Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 444: Great Immigration Wave

When he saw Adrian, he shouted very affectionately: "Uncle Adrian, I haven't seen you for a long time."

In fact, his brother Viscount Balin was about the same age as Adrian, and he himself was ten years older.

But judging from Earl Connoll, calling him uncle is acceptable.

Adrian didn't like this guy very much, but Earl Connoll had to give him some respect.

Holding back his nausea, he asked, "It's been a long time since we last met. I just came back. Why are you so anxious to see me?"

When talking about the purchase, Collison showed a flattering smile: "Uncle, I want to buy a few sea-going ships. Can you help me say hello to the shipyard?"

"Is the market so tense now? With your Connor family's connections, you can't even buy a seagoing ship?" Adrian felt strange.

Although sea trade has always been popular, the shipbuilding industry has continued to expand in recent years, and it has not yet reached the point where supply exceeds demand.

Collison sighed after hearing this: "You may not have noticed that since His Majesty said he was going to the New World for inspection, all orders for sea ships on the market have been taken up.

Unfortunately, there was no telegraph installed at my house, so it was a step too late.

I also coordinated for several days before I got a few orders.

That’s why I’m begging you to come. "

In order to make money, Collison also lost his face.

But since he let go of his aristocratic reserve, he has indeed made a lot of money.

In this era, there are opportunities to make money everywhere, and with the political capital of the Connoll family, there are even more opportunities to make money.

For example, this time, Adrian called his secretary and easily coordinated part of the order for Collison.

Any resource is political capital, which cannot be bought on the market and can be easily obtained by the powerful.

Collison expressed his thanks and sat for a while before leaving.

For Adrian, this was not a big deal. An earl family had the qualifications to let him sell a little face.

However, the Connoll family cannot buy a seagoing ship, so one can imagine the situation on the market.

After thinking about it, he shouted: "Someone, come and investigate and see what's going on now?"

Could it be that just one thought from His Majesty can cause the entire market to overheat?

Obviously, the profit-seeking nature of businessmen is difficult for him to understand.

After the top leaders of the empire expressed their preference, too many businessmen invested in advance.

The Connoll family is not a special case. Many families who have made a lot of money from sea trade have increased their investment and want to seize business opportunities in advance.

The public has also responded, and the most intuitive manifestation is that immigration will be much smoother.

Only then could Adrian understand Derek's persistence.

It seems like a simple inspection, but it will affect tens of millions of people up and down.

The excessive enthusiasm of maritime trade was soon reflected in the colonies.

The last shift of Earl Jeffries Jr. was thought to be a smooth transition, but unexpectedly, the number of immigrants increased significantly starting from the middle of the year.

Many immigrant cities expanded rapidly, far exceeding the expectations of the colonial government.

However, the arrival of a large number of people will help stabilize the regime.

Governor Jefferies Jr. has never been a conservative person. Realizing that the opportunity was rare, he started a new round of settlement construction with a stroke of his pen.

During the eight-year construction of overseas colonies, the government has developed a complete set of procedures.

The first is the army's hunting', which cleans out the native people like a sieve over and over again, and can also harvest a large number of slaves.

After initial safety, the army will set up outposts and then try to lay out the farms.

When the nearby population reaches a certain number, settlements will be established.

Naturally attract the population and select suitable locations for city construction from the residential areas.

When the immigrants arrive, the settlements will be gradually filled in, and finally developed into new towns, with first-level government agencies established.

Since then, a new city was born.

The subsequent development will depend on the efforts of the immigrants themselves.

Of course, for the Daxia Empire, this was a great journey to expand its territory.

For the local indigenous people, it is a cruel racial elimination.

Racial struggles are always bloody and there is no trace of warmth at all.

Since then, after unifying the southern continent, the initial integration has been completed, and the huge size of the entire empire has begun to exert its strength.

The potential of the largest empire in the world today is unimaginable.

Population is the most important resource in this era.

It just so happens that the great Emperor of the Great Xia Empire, the founder of the legend, the Lord of the Knights of the North... His Majesty Saint Derek is the person most aware of this point.

Under his guidance, the entire empire spontaneously exerted its efforts and immigration increased significantly.

After eight years of continuous immigration, people are no longer unfamiliar with it.

Basic educational achievements make publicity easier.

The advancement of ocean-going technology has also made the ocean no longer a natural chasm.

The first immigrants were even able to travel back and forth to visit relatives, which was an even more important driver.

Even now, as long as they are willing to spend a few silver coins, ordinary people on both sides can contact each other in a short time through telegrams.

Technology, ideas, culture, everything is just right, and then the emperor of the empire gently guides it, and the result is explosive.

Ships from the mainland docked at Silver Harbor. The huge harbor was more rough than Deegan Harbor.

The immigrants who had been sailing for more than a month got off the ship in confusion. For them, the long journey was no less than a new life.

It was so tortured that some unlucky ones even died on the boat.

Of course, the conditions are much better now, and the probability of death is very low.

Olike is among them. He is the third son of the family, just like His Majesty Saint Derick.

Born in a small workshop owner family, Olike's living conditions are much better than others.

Because of the development of trade in recent years, his family even purchased a batch of machines and opened a factory.

Even if according to the old tradition, a child like him cannot inherit the family property, his father has promised to give him a considerable amount of assets, and then he can stay in the family factory to assist his eldest brother.

However, Olike still chose to embark on a voyage to the New World.

Because of his second brother Good.

Good has been in the New World for four or five years. At that time, the family only had a small workshop, so Good, who was not very quiet since childhood, chose to go to the New World to pan for gold.

He has not seen his second brother since then, but the occasional letters he sent back prove that his second brother is doing well.

This year, the city installed a telegraph, and there are more contacts.

Olike was also moved by this and decided to go to the New World to follow his second brother's footsteps.

Just as he was thinking, he heard someone calling him with a strange accent: "Olike, Mr. Olike, please come this way?"

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