Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 825 Killing Many Birds with One Stone

Against the dark starry sky, hundreds of warships remained silent, inserted from the unmanned belt of the Tianma Galaxy, and then made a big circle, spending ten days approaching the defense circle of Maple Leaf Mining from other directions.

When Maple Leaf Mining's reconnaissance satellite discovered the enemy, it was too late.

This was the plan of the Tianma Group, and it was also implemented in the early stage.

However, what they didn't know was that the two battleship formations of the Guardian Star had already retreated.

The remaining ones were only some old warships or even armed merchant ships. Relying on the planetary defense system, it would be best if they could resist the attack, but it didn't matter if they couldn't.

What determines the direction of the balance is not the victory or defeat here.

In fact, in front of Lister, three shining marks clearly marked the location of the Tianma Group.

Ma Zhi's intelligence support certainly couldn't be so timely. At most, he revealed the movements after the docking and the approximate plan.

The reason why it can be monitored in real time is still due to extraordinary technology.

Ma Zhi's insider can't do big things, but it's very simple to take a few personal items.

Obviously, such a small extraordinary item cannot be discovered by simple technological means.

Finally, it was completely exposed. The activities of the Tianma Group fleet were completely under surveillance.

Therefore, the Tianma Group thought they were attacking by surprise, but in fact, they were exposed.

Lister arranged the battlefield in advance, and a large number of fortress guns were arranged in the starry sky, disguised as wandering star-breaking belts.

The warships were hidden behind a natural meteorite belt, like a poisonous snake.

As long as the opponent enters the ambush circle, they will definitely suffer a big loss.

As for whether it will pass... I can only say that there is an 80% possibility, and the remaining 20% ​​can only give up the ambush and face off head-on.

No matter how you calculate it, creating an advantageous battlefield with inferior forces is already a tactical victory.

When the Tianma Group's fleet arrived as scheduled, Lister even ordered: "All warships remain silent and all engines are turned off."

It is imperative that there should be no movement, only sporadic reconnaissance satellites, openly displayed in the open.

Reconnaissance satellites will not arouse suspicion at all. Even in such an unimportant area, Maple Leaf Mining cannot completely ignore it.

Placing a few worthless reconnaissance satellites is just like an alarm.

In fact, after discovering the reconnaissance satellite, the deputy director of the security department of Tianma Group really didn't care.

"Don't worry about these things. Maple Leaf Mining has discovered us. Now go full speed and destroy their warship factory."

At this time, even if the cards are exposed, what does it matter?

It takes time to mobilize warships. When Maple Leaf Mining retreats in a hurry, the battle is over.

Without the ability to generate blood, the remaining warships will only become trapped beasts. They don't even need to fight desperately. They just need to waste time with them. If they can't get repairs after a few battles, they will naturally be useless.

The fleet advancing at full speed obviously did not find the hidden ambushers.

When all of them entered the ambush circle, the close-in defense guns blew up the fortress guns disguised as broken stars, and the central computer system issued a warning.

"Discovered... suspected weapons.

Disguise found."

The data is constantly refreshed, and there are more and more suspicious targets.

Without the commander's order, each warship conducted a deep scan by itself.

But Lister also ordered at the same time: "Attack!"


The space bomb exploded first.

Then the fortress guns were deployed, and they fired at the face of the Tianma Group fleet.

The entire data system was alarmed frantically, and the number of threat targets increased exponentially.

Soon, it broke through the 10,000 mark.

God knows how many surprises Maple Leaf Mining has prepared for them. Even if most of them can only be destroyed after one shot, the number is terrifying.

Before they can react, a bigger threat target is marked.

"Energy source found, warship found."

More than 100 warships from four fleets were marked, which made people's scalps numb.

"Why does Maple Leaf Mining still have so many warships?"

Even if it is an ambush, warships are needed as the main attackers.

The number of warships in Maple Leaf Mining is obviously abnormal now.

There is a traitor! Who is the traitor? Director Ma Jiahe didn't know about such a precise ambush. Could it be me?

No, it should be in the warship factory. The warships were equipped with positioning devices, so they had this opportunity.

The commander of Maple Leaf Mining transferred the fleet of Guardian Star.

While commanding the counterattack and retreat, the deputy director of the Tianma Group's security department sent a message back: "We were attacked and may be wiped out.

There is a traitor in the battleship factory. The battleship was installed with a positioning device and needs to be strictly investigated.

There should be no enemy's new fleet on Guardian Star. We can attack to recover some of the losses."

Now, we can only do our best.

Any loss that can be recovered for the group is a little bit.

There are still two new battleship formations, at least we will not lose.

It's just that the chain reaction brought about by this failure will definitely lead to a great change in the strategic situation of both sides. The next time...it will be difficult.

Of course, these are not what he needs to consider now.

The battle is still going on, and Maple Leaf Mining cannot be without losses.

The new battleships of Tianma Group have demonstrated extremely strong combat effectiveness, fighting back and forth with the extraordinary battleships of the Great Xia Empire.

If it weren't for the ambush, it would definitely be a lose-lose ending.

On Tianma Star in the rear, Ma Jiahe finally received a report from the front line.

He thought it was a victory report, but when he saw it in detail, he was furious.

"Asshole, trash."

With a snap, the ornaments on the table were thrown to the ground and shattered.

After cursing, Ma Jiahe reacted quickly. He didn't know whether the front-line commander's guess was reasonable, but it was necessary to take precautions in advance.

"Notify the group to hold a meeting, and send someone to close the battleship factory. All personnel are not allowed to leave on vacation."

Even if the people who knew there was a problem should have arranged a retreat at this time, he still had to take precautions.

After thinking about it, he gave another order to the Patronus fleet: "Attack Patronus. If there are no new enemy battleships, take it down."

Even if this victory can't save any face, it's better than getting nothing.

Now he is not only worried about his position. Once the war fails, he will not be able to fight back for at least a year.

Even within half a year, he can't beat Maple Leaf Mining.

Obviously, the other party will not let go of this window period.

As long as they control a small half of the Pegasus galaxy, coupled with the industrial production system that Maple Leaf Mining has been expanding, they may really be unable to suppress it.

"Who is supporting Maple Leaf Mining? Aren't they afraid of nurturing a rival?"

Ma Jiahe cursed, but from now on, the intention of the mastermind behind the scenes may be to split the Tianma Galaxy and dismember the Tianma Group in another way.

After such a commotion, the Tianma Group can forget about rising in the rankings and expect its strength to drop significantly.

After cursing, he tidied his clothes and had to face the group's inquiries.

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