Hubble finally chose a small town called Emerald.

Of course, it is said to be a town, but it is actually a larger residential area.

Emerald Town is located in the outer area of ​​the current colony. There is a small iron mine nearby and a large plain a little further away that can be reclaimed as a farm.

Logically speaking, this kind of place is relatively dangerous. Although the army will send patrol teams to conduct regular inspections, it is difficult to take into account all aspects.

But Hubble considered that the introduction policy of Emerald Town was better, and he was poor and had only one life left. How could he get rich if he didn't give it a try?

After choosing a destination, Hubble was sent to Emerald Town after a week of militarized assault training.

With him were about ten new immigrants, all solid, good-looking young men.

The colonial government gave him two bags of grain, a shotgun and fifty rounds of ammunition, and also provided a start-up capital of three gold coins.

The town even compensated him with a simple wooden house and two tools, and promised him free registration and tax exemption for the land he developed within fifty acres.

At this point, Hubble, who was poor in the New World, suddenly became a small landowner.

So... loyalty, why do you think the citizens of the empire are not loyal?

Don't talk about some nobles who want to be restored. Even if you are God, if you dare to overthrow His Majesty Derek's rule, Hubble will dare to tie him to the cross again.

He dares to do anything for a better life.

The mayor of Emerald Town warmly received Hubble and others.

And after cleaning them up, he personally took them around the town for a few laps.

"These places are militia sentries. If you encounter wild animals or a large number of black slaves in the wild, you can retreat here.

Your houses are temporarily built together, not far from the center of the town, so you can take care of each other.

And this is the militia... They are all good guys from the empire. Even if a large number of natives attack, our good guys can blow their heads off.


The mayor calmly showed off his force. If he could blow the heads of the natives, he could blow their heads off.

All independent immigrants are somewhat restless and have to be careful.

Of course, he believed that over time, these new immigrants would be able to integrate into Emerald Town.

Just like the original Silver City, who can predict the future here?

The immigrants seem to understand, but after seeing the force used in the town, even if they want to commit a crime, they have to think about the consequences.

But Hubble was very clever and could see through the mayor's thoughts in a blink of an eye.

But he didn't care, and he wasn't prepared to commit any crime, so what was he afraid of?

He even raised his hand and asked: "Why is our town called Emerald Town? Is there a gem mine?"

Compared with the hard work of opening up farmland, if there is a gem mine to dig, you can get rich much faster.

Hearing this, the mayor looked very embarrassed.

But the militia captain on the side laughed and revealed the truth: "Haha, this is all thanks to our mayor. He discovered the iron ore and mistakenly mistook some green rust stains for emerald reflections. When registering the settlement, Just filled in the name Emerald...hahaha.”

This is really a wonderful misunderstanding, but the name is also very nice.

The mayor ended the reception with a dark face.

So Hubble quickly moved into the cabin.

Two rows of ten cabins stand side by side, very close to each other.

This is a transitional residence. When each of them develops a farm, they will definitely be separated.

Ten new immigrants temporarily live together and can protect themselves when encountering some dangers.

After all, ten guns and ten young adults who have received on-and-off militarized training are also quite a fighting force.

In the wooden house, some simple daily necessities have been prepared.

Compared with the first generation of immigrants, Hubble and others are considered happy.

As for the two tools Mo Mo just received, they live in a small shed outside the wooden house, where they are preparing to raise livestock.

These allocated tools do not seem to be very robust, but it is understandable, after all, they are free goods.

Of course, the most important thing is that these officially domesticated tools are very obedient and can simply communicate in Imperial language.

In the current record, the elimination rate of taming a qualified tool is about two-thirds.

Only those who are qualified will be sold as high-quality tools, while those who fail will usually work until death in the mines and accept high-pressure control.

After taming, there are very few records of tools silently injuring people.

Hubble took a few days to adapt and found that these tools were indeed very useful.

All it takes is some wheat bran to survive.

Eat less, work more.

Of course, this is an overdraft of life in labor.

But so what?

Do we still need to pay pension insurance to the tools silently?

On the contrary, wouldn't it be better not to live to old age, so as to save money and deal with it when the time comes, otherwise it will be a waste of food.

Hubble already had the normal thinking of a slave owner.

So under the guidance of people from the town, the new immigrants quickly reclaimed a lot of land and planted some bean crops.

It is said that this can fertilize the fields and provide some income this year.

Hubble was so busy every day that he soon had no time to think about getting rich.

If this continues, he, like most immigrants, will become a screw in the empire.

Of course, the screw of the empire is also a happy screw. Many people want to be screws but don't have the qualifications.

On this day, Hubble took his own tool, Mo, and the two walked back from Emerald Town to their residence.

There is generally no problem with the distance of about two kilometers.

Not to mention that there is a sentry post in the middle. As long as the gun is fired, Emerald Town can hear it.

In addition, Hubble has walked many times, so he is very familiar with it and is not too vigilant.

In front, Tool Mo carries the purchased supplies on his back, and his steps are relatively relaxed.

Years of hard work have made him very strong.

Unfortunately, no matter how strong he is, he is the same in front of guns, so the flesh can only succumb to guns.

Hubble followed behind, calculating how many gold coins he can harvest this year, maybe he can send a letter home at that time?

Whoosh! !

Just when he was distracted, several dark outlines suddenly appeared in the bushes in front.

Tool Mo, who was walking in front, screamed and fell to the ground.

Hubble was startled, raised his gun and aimed, snap! !

A black shadow fell down, and the remaining black shadows were aroused and rushed towards Hubble with weapons.

Hubble changed bullets in a panic, and shot another black shadow in the chest before the other party approached.

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