Looking at the guards around, everyone else stood far away.

Talking here, naturally no one would hear.

"Our Count Chavez is really a good minister of His Majesty, but you guys in the underworld can no longer see him." The young noble said sarcastically.

Immediately, someone moved his feet and quietly avoided.

Although these survivors are not welcomed, they at least have an aristocratic status, and they will always have more advantages in the future when they join the army and politics.

There is definitely a gap compared to the past, but there is some hope.

Some people are resentful, and of course they don't want to be involved.

Call it cowardice or timidity, anyway, I won't accompany you.

The remaining few people either can't save face or have the same idea in their hearts.

The gap between before and after is so big, not everyone can accept it calmly.

Seeing this, the young noble complained in a low voice: "A group of cowards have forgotten their noble blood. So many relatives and friends have died, all in vain."

Of course, everyone is actually the same. If you really have the courage, the grass on the grave will grow several times.

However, people always ignore their own shortcomings and magnify the shortcomings of others.

"Be careful with your words, Andre." Someone reminded him. Although these words did not have a clear target, it would be troublesome if they were spread out.

Andre was even more excited, and his voice was slightly louder: "What are you afraid of? I am not going to rebel like those idiots of the Tulu family. Our Majesty is not so narrow-minded that he will not tolerate my complaints.

I just can't stand these guys. They eat the flesh and blood of our southern nobles and pretend to be righteous."

Andre looked like a passionate young man, but he was indeed very confusing at his age.

As he said, his majesty's mind was not so small.

However... everyone's eyes flickered, and they all knew in their hearts that the real object of Andre's resentment should be that majesty.

This is a secret that cannot be told, but they just dare not say it out loud.

After all, those who can survive until now are definitely not the kind of stubborn guys who seek death.

Andre's words made many people's minds churn. The last few words were a little loud, and even Count Chavez in front heard them.

Those who were far away from him might not have the same thoughts, but might just be cautious.

Those who were close might not have good intentions, but might just want to use him as a token of allegiance.

If someone really stood up to respond, Andre would not believe it.

However, the voice was a little loud, and everyone stopped him, and it was hard to tell whether it was true or false.

In the distance, on the lighthouse of the port, a group of internal guards in black clothes were holding telescopes and observing Andre's group at the port.

There were also people holding paper and pen to record.

"Andre is a talented guy, and there is no trace of acting. I just don't know if he can catch one or two big fish."

Putting down the telescope, the local director of the Eighth Investigation Department looked regretful.

None of these old foxes is simple.

Of course, he was just testing the loyalty of these old foxes for the empire.

There is nothing wrong with using some tricks.

Of course, everyone has selfish desires. The Eighth Investigation Department monitors the internal affairs. If these guys have no ulterior motives, how can they achieve results?

Andrei chose to cooperate with them under such circumstances.

"Director, these guys are not worth anything. Even if they have ulterior motives, what can they do? Don't waste your energy."

"Nonsense, big fish and small fish are all harvests. As long as they dare to show up, I will catch them all in one net." The director scolded his subordinates, cast his eyes on the sea, and earnestly reminded: "Remember today's mission. No big fish is more important than your majesty's safety. If anyone dares to fail, don't blame me for being ruthless."

In the final analysis, no matter how well the work is done, your majesty may not be able to see it, but if you fail today, your majesty will remember it immediately.

It's just... this is not a good thing.

Maintaining stability, it's better to have no credit than to have any accidents.

People's hearts are complicated. In a small port, all parties have different thoughts. The world is like a den of ghosts.

However, as the black smoke column appeared at the sea and sky, all thoughts were swept away.

The sun of the empire has arrived. The arrival of His Majesty the Emperor will suppress all evil spirits.

Everyone was shocked, knowing that His Majesty was about to arrive.

The army at the port began the last round of patrols, and no ants would be allowed in nearby.

No one wanted to make a mistake at this time.

Count Chavez, who had been standing all the time, straightened his back. He knew His Majesty's character. The two had been dealing with each other for more than ten years.

His Majesty, who had been a soldier all his life, absolutely did not want to see his ministers as flatterers.

Therefore, it is important to maintain a good and positive image.

Flattery also requires skills. As a senior noble, Count Chavez has studied for many years and is experienced.

It took half a day from seeing the fleet to the arrival of the fleet at the port.

Count Chavez finally tidied his clothes and came to the disembarkation position.

Soon, the hatch opened, and a team of internal guards disembarked first to take over the nearby security work.

The local troops of the Eighth Reconnaissance Office emerged like ghosts.

The two sides simply handed over and formed a security team together.

After everything was arranged, His Majesty the Emperor jumped down directly with light luggage.

After landing, Derek stepped heavily twice and felt very solid.

"Long-distance sailing is also a hard task!"

Only by experiencing it personally can you have the most direct experience.

Derek has always known about the difficulties of naval soldiers, but only by experiencing it personally can he have a general impression instead of just empty words.

Count Chavez did not answer the conversation casually. He knew that speaking up at this time would be a source of shock.

Your Majesty is in the prime of his life. Do you want to say that he is in poor health, or do you want to exaggerate the difficulty of sailing?

So shutting up is the best option.

Fortunately, Derek said a few words and didn't bring up the topic again.

Even though he had just landed, the situation at the port was already known.

The Eighth Investigation Division is not a freeloader, and the results of the half-day surveillance have been reported quietly.

This is the advantage of the telegraph. It transmits information unconsciously.

Moreover, most people have no idea about telegraphy at all. Even if they have used it, their thinking can deceive their brains and they will still deduce based on their previous impressions.

Derek looked at the Earl. His contribution was not small. If the New World is developed in a few years, unification may take several times longer.

Shiploads of gold and silver from the New World made a huge contribution.

So Derek took the initiative to pat him on the shoulder and said in a relaxed tone: "Count Chavez, I heard that you stood for three hours. You don't have to do that next time. You know me."

Count Chavez trembled. His Majesty is still the same as before. Everything is in the hands of His Majesty!

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