A group of nine people quietly lurked in front of the black slave hunting team.

"We can't get any closer."

Hubble was afraid of disturbing his own black gold mine.

"First shoot the strong black slaves in the lead."

Although the stronger the black slave, the higher the price, but this kind of guy is generally the backbone of the black slave.

Only by defeating these backbones can slaves be easily captured.

Although several of them are novices, they have the same theoretical knowledge.

There were more than a dozen people in this hunting team, each holding bone knives and stone weapons in their hands. It was obvious that they had not yet come into contact with any signs of civilization.

It is precisely because of ignorance that they have little vigilance.


Following Hubble's order, the four guns fired together.

The black slave hunting team didn't know where the enemy came from, and they were obviously panicked.

By the time the second gunshot was fired, the slave hunting team had completely collapsed.

At this time, the slaves who were lying in ambush jumped up, shouting in hugely different indigenous languages, and easily captured the remaining black slaves.

It was also common for black slaves to be captured repeatedly in inter-tribal wars.

It wasn't until Hubble and others appeared and saw the Imperial people with completely different skin colors that they caused some commotion again.

One of the strong black slaves reacted the most violently and shouted loudly at Toolmo, not knowing what he was talking about.

Hubble didn't understand what he said, but he decisively pulled out his pistol.

Snapped! ! !

Facts have proved that flesh and blood cannot withstand pistol bullets.

"This kind of black slave cannot be kept, it will only be a disaster."

Hubble explained something that the other two could understand.

The good thing about education is that most people have the ability to think.

The captured black slaves quickly confessed the tribe's situation.

There are only eighty or ninety people in the entire tribe, of which one-third are young and strong, followed by women and children, and very few elderly people.

This is consistent with the living conditions of black slaves.

This is a huge cake, and Hubble is very excited.

He found two partners and tempted them: "Half of the young men of this tribe have been captured by us, and we only need one attack to make them collapse.

Excluding the old man, we can have at least seventy slaves, and we will soon be rich. "

Don’t people come to the New World just to make a fortune?

Nowadays, there are not many people who are truly too poor to survive. Most of them came across the ocean with the mentality of gold rush.

There is an opportunity to make a fortune right in front of you, which makes people excited.

“Even if we fail, we can withdraw, this is just a group of indigenous people with stone weapons.

And we already have ten slaves, so we won’t lose anything. "

Hubble's temptation is like the devil's whisper, making people unable to help but fall.

Unable to withstand the temptation, the two agreed.

So, this small group of nine people rushed towards the black slave tribe with four guns.

The situation went better than expected, and the missing hunting team plunged the small tribe into panic.

After Hubble and others opened fire, the entire tribe was like a fried pot, with black slaves running around everywhere.

Several soldiers who wanted to fight back fell on the charging road, and the rest were just a group of lambs, with no power to resist.

There were so many slaves that the ropes they prepared were not enough, so they temporarily found some straw ropes from the black slave tribe to tie up the slaves.

Then Hubble took the tools and silently found all the valuable gold and silver ores in the tribe, and all of them were worth a lot of money.

It just so happened that so many black slaves were captured, just in time to transport the loot.

When Hubble returned to Emerald Town with a large group of slaves, he immediately caused a huge sensation.

This was the first time in this new town that so many black slaves had been captured.

The mayor laughed so hard that he couldn't close his mouth. These are all taxes!

Hubble used this income to exchange shotguns for cannons, and immediately recruited a few people and purchased a few tools to form a small slave-catching team and start a new life.

Hubble is not an exception. Immigrants from the mainland can always find opportunities in the New World.

The vast land and abundant resources always contain endless wealth.

And Derek the Great, who started the immigration boom, finally started his journey after the New Year.

Port Deegan! ! !

In order to welcome His Majesty the Great Emperor Derek, the loyal Imperial Navy has blocked the sea lanes.

All merchant ships were ordered to dock in the harbor, and any movement would result in being destroyed by warship artillery.

The black two-headed dragon flags were planted from one side to the other, and there was no end in sight.

Imperial warships filled the sea.

As the inner guards set foot on every warship, His Majesty the Emperor's carriage finally arrived at the harbor.

This is not Derek's first trip to sea, but it is the longest expected journey.

Security issues are less tense than some fear, and the newest Imperial-class battleships are the world's largest mobile islands at sea.

Even the escorting Fortress-class battlecruiser is an invincible battleship capable of sweeping the world.

The only enemy of the Imperial Navy is itself.

In this world, the only one who can eliminate these giants is the empire itself.

So Derek set foot on the Empire level with peace of mind, and Adrian accompanied him.

As shirtless furnacemen shoveled coal into the furnace, with the help of machinery, the steam turbine began to run.

Huge power is exerted along with the smoke.

The giant sea beast roared and made a unique roar.

The Imperial-class battleship started, and other accompanying warships followed suit.

In just a moment, the sky was filled with black smoke.

No one thought that this was polluting the environment. Instead, the reporters were trembling with excitement, and endless words were arranged in their minds.

This is the symbol of the empire, and this is the unique romance of this era.

The era of knights has ended, and the era of giant ships and cannons is in full swing.

This generation just witnessed the fall of the old dynasty and saw the empire rising like the sun.

Being in it and feeling the magnificent era is also a kind of enjoyment.

"This is the best era, the era of the empire."

Derek stood on the boat, full of heroic spirit.

Looking around the world, they are all weak chickens that can withstand a single blow.

What protects them is not strength, but distance.

After coming to this world for more than ten years, he has left an indelible mark, which is enough for him to be proud of.

And this is not the end, it is just the beginning.

Derek is as confident as he can be at this time.

Even the ocean becomes docile in front of the giant ship.

Along the way, wherever there is a flag, there are flags belonging to the Empire flying.

Wherever the Empire's giant ships can reach, it is the Empire's territory.

Wherever the cannon points, it is the Empire's dignity.

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