The warships of the Anti-Smuggling Corps left the headquarters.

Unlike the shabby ships in the past, this time all the destroyers were in the lead, and their prestige even overshadowed the garrison fleet.

Although the media said that the Guardian-class destroyer was the bottom of the new generation of warships, it was still a new generation of warships, much stronger than the old fleet currently in service in the military.

This was the first large-scale deployment of the Anti-Smuggling Corps after accepting the donation from Maple Leaf Mining.

Almost all the radars of the Tianma Star Garrison Military District lit up.

Without reporting or notification, a whole fleet of destroyers appeared near the planetary orbit, which was really scary.

If someone used a telescope to watch in a suitable place on the planet, these warships could still be found.

The soldier on duty was directly startled by the piercing alarm.

"Where did the fleet come from? Where did it come from? Hurry up and notify the higher-ups."

While frantically identifying the warship's electronic code, he hurriedly notified.

But soon, a bunch of qualified identification codes popped up in the military database.

"Is this... a warship of the Anti-Smuggling Corps of the Security Command?"

Ordinary soldiers really didn't notice the changes in the Anti-Smuggling Corps. When they suddenly saw these identification codes, they were all dumbfounded.

With this scene, you said it was the Anti-Smuggling Corps?

It's not like they are going to fight a war. Do they need these warships to catch a group of smugglers?

Soon, the officer on duty came to the monitoring center and decisively ordered: "Initiate a communication request and ask them why they dispatched a warship formation."

Such a large-scale deployment of warships is obviously not a small matter.

However, the Anti-Smuggling Corps responded very toughly: "According to the Security Management Law, the Anti-Smuggling Corps has the power to form an anti-smuggling fleet and act on its own. We are performing our normal duties, please do not interfere."

The other party even took a photo of a document of the Security Management Law, which left people speechless.

After all, from a legal point of view, the other party is completely reasonable and legal.

The officer had no choice but to hang up the communication and could only report the situation.

As a federal army, they obviously could not violate the law, and there would be no protest.

But the Tianma Group is different. They don't care about the law. They only see that Maple Leaf Mining has seriously threatened their safety.

They didn't expect such an operation at all. Maple Leaf Mining is like sending a bomb to their home, so they have to be on guard against explosions at any time.

Ma Jiahe is no longer angry. After all, he is used to it.

"What do you think we should do?"

"Change the anti-smuggling chief. If the law cannot be changed, just change him directly."

This suggestion is very pragmatic, but Ma Jiahe shook his head: "Maple Leaf Mining does not follow the rules, but we can't. Those people in the Security Command will not agree to change the anti-smuggling chief at will, even if we don't follow the rules."

This is purely political considerations. After all, the Security Command is not a puppet. It is also an important institution of the Federation. If it is threatened by the capital group to replace officials one after another, let alone face, the top leaders of the Federation will not tolerate such behavior.

"Destroy them, send a fleet disguised as smugglers, and fight them directly."

This proposal is cruel enough, but it needs to consider the reaction of the military, and it may have to sacrifice those who took action.

Ma Jiahe thought for a while, but still couldn't make up his mind.

Finally, he looked at the low-key deputy minister Ma Zhi, and asked with an idea: "What does Minister Ma Zhi think?"

Ma Zhi was responsible for investigating the warship factory. Although he didn't find anything, his performance was not a problem.

At least in that strictly confidential environment, he had tried his best.

Now the insiders of Tianma Group have begun to suspect whether there is a traitor. Maybe Lister is really a god of war?

So Ma Zhi came back and gained some trust from Ma Jiahe.

To be honest, Ma Zhi is very low-key, which is completely different from his activeness when he was in the opposition.

He was afraid that he would be discovered if he jumped too much, and then he would die without enjoying anything.

But it was precisely because of this low profile that Ma Jiahe felt that he could be used.

What happened in the past can only be said to be a desperate struggle of a small person.

But being in a high position naturally requires a different attitude. Jumping again is not knowing what is good for you.

Ma Zhi was called out, and could only speak reluctantly: "I don't think there is any need to be nervous. It seems that the other party has taken a curious step, but in fact, the gains and losses are not proportional."

Ma Jiahe became interested and sat up straight: "What do you mean?"

"The Anti-Smuggling Corps seems to have greatly increased in strength, but what can it do?

At most, they will cause us some trouble in the name of anti-smuggling, which is enough to disgust people, but the losses are minimal.

Even if there are no warships, it is easy for the Anti-Smuggling Corps to disgust people.

Their most powerful weapon is not the warship, but the power granted by the Federation.

So as long as we hold our ground, the Anti-Smuggling Corps is just a barking dog. Do they dare to bite people?"

Ma Jiahe excitedly slapped the table and shouted: "Yes, it's just a barking dog. If they dare to bite people, we don't need to do anything, the federal government will skin them and stew them."

Realizing this, no matter how hard the Anti-Smuggling Corps struggles, it is actually just a little advantage in momentum.

There is no way, who let the other party find the loophole, and it's their reputation that should be improved.

Seeing Ma Jiahe so excited, Ma Zhi had to make amends: "Of course, the Anti-Smuggling Corps is still dangerous, and we need to be vigilant at all times."

Ma Jiahe looked at him puzzledly, and Ma Zhi expressed his concerns: "If Maple Leaf Mining and the Federation fall out and raise the flag of resistance, our Tianma Group will probably be the first to suffer."

"Hahaha!!!" Ma Jiahe laughed, pointed at Ma Zhi and said: "The deputy minister is good in everything, but too cautious. How could this happen?"

It's not that Ma Jiahe is careless, he really knows the war potential of the federal government, so he doesn't think this kind of thing is possible.

With the size of the federation, it can really form a fleet of 100 aircraft carriers. Even if Maple Leaf Mining is allowed to produce, it will take them hundreds of years to produce so many warships.

Rebellion? What a joke!

Ma Zhi naturally wouldn't argue. He didn't know the existence of the Great Xia Empire. To say this is really a habit of being cautious.

Since becoming a traitor, it's really like walking on thin ice, and dare not make any mistakes.

The Security Department came to this conclusion, and Ma Jiahe immediately asked someone to sort it out, and then went to deal with the group meeting.

At least the Risk Safety Department gave a detailed analysis, and it was a reliable analysis, which proved that he did a good job.

As for when to suppress Maple Leaf Mining, Ma Jiahe said... he would continue to work hard.

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