The exercise plan went on as planned, and every armed member of the Tianma Group who participated was unaware of the game behind it.

In fact, this was a normal spot check, aimed at checking the fleet's readiness, execution and even combat status.

Through sudden inspections, some problems can be discovered.

Especially when new warships enter service training, the frequency of such exercises is actually higher.

One of the squadrons, led by only a new battle cruiser, arrived at the designated area.

In the exercise plan, they were ordered to carry out a sniper mission, so they were fully armed and ready for battle at any time.

No one treated it as an exercise, and everyone was very serious and carried out various hypothetical simulations.

Suddenly, a distress signal came.

The commander of the fleet detachment almost thought it was a surprise attack from the headquarters.

However, after the information officer compared the code, his expression became nervous.

"Commander, it's a real distress signal, we have to prepare for the battle."

The commander reacted quickly, or the instinct of training has formed a conditioned reflex.

"War state, all warships enter war state, this is not an exercise, this is not an exercise."

"001 cruiser is ready."

"006 frigate is ready."


The feedback information was summarized to the command center, and the commander had calmed down and ordered calmly: "Attack, attack."

Driving a brand new warship, it is hard to say that there is no idea when encountering the enemy for the first time.

Maple Leaf Mining has been suppressing Tianma Group in several battles. It is impossible to say that they are not angry.

Soon, they saw the patrol ship being besieged.

This patrol fleet is only a destroyer formation, with strong rapid maneuverability, but insufficient firepower and protection.

At this time, most of the warships have already exploded, and more than a dozen enemy warships are chasing them.

When the fleet that came to support arrived, alarms began to sound on all radars.

"Damn, how unlucky, retreat, retreat."

Maple Leaf Mining was also unaware of it. They just attacked the patrol fleet of Tianma Group according to orders.

At this time, support arrived. They guessed that it might be a fleet passing by. They could only say that they were unlucky.

A merciful army cannot be used. Sacrifice and dedication are important parts of war.

For individuals, this may be a betrayal, but the standards of soldiers and ordinary people are different.

Of course, they knew nothing.

At this time, the fleet of Maple Leaf Mining began to retreat alternately.

On the contrary, the destroyer patrol formation of Tianma Group bit the enemy ship like crazy.

Everyone has anger. After so many friendly ships were destroyed, they were naturally full of anger.

At this time, support arrived, and of course they wanted to try their best to keep the enemy.

Soon the support fleet also joined the battlefield, and a more intense bombardment began.

Maple Leaf Mining began to lose warships, one after another.

After a long chase, only three warships escaped.

The news was quickly passed back to the security department of Tianma Group, and Ma Jiahe clenched his fists hard.

"A great victory!"

It turned out that the news channel he got was true.

He felt that it was unlikely that he would be deceived. After all, judging from the situation, Maple Leaf Mining was already on the decline, and it was inevitable that some people would have other thoughts.

At this time, anyway, it was called abandoning darkness and joining light, which was human nature.

In fact, he did not promise too many benefits at all, which showed that the other party did not have enough confidence in Maple Leaf Mining.

Although he was confident that he could defeat Maple Leaf Mining, the smaller the price paid, the better, wasn't it?

If the loss was heavy, clowns like Ma Zhi would probably jump out again.

Only a clean and neat victory could leave people speechless.

He told the deputy general manager of the security department about his information channel, hoping to get more professional evidence.

Sure enough, the latter analyzed for him very calmly: "Maple Leaf Mining is at a disadvantage in terms of the number of warships, and it is bound to concentrate its forces. If the information is reliable, we can completely use a small number of warships to contain the opponent's main force, and then choose a time to erode the opponent's living force, and finally make a fair decision."

He did not pursue a one-time solution to Maple Leaf Mining, otherwise, if there was a problem with the information channel, it would be easy to fall into a passive position.

Just make good use of the time difference, and you can win at a very small cost.

Maple Leaf Mining has insufficient warships, which is an opportunity to defeat them one by one.

If the opponent does not divide his troops, he will be locked step by step, and he will still be unlucky in the end.

The most important thing is that the movement of the main force of the Tianma Group fleet is completely determined by itself, and outsiders cannot know it at all, even if there is a conspiracy, it cannot be carried out.

Ma Jiahe actually wants to take more risks, but after listening to the analysis of the deputy general manager, he admitted that the other party’s words make sense.

"Although I want to take risks, professionals listen to professionals. I believe you and do what you say." Ma Jiahe gave his men full trust.

He only has one request, to win as soon as possible.

"No problem, we can take the initiative to put pressure on the other side to get them moving." The deputy general manager is obviously very confident.

How to use superior forces to pressure the enemy to move is a compulsory course.

So, under Ma Jiahe's instructions, Tianma Group took the initiative to provoke the prelude to war.

After more than a year of preparation, Tianma Group has completed the preparation of six new fleets, as well as a large number of old formations.

With such superior military forces, they naturally took the initiative.

Several new fleets moved publicly, which immediately changed the strategic situation of both sides.

Maple Leaf Mining had to follow suit.

As long as it moved, there would be flaws.

Ma Jiahe got the insider's intelligence, and Tianma Group also had its own information channels.

After several phases of verification, the authenticity of the intelligence was quickly confirmed.

"There are about two formations of warships gathering near the Guardian Star. Maple Leaf Mining should have given up other depths and prepared to fight a protracted war with us."

"Go around, send two new fleets and two old fleets to contain the other side, do not take the initiative to start a war, and retreat when necessary to entangle the other side."

"Our main force will wait for an opportunity to act, use our own intelligence, and give priority to capturing the other side's single warships."

When the war machine of Tianma Group really started to operate, the energy it exerted was amazing.

Such a behemoth is almost equivalent to the federal government's garrison in the Tianma Galaxy.

If they were allowed to build an aircraft carrier, it would really challenge the authority of the federal government in the Tianma Galaxy.

Of course, no sovereign civilization could accept such behavior.

At this time, at the Maple Leaf Mining interstellar channel, warships jumped out of the channel one after another.

The cover-up equipment has failed, and the space is like water waves, constantly rippling.

"Is this the Pegasus Galaxy? My bones are almost stiff, so it's a good time to move them around."

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