Fernandez tried it out and found that the plan was feasible.

Compared with transporting people from the southern continent, these white women are much easier to deceive.

There are actually a limited number of white women like Jenny in the Great Xia Colony.

But in the south of the New World, there are many white colonies with a population of millions.

Fernandez wanted to restore his homeland, even if this hope was extremely slim.

So he quickly made a decision to go to the white territory.

There was no hope in the Great Xia Colony. There was no problem doing business, but it was impossible to cause trouble.

He could only find another way and try to go to the white country.

So, the colonial governor just found some clues to the crime, and soon lost the target.

Duke Fernandez had a good eye. He saw that the security situation here was definitely not bad.

Going north along the Silver Channel and detouring to the Jewel Port, Fernandez finally saw the battlecruiser he had been thinking about.

He has always been very concerned about the news about the Great Xia Empire, and he never misses a mainstream newspaper. Even if he can only see it once every few months, he will read it all.

Therefore, he knows everything about the development of the Great Xia Empire.

It's just that... what you learn from books is shallow. If you don't see it with your own eyes, you can't understand the shock.

This is the insignificance and fear of human beings facing mechanical creations.

When flesh and blood face steel weapons, people can't help but doubt whether this is really a weapon made by humans?

The colonial fleet needs to maintain sufficient deterrence, so the warships are not covered. Battlecruisers can often be seen in and out of the Gem Harbor.

There are even special sightseeing boats that can be watched from a distance.

Fernandez was in a gloomy mood and was more skeptical about whether he could restore his country.

"The Great Xia Empire... is really favored by the Lord?"

According to his cognition, it is really hard to imagine how an ordinary second son of a baron has come all the way to where he is today.

This is not as simple as creating an empire, this is directly crossing the era.

That is to say, there is no concept of cheating yet, otherwise he would definitely suspect that Derek was cheating.

During the days he stayed in the Jewel Port, Fernandez would go to watch the warships go out to sea every day.

Until his own ship arrived, he hired a small boat to board the ship.

This ship came directly from the port of the New Holy Cross Kingdom, and stopped along the way. The supplies were replenished by supply ships in the open sea.

It was not because he was afraid of being discovered, but because there were a lot of sensitive materials on the ship.

It was okay for the customs of the Great Xia Empire to collect taxes on goods, but it was necessary to register the materials in detail, especially some sensitive materials.

This would undoubtedly attract the official attention of the Great Xia Empire, which Fernandez did not want to see.

Therefore, he took the way of relay supply and reached the white colony in one go.

This time, the boat went back and forth for two days before leaving the outside of the Jewel Port.

This waterway became active after the visit of Governor Jeffreys, and the number of ships passing by every day increased several times.

The attitude of the upper class of the colony obviously has a huge impact on commercial trade.

As for the unpleasantness that occurred in the middle, as long as one party bowed its head, it would actually promote business behavior.

No matter how harshly the Lionheart Kingdom scolded, it would not affect the nobles' business.

So Fernandez went all the way south until he arrived at the Lionheart Kingdom colony.

At the customs, the official in charge of customs declaration handed over a thick booklet.

"This is the latest tax declaration details. It has just been implemented after the agreement of the overseas yamen of the Governor's Office of the Great Xia Empire."

Fernandez dressed up as a businessman. This was the first time he heard of this news.

Before, the Lionheart Kingdom Customs did not have a systematic customs declaration description.

While flipping through it, he casually asked, "What is the situation with this overseas yamen?"

The agreement reached by the top leaders of both parties has not yet been spread to the Great Xia Empire.

From preparation, to formation, to the first agreement catalog, the speed is certainly not fast.

The customs official rolled his eyes and did not answer this infuriating topic.

Fernandez did not ask any more questions when he saw this. He quickly looked through the catalog and found that all raw material imports were taxed, but the tax rate of industrialized finished products was reduced.

At first glance, it seemed like a good thing, reducing the cost of living for ordinary people.

But he felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell why.

Fortunately, the goods he transported were not subject to tax increases, otherwise he would really cry.

No matter how much money a businessman makes from selling goods, it is not as fast as the money he makes directly through administrative means.

He followed the rules and provided a specific list of goods first.

The customs officer glanced at it casually, and it was nothing more than some industrial products.

The goods that are rare for ordinary people are not lacking for him at all.

But when he looked back, his eyes lit up.

Looking at Fernandez again, his attitude immediately changed: "Sir, are you sure this customs declaration list is true?"

"Of course, I don't want to bear a huge fine." Fernandez responded with a reserved smile.

The tax officer knew it in his heart, he said sorry, and then went down to the cabin to check a few boxes in person.

After coming up, his face was full of smiles.

"There should be no problem, but you still need to wait in line for a detailed inspection, but you can go ashore in advance."

Fernandez rejected the other party's kind reminder, he knew that someone would come to visit him soon.

Unless all the nobles of the Lionheart Kingdom are good gentlemen, they will definitely not be able to help themselves.

Sure enough, that night, a small boat approached stealthily.

Fernandez had already set up wine and food, waiting for the other party to come.

"I'm sorry for visiting you."

The visitor smiled and saw a table of wine and food, and immediately understood.

"It turns out that you have guessed that I am coming."

Fernandez extended his hand to ask the other party to sit down, and said with a smile: "Merchants pursue profits, I just want to find a good buyer."

"You're right, I am a good buyer," the visitor boasted and sat down: "My name is William, my family has some business, and I need to buy these weapons. I wonder if you are willing to make a move."

The Lionheart Kingdom naturally has a weapons factory, and for those big men, there is certainly no shortage of weapons.

But the people and even some middle-level families do not have this channel.

A batch of smuggled weapons is very popular.

Fernandez doesn't care who the buyer is.

"Let's talk about the price. I believe sincerity is in the price."

"Okay," William said generously, "No matter how much goods you have, I will add 50% to the market price."

Smuggled goods must have a suitable price, but it is a reverse price increase.

Demand determines the price.

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