Benjamin has been suffering recently. Since he fell into the trap of alcohol and sex, some things are not decided by himself.

It is normal to feel regret after making a decision when drunk.

"It is alcohol and sex that have ruined me. From today... I will stop drinking."

Benjamin made up his mind to work hard, make a name for himself in the Lionheart Kingdom, and take control of his own life.

Then... Sanger came.

"Professor Benjamin, a new batch of girls have come recently. I also brought a few bottles of good wine from your Great Xia Empire. Let's go and relax together?"

This damn boss is tempting me with alcohol and sex again.

Benjamin hesitated for a moment and quickly responded: "I will come right away after I change my clothes."

Okay! I am definitely not doing this for alcohol and sex, but now that the handle is in someone else's hands, I have no choice but to approach Sanger to inquire about information.

Yes, this is the truth.

Benjamin sat in the carriage. Senator Sanger has gained some weight recently and is no longer the vigorous sailor he used to be.

Sanger felt a little guilty towards Benjamin. There have been too many things recently and he has treated this hero badly.

Although he had many problems, he still had a rough air and was willing to get close to the people below him.

So Sanger took Benjamin straight to the club and shouted loudly as soon as he entered the door: "I want the latest goods. Arrange two for me and arrange... four for my brother."

The people who were still in the hall looked at the two people. Even though Benjamin was a regular customer, he still felt embarrassed.

Sanger was too honest. Couldn't he go into the private room and shout again?

Under the leadership of Sanger, who was swaggering, the two entered the private room.

Benjamin felt even more guilty. The goods this time were of higher quality than the one when someone bribed him.

With guilt, Benjamin immersed himself in the land of tenderness.

Sanger complained a few words about the difficulty of doing business and urged Benjamin to find ways to reduce costs or develop new products.

Poor Benjamin, a mechanical engineer, has now become the leader of a hodgepodge project. He has to do everything, which is worse than an old ox.

This guy was complaining in his heart again, thinking that Sanger was a bit too much.

He was originally of this character, otherwise he would not have stayed here willingly after leaving the Great Xia Empire.

He always took others' kindness to him for granted, and once he was a little dissatisfied, he would easily feel resentful.

But Benjamin knew how to hide his emotions, so he naturally had no idea whether Sanger was cheating or not.

Benjamin agreed to the boss's complaint.

Just when the two were talking happily, there was a sudden burst of gunfire.

Before Benjamin could react, Sanger hid behind the sofa with his rich experience.

The bodyguards in the box took out their guns instantly, and the bodyguards outside were also alert.

But the gunshots were like raindrops, crackling non-stop.

Fortunately, they were not directed at the two.

After waiting for seven or eight minutes, the gunshots stopped.

A bodyguard stretched his head out to take a look, and the attacker had retreated.

After hearing the news, Sanger stood up immediately.

"Let's go and see who was attacked."

After all, he was an old captain who dared to fight the wind and waves, and his spirit had not been lost.

Besides, as a member of the local council, it was okay to take a look at such a terrible thing happening in front of him.

Benjamin's legs were a little weak, and he couldn't even stand up.

He had never been to the battlefield, nor had any similar experience.

He had played with guns in normal times, and felt that he would definitely be a big shot on the battlefield.

Unfortunately, fear is difficult to control, and it is normal to have weak legs at critical moments.

Seeing this, Sanger deliberately left two bodyguards for him.

When he arrived at the scene, there were already brave people looking around to check the situation.

Sanger brought a bunch of bodyguards and rudely pushed away the onlookers.

"Get out of the way, don't destroy the scene, otherwise I will arrest you first."

The bodyguards' actions were very rude. They all knew where their employers came from, and they were not afraid at all.

No one was blind and rude. Sanger looked like a big shot.

However, Sanger, who shouted to protect the scene, walked into the box himself, stepping on the blood.

There were two bodyguards lying at the door, and more in the box.

Most of them were shot to death while sitting on the sofa, and they had almost no time to resist.

And the murderer obviously shot one by one, and the firepower was very intensive.

In the end, even the weapons were left at the scene.

This is normal. The Lionheart Kingdom does not ban guns, but concealed guns are not allowed in public places.

And there are several long guns in it. Wouldn't it be caught if they retreated with them?

Sanger's eyes finally stayed on the beaten girl for a few seconds and said, "It's a waste of natural resources."

The bodyguards were already checking the identities and guns of these people.

Soon there was a discovery.

"It's a black gun, no number, new, and it's Daxia's Type 01 rifle and police pistol, and it's not a handmade one."

Handmade goods are not the representative of precision, and they are not what killers can afford.

Most killers have a hard life that is unimaginable, how can they spend money on something flashy.

Only guns produced by large factories are synonymous with stability and fine products.

And if there is no number, it's strange. Even if it's a black product, at most the number is filed off, how can there be no mark.

Sanger even had a terrible association: "Could it have flowed out from my factory?"

There are not many places in the colony that can produce guns, and even fewer that are out of regulation. Unfortunately... his own factory is one of them.

The key is that he is still at the scene.

Soon the bodyguard brought worse news.

"The dead one is Congressman George. His bodyguard is very dedicated. He lay on him and blocked the bullet... At least he saved the gentleman's face."

Good guy, what's the point of having a face after the person is dead?

But this news is even worse. This guy is a congressman who defected to the Duke of Harrington. He is not the same as himself, completely not.

Oh? I am a school of my own, that's fine.

Like all TV dramas, it is always the official who arrives in the end.

Sanger looked for all the clues, and a team of security guards rushed in aggressively.

"Get out of the way, all of you."

"The security department is investigating the case, and you are not allowed to leave."

The sheriff was even more arrogant than Sanger, pushing and shoving in.

Then... his momentum was instantly weakened.

They dared to yell at ordinary people on the other side, but they dared not to deal with upper-class congressmen.

It just so happens that the sheriff must know the councillor in the area.

With a flattering smile, the sheriff hurried over: "Sir Sanger, why are you here too? There is too much blood here, and your feet are dirty."

Sanger glanced at him, hoping that you would still be able to laugh later.

"I was playing here with my friends, and came here after hearing the gunshots.

The dead one is Councillor George, and the murderer used..."

Sanger gave a detailed introduction, and he now suspected that this was a trap set against him.

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