"Thank you Mr. Ma Zhi for your cooperation. The group will not treat any employee unfairly, but the handover should not be necessary. Director Ma Jiahe will be directly responsible for the power of the chief security officer."

Ma Zhi understood that he was not only taking the blame, but also making way for his successor.

Strictly speaking, this director Ma Jiahe was still his junior.

Of course, the weak blood relationship was not enough.

Tianma Group has a history of more than a thousand years, and the Ma family has long been estranged from the blood relationship.

If you really get serious, everyone is no different from passers-by.

If nothing else, I can sit in the position of security director, not by blood relationship, and even the proportion of ability is not large.

The most important thing is that my family has a small amount of shares in the group, and I happen to have ability, plus the surname Ma, so I can sit in this position.

That's it, once you make a mistake, you can be replaced at any time.

Ma Zhi knew that even if he was dismissed, he would still live better than most people.

As a small shareholder of Tianma Group, he not only does not have these messy responsibilities, but also can make decisions at the voting meeting, which is much easier.

So, he calmly put down the affairs in his hands and really left cleanly.

And there was no special reaction. Every day he either drank tea and read newspapers, or went out to pick up girls and hunt.

Occasionally, he would attend the shareholders' meeting and shout a few times to enjoy the sense of superiority.

It can be said that he is more like a capitalist than a capitalist. It is completely seamless and there is no disharmony at all.

Even because he was the security director, he is still very popular among small shareholders.

When he sat in that position, everyone scolded him.

After stepping down, everyone praised him.

The public opinion changed so quickly that Ma Zhi found it ridiculous.


"It seems that our former general manager has a good mentality and is very open-minded."

Ma Jiahe said this after listening to Ma Zhi's recent movements.

The position of security director of Tianma Group is very important.

If it weren't for Ma Zhi's special identity, he would have wanted the other party to shut up forever.

However, necessary surveillance is still necessary.

In a sense, the Tianma Group is a small country, which is self-contained and full of fierce open and secret struggles.

This time, he took the opportunity to defeat Ma Zhi, the representative of the small shareholders, and it took a lot of effort to reap the fruits of victory.

That's right, Ma Jiahe thinks he is here to pick peaches.

The group is ready, the warships are fully updated, and even the training and running-in of Ma Zhi have been completed.

Just waiting for the whole army to attack, defeat Maple Leaf Mining, and obtain all honors.

As for whether it will reduce losses if we prepare for a longer period of time?

Ma Jiahe is not a waste who knows nothing, so he naturally understands that time is on his side.

However, he will not wait too long. When Ma Zhi's influence fades, he will act as soon as possible to reap the fruits of victory.

Too long, delay will lead to changes.

Too early, it is inevitable that people will say that it is Ma Zhi's credit.

So, two months is just right.

Two months is enough to reorganize six new fleets, even enough to compete with the standard fleet of the Federation.

Maple Leaf Mining may be able to resist for a while, but it will eventually be defeated under the beating.

Even if it is a short stalemate, Tianma Group's hematopoietic function is stronger than Maple Leaf Mining.

It can be said that... it is foolproof.

After reaping the fruits of victory, he can legitimately take over the scepter of Tianma Group and make further preparations for the succession.

As for whether the process is a bit dirty, no one will care about these things under the glorious results.

Therefore, Ma Jiahe was very satisfied and relieved to confirm that Ma Zhi had no intention of making trouble for him.

He did not doubt it either, after all, Ma Zhi was wearing shoes, not barefoot.

It's just that he lost his job, but he is still a superior person. Is it necessary to fight for his life?

Turning his head, he forgot about Ma Zhi and rearranged.

"Keep an eye on Maple Leaf Mining, I don't want to see any more unexpected impacts."

There are people from Tianma Group in the federal research team, so Tianma Group can analyze things that cannot be reflected in the research report.

Combined with the monitoring of Maple Leaf Mining's consumption of materials, the strength of Maple Leaf Mining can be roughly estimated.

This deduction will only be less, not more.

Because the battleship factory is so large, it is impossible to produce too many battleships at the same time.

Battleships are not cabbages that can be put off the line like dumplings at will.

Therefore, in half a year, Maple Leaf Mining should be able to replenish an entire battleship formation, roughly with no more than two battleship formations.

In another half a year, Maple Leaf Mining's battleship formation will not exceed four, and the probability is three.

But Tianma Group will double again.

If you take action after half a year, the chances of winning will be greater.

But he can't wait.

If he waits another half a year, it is not certain who will be credited.

Ma Jiahe hopes to seize the fruits of victory as soon as possible and push his position up.

As for the additional losses of the group, they are not worth mentioning in front of personal interests.

Therefore, Tianma Group has already prepared for war in advance.

As for the reason... Ma Jiahe passionately explained to the shareholders: "If we start a war now, the chance of winning is 99%. If we start a war six months later, the chance of winning is 100%.

For this one percent chance of winning, the group needs to endure another six months of plummeting reputation and loss of countless money. This year's dividend will be completely reimbursed, and next year's dividend will even be overdrawn.

Moreover, the industry stolen by Maple Leaf Mining is transfusing blood for the enemy every day.

If the situation drags on for a long time, the impact will be three years, five years or even longer. The entire recovery period is long, and the interests of all shareholders will also be affected, including the long-term inability to pay dividends, the group's expansion of share issuance, and the dilution of your shares... …”

Ma Jiahe strives to paint for everyone the economic impact of protracted war.

For the capital plutocrats, they are not short-sighted, but their behavior may be short-sighted.

Everything depends on the intention of the person at the helm, otherwise small shareholders will be easily manipulated.

Sure enough, as soon as they heard that their own interests might be damaged, people immediately became angry.

"Start a war, start a war, and show those sons of bitches at Maple Leaf Mining how powerful they are."

"I'm not worried about dividends, I'm just worried about the damage to the group's reputation, which is irreversible."

"Mr. Ma Zhi, what do you think?"

A group of small shareholders asked Ma Zhi, a ‘professional’, for his opinion.

Ma Zhi's expression changed slightly. Even though these guys were very enthusiastic about him recently, he knew their character very well.

However, this time I can't go along with what they say, otherwise if something unexpected happens... I will really have to take the blame.

Moreover...it doesn't fit in with his personality, and the Young Director will be suspicious of it when the time comes.

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