Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 477: Arresting people but not investigating the case

Earl Jeffreys sat in a stately manner behind the central desk.

Below him were officials of all levels kneeling densely, and officials and nobles were able to get a place to stand.

As for those who were not qualified to kneel here, they were detained in the yard outside.

Many people were captured from their beds overnight, and when they arrived at the place, they saw that their colleagues were captured on both sides.

Even the civil officials of a city stood obediently.

In an instant, they lost all thoughts.

This was obviously a big case, and many people began to recall whether they had participated in any rebellion recently.

The civil officials of Sand City also stood in the hall nervously.

From the moment the army entered the city, he knew that this time it was a big deal.

His first reaction was which local family was rebelling, otherwise why would they make such a big fuss?

When Earl Jeffreys sat down, his eyes lit up and he became energetic instantly.

There was no other reason, just seeing a savior.

There are countless officials from the northern noble lineage in the Great Xia Empire, and they are all involved.

Unfortunately, the local civil official is from the northern lineage, and is even a little related to Earl Jeffreys.

Of course, he is not stupid enough to expose the relationship between the two on the spot.

However, officials protect each other, and at least he will not be wronged if he has an acquaintance.

He thought he did not do anything wrong, and this matter would not implicate him.

Earl Jeffreys also saw him, his face was normal.

After Peter sat down and made sure that nothing was missed, a row of clerks sat down, spread out paper and pens, and prepared to record.

Count Jeffreys coughed and shouted, "Civil Affairs Officer!!"

"I am here."

"I am here on the orders of His Majesty the Emperor of Daxia to supervise the case of merchant Toby occupying land, killing people, and bribing officials. Now I ask you to interrogate me, and you must tell the truth."

"Yes, I will tell the truth."

"I ask you, do you know the case of merchant Toby setting fire?"

"I don't know."

"Then why don't you accept the people's complaints?"

"After inspection, the fire case was an accident, so it was not accepted."

"Did any relevant personnel receive money?"

After a moment of silence, the civil affairs officer said, "Yes, it should be one hundred gold coins."

This number should be true.

Since he confessed, there is no need to lie here.

Count Jeffreys knew it and hated his stupidity.

One hundred gold coins are obviously not enough for a local civil affairs officer to cover up such a big case.

But accepting money, or in this matter, he really has no suspicion at all?

It's nothing more than pretending to be deaf and dumb. Since the local forces have nailed the case file, they simply don't bother to interfere.

After all, there is no benefit in causing more trouble. As for the innocent people who died... what does it have to do with the civil officials?

So Earl Jeffreys hated him for being stupid, which was simply stupid to the extreme.

"Come here, take off his official uniform, hand over his seal, and wait for His Majesty to deal with him."

Even if he didn't intervene in the case, as a local civil official, he avoided things and didn't investigate them. This was connivance.

What's the point of keeping such a stupid official? Is it to lose face for the Northland?

The civil official had a calm face, but when he heard the outcome, he panicked.

"Earl, I didn't participate, what does it have to do with me? I really didn't participate!"

Earl Jeffreys ignored him and looked directly at Peter.

The latter understood and said, "Shut him up."

You are related to him, but I am not.

The Eighth Investigation Department was not afraid of retaliation. After being stripped of their official status, they had no more worries when they took action.

With two slaps, the so-called civil officials shut up instantly.

Many people in the hall began to tremble. The civil officials said to go down, let alone these people?

"Where is the sheriff?"

An official dressed in sheriff's uniform came forward with a pale face.

He opened his mouth and cried out: "Count, this case has been decided. All confessions and evidence are available. We are not at fault."

"Beat, beat him directly."

Count Jeffreys Jr. gave a cold order. The sheriff was the direct party involved and must have known about it. All case files must be passed by him before the case can be closed.

As for evidence, aren't the other sheriffs still alive?

He said when he came that this trip was to arrest people, not to investigate the case.

His Majesty the Emperor has already determined the result. Does it matter whether there is evidence or not?

Aren't you taking advantage of loopholes in the law? Aren't you manipulating the judiciary?

Treat people the way they treat you.

Let you taste the cruelty of bypassing the judiciary.

The detective of the Eighth Investigation Department grinned. The sheriff of a place was not a small figure. It was a good job to be able to take action.

The sheriff did not expect it, and suddenly looked up at Count Little Jeffreys.

"This is not in accordance with the rules. I am an official of Daxia. I will report to His Majesty. You are disobeying orders."

The detective had already pressed him to the ground and beat him to death with a clapper.

Count Little Jeffreys sneered and replied: "If I killed you by mistake, I will apologize to you later.

If I didn't kill you by mistake, you go down and wait first. His Majesty has ordered... Let you taste the taste of being burned to death. All of your three clans must go down to accompany you."

The sheriff began to resist. He thought that it was no big deal to die, but he didn't know that his family would be implicated.

"Tyrant, Daxia law does not have such cruel regulations. You are a tyrant."

Law? It's your turn to talk to me about the law?

Without torture, how can we intimidate the world?

As for the tyrants, all the power in Daxia is concentrated in the hands of one person.

All things in the world are used to support one person.

All rules come from one heart.

Soon, the shouting became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared completely.

The executioner checked and reported: "Minister, the prisoner is dead."

Suddenly, the whole room was silent.

In Yusha City, the sheriff was considered a big shot, but he died so easily.

They realized that this was not a game of playing house.

The adults from above didn't care about the rules at all.

They came to seek justice, not to investigate the case.

Next, Earl Jeffreys asked again, and no one dared to hide it.

The matter was really simple, nothing more than illegal businessmen, arson and murder.

The detectives involved in the case either took money or turned a blind eye. Anyway, everything was arranged, and the other party even prepared the witness testimony, just writing a case closure.

As for the follow-up, it had nothing to do with them.

"Disregarding the laws of the empire, helping the tyrant to commit atrocities, and harming the people.

All of you are imprisoned and awaiting processing."

"Bring the officials from the Judicial Bureau."


"Bring the witnesses!"


The trial was carried out at a very fast speed.

As I said, this is to arrest people.

Finally, bring... the businessman Toby.

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