Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 454: Collecting Soldiers from All Over the World (3)

While His Majesty the Emperor was still in the south, the establishment of a new army was rapidly advanced.

The Army Department completed the approval at the fastest speed and issued the number.

Count Chavez was very proactive. Except for retaining hundreds of family private soldiers, he handed over all the others.

In fact, these private soldiers also have historical reasons.

The wars that lasted for more than ten years before the unification of the empire led to the local tyrants to station troops for self-protection.

These private soldiers, who had undergone certain training and even had combat experience, were left behind after the war.

In addition to the rules of the feudal dynasty era, it was natural for the nobles to retain private soldiers.

No one thought it was inappropriate. After all, the private soldiers of each household were like sheep in front of the imperial army.

However, Derek saw the hidden danger. With military power in hand, people's hearts would inevitably swell, which would cause a lot of unnecessary troubles.

Moreover, the nobles and tyrants were rampant because of their private soldiers.

Otherwise, in an environment where everyone in the empire can carry a gun, you can try to oppress ordinary people at will.

At that time, if a common man gets angry, I'm afraid blood will splatter five steps away.

Count Chavez placed the sword given by the Emperor on his knees and sat still.

On the parade ground, the family's private soldiers were mobilized.

The officers from the military began to reorganize on the spot.

Because the upper level agreed, the soldiers below certainly had no objection.

After all, it should be a good thing to go from the Chavez family's private soldiers to the regular army of the empire.

That is, some middle-level officers are unwilling to give up, and they are more loyal to the Chavez family than the empire.

With their status and position, it is difficult to understand Count Chavez's choice.

In their eyes, this is killing the donkey after it has done its work.

While the military officers were busy counting the heads, several officers came to Count Chavez.

"Count, the empire... is too much."

Count Chavez opened his eyes and glanced at these family officers.

The incident happened suddenly, and he had to be on duty beside His Majesty the Emperor, so many things were too late to communicate face to face.

In extraordinary times, extraordinary measures are taken.

These people are also loyal to him, so Count Chavez said: "You guys... take off your uniforms and come to serve me."

"Count, at this time we should seize the military power and let the people of the empire know who this army belongs to."

The officers were very anxious. How could they hand over the military power?

They were confident that they could control the army with their confidants.

The military's means were mild, and even the organization was not completely disrupted. What effect could it have?

"The army belongs to your majesty.

I am also loyal to your majesty."

Count Chavez's attitude was consistent.

"Don't say more. The truth of the matter is different from what you see.

If the military really wants to take action, you can't stop it.

You can't understand your majesty's temperament."

This is the truth. If the military really wants to eliminate the control of the Chavez family over this army, it can do it easily.

Do you really think that the nearby guards of Weirong are eating dry food?

Count Chavez forcibly suppressed internal dissatisfaction and promoted the reorganization of the army at a very fast speed.

The military was also very considerate. Although some officers were placed, the adjutants sent were conscientious in their duties. Count Chavez really became the commander of this division, with both name and substance.

The Great Xia Empire did not lack this division, but only a name.

And after three generations, if the Chavez family was passed down, it would not have the influence it has today.

Count Chavez continued to guard the emperor, and he would personally put on armor and guard for his majesty every day.

If there was anything, he would definitely let his son replace him and follow him.

In addition, the Chavez family recently gave up their private soldiers, and everyone saw it.

There were certainly many scoldings, and the nobles who felt that their interests were damaged naturally had no good temper.

Andre was even more jumping up and down, trying to connect some people to make trouble.

Most people, of course, regarded him as a joke, but there were also many people who were not doing well and approached him for various reasons.

Gathering power brings power, no matter whether it is a good reputation or a bad reputation, it is better than being unknown before.

Seeing that the Chavez family's private soldiers had been completely reorganized, the people behind him could not sit still and pushed Andre to make trouble.

This is the disadvantage of gathering strength, and it is always inevitable to backfire.

Andre thought to himself that if he had not joined the Eighth Investigation Department long ago, he would have been dead this time.

Do you really think that jumping back and forth is not dangerous?

Having seen the methods of the Eighth Investigation Department, he is still in fear.

Fortunately, there are people behind him, and Andre is full of confidence.

That day, while Count Chavez was changing shifts, he found an opportunity to intercept the famous Count halfway.

"Who is it?"

The guards were a little nervous. If the car was not parked outside the palace, they would have opened fire long ago.

Andre raised his hands and slowly walked out of the shadows.

"It's me, Count Chavez, can I get in the car for a ride?"

Count Chavez sat in the car, looking tired.

These days are really tiring, not only running back and forth, but also dealing with the doubts of the family.

Fortunately, as a contemporary earl who has carried forward the family, some noise can be easily suppressed.

Now, there are more monsters coming to the door.

Chavez doesn't need to think, he knows what the other party is here for.

As for Andre, he knows him, but he doesn't pay much attention to his whereabouts in the past few days.

After hesitating for a while, he stood up and stood at the shaft of the car, looking down at the other party from a high position.

"Sir Andre, if you have anything to say, you can say it here."

Andre looked around, this is to avoid suspicion!

But he was not afraid, and lowered his voice directly: "Count, you have worked hard and made great contributions. Those northerners don't understand, but I do understand you.

This time, His Majesty has reduced your military power. I think it was the northerners who instigated it. We can't let them be so arrogant.

I have some like-minded people here who can help the count."

Of course, Andre couldn't directly say that he was dissatisfied with His Majesty the Emperor, but changing a hostile target is actually the same in essence.

As long as Count Chavez is moved, he can naturally see something.

Who knew that in the firelight, Count Chavez's face was obscure.

It seemed that he was looking at Andre, and it seemed that he was thinking.

Andre felt his heart pounding. No matter what this person chose, he didn't care. What he was afraid of was that he would be shot on the spot, and then he would really have no place to complain.

After a long while, Count Chavez suddenly asked in a gloomy voice, "Are you from the Eighth Investigation Department?"

This kind of secret service is not known to ordinary people, but how could Count Chavez not know about it?

The trapping and enforcement are just leftovers from his previous life.

Even Count Chavez is sure that even if Andre is from the Eighth Investigation Department, this matter is definitely not instructed by His Majesty.

There is no other reason, it is too low-end and too crude.

It is unbearable to watch.

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