The arrival of the Black Swan made Maple Leaf Mining directors very curious.

They already knew about this modified and upgraded warship.

Just from this one-sided understanding, we can probably know that the Daxia Empire's technical strength is not weak.

"This is Daxia Empire showing its muscles to us!" the visiting chairman said to the old guys with a smile.

There is definitely nothing wrong with this understanding, but they also admit that it is very effective.

The prerequisite for Maple Leaf Mining to fall to the Daxia Empire is that the other party has sufficient strength.

Otherwise, if it is shattered by the Blue Star Federation, wouldn't Maple Leaf Mining become the fool who voted for the National Army in 1949?

Lin Jie did not rush to persuade these old guys. Instead, he said from his own perspective: "The Daxia Empire is very cautious. Maybe its real strength is not as good as we speculated, but the Count Michel who came into contact with me is very capable, and his basic education should be good. ”

Lin Jie is not stupid. The Daxia Empire is hiding it, maybe because of pride, or maybe to cover up its weakness.

He thinks the latter is more likely, but this weak one is compared with the Blue Star Federation.

Perhaps the overall strength is at a disadvantage, which makes Daxia Empire worried.

But he never thought that the Great Xia Federation would be so weak that it could not be defeated.

The old chairman smiled happily, as his son was indeed not carried away by temptation.

"Lin Jie, are you trying to convince us old stubborns now?" The old chairman looked at his son's surprised expression and said happily: "We have decided to fall to the Great Xia Empire. We see no room for improvement here. , how can it be possible without taking risks?”

People become better with age, and this group of old guys in Maple Leaf Mining have no ability to develop, so they are not useless.

Classes are solidified, making it difficult to move forward. The channels for advancement seem to exist, but in fact they are blocked after reaching a certain level.

Even if you have no ambition, others will not let you go.

He did not tell Lin Jie that Tianma Group seemed to have noticed some clues recently and was paying attention to Maple Leaf Mining's trends.

Do you really think there will be many benefits to choosing Blue Star Federation?

I'm afraid that what's waiting is not the future, but the ending.

This result really surprised Lin Jie.

"I thought I was going to have a debate with you, but I didn't expect it to be resolved so easily." Lin Jie said frankly.

"The purpose of calling you back is to show the Great Xia Empire. Things that are too easy to obtain will not be cherished.

Moreover, we also have gifts for the Great Xia Empire. "

Now that you've decided to go all out, don't do anything at the beginning or end.

Lin Jie quickly saw the information installed in the independent terminal.

This is a terminal that cannot connect to the Internet, so there is no need to worry about data leakage.

But he was surprised, very surprised.

"Where did you get it?"

Lin Jie knew very well what kind of strength his family had.

There are quotas for buying warships, let alone the latest model, even the quantity must be controlled.

This is an important means for the Blue Star Federation to control capital. As long as absolute force is still in its hands, stability can be guaranteed.

Of course, in fact, the so-called federation is just a fig leaf for a small number of capitals.

Other capital management companies, they run the government.

Use the money of Blue Star citizens to support the fleet, then suppress the opposition and continue to collect taxes, forming a perfect closed loop.

The development of productivity has eliminated many direct conflicts, so the Blue Star Federation is still relatively stable.

After all, until the exploited workers can no longer survive, at best, financial crises will break out from time to time.

Therefore, Lin Jie, who understood the nature of the federation, did not feel that his family had this ability.

Inside the terminal, there are clearly the construction materials of the fortress in service.

The comprehensiveness of various technologies and the detailed details made him feel scared.

Once this thing becomes known, it is no longer a matter of bankruptcy.

The angry federation will hang the owners of Maple Leaf Mining.

"Be careful. You study those toys every day. Don't you understand the information?" The old chairman was dissatisfied with his son's startled behavior. He swiped the screen and turned to the first page: "This is what I learned from the Military Collection Museum. This is the first version of the drawing of the current Thunder God Fortress.”

The Thunder God Fortress is one of the most famous fortresses currently in service. It was built about a hundred years ago, which is still young for a space fortress.

However, every year, this military fortress undergoes maintenance and upgrades.

There have been three or four major upgrades in the past century, and they are already different from the original version.

"This time the mainstream weapons of the Federation are really going to be updated. Of course a big guy like Thor Fortress will not be replaced, but the weapons and equipment inside will be updated one after another. The names of the first version of the drawings will still be retained in the future."

The old chairman was very melancholy. The Thunder God Fortress was as old as him, so it was a good memory.

Now the name of the fortress may not have been changed, but everything inside has to be changed, which is equivalent to the end.

Lin Jie understood. It turned out to be the case. After the new fortress was upgraded, the old version would only have historical value.

The latest versions may still need to be kept secret, but the first version was placed in a museum because of its historical value.

In this way, there is an opportunity to take action.

The Blue Star Federation doesn't think anyone needs this old fortress.

Lin Jie also felt melancholy. The Mad Lion level he had used for many years was coming to an end.

He asked a very important question: "Has the Federation said our company's quota for new warships?"

"No, don't think about it for a short time. You may be able to use the new battleship when your son takes over.

I'm afraid you have to take over a few batches of old guys who have been eliminated. "

Lin Jie curled his lips in disdain. Before the replacement, the mainstream battleships were all good things. He would definitely be very happy if he could use them.

Now... the dogs are disgusted.

He even thought about sending it all to the Daxia Empire to see if he could reverse engineer some technology.

The Daxia Empire likes to collect various technologies from the Blue Star Federation. Although he doesn't know the reason, he hopes that the Daxia Empire will become stronger as possible.

Lin Jie calmed down and took a rough look at the design catalog of the Thunder God Fortress. He had to say that this was a huge precision project.

To build such a fortress, the overall strength requirements are too high.

Maple Leaf Mining will never think about it again in this life.

But today’s breaking news is not over yet.

The old chairman waited for him to finish reading, and then said: "This time you go back to the Daxia Federation and tell them... that we are willing to hand over the entrance to the interstellar passage on the Federation's side to them."

Lin Jie was truly shocked this time: "Dad, think clearly, our family will really be shot for a hundred years if the federation finds out."

"What are you afraid of? As long as the Daxia Empire falls, nothing will happen to our family. The Daxia Empire can threaten the federal territory at any time, so they have to provide for you. Only if the Daxia Federation falls will they dare to attack us."

The old chairman saw it more clearly. To beat a dog, it depends on the owner. He could guess the reaction of people like Blue Star Federation.

Especially the Tianma Group, despite their arrogant appearance now, if they face the threat of Daxia Fleet, they will definitely treat themselves as their ancestors.

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