Pierre finished his tea leisurely, flipped through all the newspapers ordered by the regiment twice, and then he tidied his appearance and got up to go out.

The mission of the Guard Division was simple and important. They only needed to protect the safety of His Majesty the Emperor.

Fortunately, the Guard Division was elite, so elite that Pierre felt weird.

Many times, he felt that His Majesty the Emperor was really a god sent from heaven, born to end this chaotic world.

To be honest, after being transferred to the Guard Division, he himself felt unbelievable.

It was like a husky mixed into a wolf pack, and it was out of place no matter how you looked at it.

Fortunately, he was a self-aware husky, pretending to have a serious face, and with the assistance of the staff, he did not make any mistakes.

Pierre also thought that this might be a conspiracy, maybe his identity was exposed?

But after a year of lurking observation, he did not notice anything unusual.

No one was monitoring him, and no one paid too much attention to him.

He was just like an ordinary regimental officer, completing his duties every day and protecting the safety of His Majesty the Emperor.

He could not even find a possible opportunity. Even if he was a regimental officer, he would be disarmed if he approached His Majesty the Emperor.

If he was on duty, he might have been pinned to the ground by the soldiers around him before he even drew his gun.

He knew very well how elite the soldiers of the Guards Division were.

As for a cold weapon assassination within seven steps, Pierre wisely gave up the idea of ​​seeking death after seeing His Majesty the Emperor knock down a tiger with his bare hands during training.

If it went on like this, he might have accepted his fate. With his qualifications as a member of the empire before its establishment and his current status, he was more noble than the illegitimate son of a marquis.

But His Majesty the Emperor came to his hometown and happened to let him guard the palace gate.

Pierre was moved, especially after his brother personally lobbied, he decided to take a chance.

Speaking of which, my identity was originally arranged by my brother. Maybe he had good intentions at that time and wanted to find a way out for me, but now... it is also a death warrant.

With all kinds of thoughts in his mind, Pierre took a look around and then returned to his residence.

Sure enough, his brother Sadie was already sitting in the room waiting.

This temporary residence has a secret passage, which is the foundation of the survivors.

Pierre was very calm and lit the lights as usual. He had already found an excuse to send the orderly away.

"Brother, have you decided to do it?"

Sadie took off his hood. There was a very long scar on his face, from the corner of his mouth to his eyes, which almost turned him into a one-eyed dragon.

The once elegant noble boy has become a thug bent on revenge.

I don't know how much of that pitiful family affection is left.

Pierre himself is no longer the boy he was back then. After so many years of struggling, how could he still be so innocent.

"It has been decided. The rest depends on my dear brother... you." Sadie's voice was unpleasant, like the cry of a night owl.

"I need to know your approximate plan and number of people. The empire has many capable people. Maybe we can succeed in assassinating him, but how can we leave alive?"

Saidi looked at his brother suspiciously, and said after a while: "Brother, if it succeeds, we will jointly recommend you as the next generation of the Griffin King. Don't take our lives to seek credit."

He doubted whether his brother had rebelled.

After all, the Griffin survivors are now like rats in the gutter, and the other party has a promising future.

Pierre's eyes flickered, he really had this idea.

Just thinking that if he reported his own brother, his future would be ruined, and at most he would have a sinecure. Of course, the most important thing...he felt that he also had a chance.

Assassinating the king and killing the driver, as long as he avoided the backlash, that would be a great prestige, at least in the Griffin Peninsula, he could get a lot of support.

Are kings, princes, generals, and ministers of different species?

People are greedy, and there will always be people who are not satisfied.

Pierre looked at his brother and assured him, "Do you think I have a way out? And... for you, my brother, I will avenge you."

The two were silent, no one believed this.

However, Sadie had no choice, this was the best opportunity.

Immediately, the two conspired for a while, and Sadie quietly left through the secret passage.


Inside the palace!!

Derrick was looking at the report. Since Simon started killing, the Griffin Peninsula, which had been quiet for several months, seemed to be lively again.

The riots and uprisings that happened one after another, those who didn't know would think that he was really a tyrant.

Of course, some people who were full and bored began to attack Simon again, as if they had to get a victory from him.

Derrick saw the purpose of these people at a glance. Attacking Simon was not for any great cause, but just a test by a group of interest groups.

The pie of the empire is so big, and the meritorious group occupies a large share. If they want to get more pie, they naturally have to pull down the meritorious elders.

It just so happens that Simon has a lot of black material. Can he not attack hard when he gets the chance?

As for the riots that occurred one after another, they seemed reasonable at first glance, but behind them were the push of the old and young people of the Griffin Kingdom.

It is difficult to destroy a country, but it is even more difficult to completely eliminate the influence of the old master.

The nobles have long been deeply rooted in all aspects of society, and they are like a centipede that will not die even if it is dead.

It is too easy for them to stir up trouble.

Of course, having lost the foundation of rule, every time he caused trouble, he was consuming Yu Ze.

The smart way should be to start again with influence. Maybe it is not as good as before, but he also has a place in the new empire.

Unfortunately, not everyone can face the gap calmly after having it.

Derek knows the mentality of these people, and the Eighth Investigation Department will also mark the information investigated one by one. These will be settled later.

Because of the riots that have occurred one after another, it is natural to mobilize the troops around to suppress the rebellion.

Derek issued an order, and immediately two more guard divisions set off and dispersed to the Griffin Peninsula to suppress this large-scale riot.

The survivors of the Griffin Kingdom will naturally follow the traces of these troops, and even they have made strict arrangements outside the Griffin Peninsula to ensure that there are no abnormal troop movements.

So, a rare window period appeared.

There is an unprecedented emptiness around the Emperor of Daxia, and the existence of only one guard division is barely enough to protect him.

As for the naval fleet that was so close, if something unexpected happened, would they dare to bombard the palace?

Sadie and the others were excited. This was a godsend opportunity.

"Dog Emperor, your retribution has finally come. Even the heavens are helping us."

Sadie decided... to take action.

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