented feat, and this word was engraved into the souls of the Northlanders.

"See, this is the Northland Knight, the world's first-class warriors.

Without guns and cannons, they are the masters of the battlefield.

In the era of guns and cannons, they are still the invincible masters within seven steps."

A brilliant record is the best medal of honor.

No one can object.

Little Earl Jeffreys felt that he had well interpreted what it meant to be strong. The record under his feet was only superficial. The real strength was the spirit of the Knights of the North.

However, Duke Harrington was more single than he thought, and he was willing to accept the loss.

He knelt on one knee and saluted Knight Rand: "I lost, lost to a powerful knight.

Mr. Earl, no matter what decision you make, I will fulfill it."

There was no bet, but both of them knew it.

Duke Harrington would not cheat, he was not a pure politician.

Those idiots of White didn't know that the reason why nobles were nobles was not determined by winning or losing at the moment.

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