After two months of sailing, Count Jeffreys finally met the deadline.

They were also the last batch of senior officials to return.

This time, there were no heavyweight officials to greet them after landing.

He didn't care, and didn't even take a rest. He took the train to Plan City directly.

However, when the local officials sent them on the train, they said: "I have sent a telegram to the capital, and they will arrange people to receive the two adults."

Time was tight, and Count Jeffreys didn't ask what a telegram was.

The train went all the way to Plan City, and there were indeed people waiting.

Not only were there official reception staff, but also their respective families waiting.

Count Jeffreys' son brought a bunch of servants to pack his father's luggage, and he said happily: "Three days ago, the family received a telegram saying that you will be back today. Hurry up and report it and go home for dinner in the evening."

"Telegram!? What is that?" Count Jeffreys remembered the name.

His son slapped his forehead and said, "Father, you don't know yet?"

He explained this new thing in detail and said excitedly, "In the future, you can also send letters to your family through the telegraph in the New World."

The telegraph can be used through the sea transit station.

Earl Jeffreys was surprised and immediately realized the use of this thing.

After reporting, he went home directly.

After being overseas for a long time, he suddenly returned home and felt a lot out of touch.

There are new things everywhere, which makes people dizzy.

This cannot be explained by just a few words in each communication.

And time is tight. There is only one week left before the founding ceremony, and he still has to visit some old friends.

Time passes day by day.

On this day, after ten years, the city of Plan held a military parade again.

More powerful and huge armies passed by one after another, and a large number of citizens took to the streets, and cheers were everywhere.

And the appearance of propeller planes triggered a climax.

Including a large number of officials, they were all stunned, and many people knelt on the spot and called the name of the Lord.

In the fanatical atmosphere, Derek took the crown representing the royal power and the scepter representing the divine power from Archbishop John.

He completed the coronation ceremony for himself.

The divine power and the royal power are unified.

Everyone, all officials and nobles, focused their attention at this moment.

"After ten years of overcoming difficulties, I... Derek is crowned as the emperor here.

In the name of Xia, may my country never fall like the midsummer day."

Derek looked at his people, there were many old faces, such as Simon, Adrian and other elders.

There were also traditional big men such as Count Jeffreys Jr. and Count Perez Sr.

There were also new generation forces such as Lawrence and Robert.

There were also representatives of the Northern Knights such as Virut and Manniu.

New nobles, traditional nobles, emerging bureaucrats, merchants, citizens, and workers.

These are the foundation of the empire and the cornerstone of Derek's own rule over everything.

More than a decade ago, when he left Ferreira Castle, he only took fifty gold coins.

Now, he is the king of the southern continent, the supreme master.

The past has been recorded in history.

The present is writing history.

Everything in the future can still be changed.

Derek was full of confidence and incomparable self-confidence.

"I want to conquer the world, the sky, the earth and the sea, everything I see is the king's land."

The new emperor ascended the throne and announced his ambition under the gaze of all people.

No one thought these words were arrogant, because he had proved himself countless times.

The world is vast, but it is not as bold as the king.

Even traditional nobles like little Jeffreys now bowed their heads and surrendered sincerely.

They all believed that this was not the end of the Xia Empire, but the beginning.

Cheers were spreading, this was the carnival of everyone.

Derek completed the ceremony, and the empire entered a new chapter.


The carnival lasted for a month, and the city of Plan still had the restlessness after the carnival.

However, the torrent in the dark was unknown.

As the empire was completely stabilized, new institutions were established one after another, the old system was broken, and the bureaucrats were stuffed back into various departments.

Ministers like Virut and Adrian did not change. They only put the Navy, Army and the newly established Air Force under the jurisdiction of the military, and Derek served as the minister concurrently.

But in fact, these are three independent departments.

Let's talk about the cabinet, which is an institution completely established by the monarch. It divides the various powers of the country and delegates daily power.

There are too many similar changes, even the transfer of troops, the appointment and removal of officials, and a lot of personnel transfers are going on.

With the popularization of telegraphs in major cities, information communication has become convenient.

It just so happens that the control of the imperial center over the local areas has reached a new peak.

High centralization represents high efficiency.

Under the correct guidance, everything is accelerated.

And Earl Jeffreys ran back and forth for a long time, and finally learned about his arrangement.

"I will come back after finishing this term as the governor of the colony. Maybe I will enter the cabinet to preside over a work, or enter a department as a minister." Earl Jeffreys was generally satisfied.

In the colonies, you can accumulate political capital, gather some talents of traditional aristocrats, and make a fortune.

But all this is for the sake of power, and in the end, you still have to return to the center.

As soon as you come back, you will be in charge of a department, which is a very big power.

Earl Jeffreys did not feel dissatisfied, such an arrangement is already very good.

The most important thing now is to stand the last shift.

"Lawrence, how did you arrange it?"

Lawrence, who was sitting opposite, smiled and looked in a good mood.

"The colonial fleet will continue to expand. After the imperial fleet is reorganized, I will start to expand my fleet." Lawrence was beaming, and he thought he would be transferred back to the mainland.

Earl Jeffreys listened and pondered for a moment, and probably understood some of the above ideas.

"I'm afraid you still have a battle to fight, brother." Earl Jeffreys was very envious.

His Majesty is not a man who just talks and forgets. Since he said that he wants to build an empire on which the sun never sets, the sun cannot set on the territory of the empire.

Obviously, those white people's territories will sooner or later belong to the empire.

With more and more convenient transportation, this is not impossible.

Of course, Lawrence had thought of this possibility long ago, so he was always happy.

He would definitely not have a good position after being transferred back, and the power in his hands might not be as great as when he was the fleet commander.

But if he continued to make contributions, he might be able to become the Minister of the Navy when he returned.

These are the top positions in the empire, representing the absolute upper class.

Both of them can be said to have gained something.

After all, the pie has become bigger, and most people can get more of it. How can they be in a bad mood?

Without waiting for the dust to settle, the two left the mainland together and hurriedly started new work.

Time is running out. If you want to gain something, how can you not work hard?

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