While the three were still negotiating, they received an urgent purchase message from the Blue Star Federal Government.

The Blue Star Federation directly ordered 100 Guardian-class destroyers.

And they were willing to transfer some technology to help Maple Leaf Mining improve its warship manufacturing system.

Obviously, the Blue Star Federation has begun to prepare for a rainy day.

The government's warship production capacity alone may not be enough to cope with a civilization war, and it has begun to increase private reserves.

This is the ecology of the Blue Star Federation. The government is not a patriarchal style that takes on everything.

If it is not a necessary strategic need, almost all business will be outsourced.

And the capital consortium has assumed some of the government's functions.

At least in terms of industrial layout.

At least the top-ranked consortiums have more or less some spacecraft production capacity, which can be transformed into warship production lines at critical times.

The enterprising group like Tianma Group is also researching multiple levels of new generation warships at the same time.

Of course, that is because they have the resources of the education and research system.

Otherwise, general consortiums will not study all fields at the same time, but specialize in one or two fields.

Moreover, it is even more difficult to manufacture ultimate weapons like aircraft carriers independently. Most of them are led by the federal government, and several military equipment manufacturing consortiums jointly develop and then jointly manufacture them.

Therefore, Maple Leaf Mining, which made the first sound in the field of military equipment with the Guardian-class destroyer, also received some orders.

Frigates, destroyers, airships and cruisers are the areas where most consortiums gather, and they are also the areas with the most warship models.

Even though destroyers are not considered to be a type of ship without technical barriers, there are at least a dozen consortiums in the Blue Star Federation that can produce them independently, involving dozens of different models.

Otherwise, Maple Leaf Mining would definitely receive more orders than these.

One hundred destroyers seem to be a lot, but for the war between two civilizations, they are just simple consumables.

Perhaps in a war, all one hundred destroyers will be reimbursed.

The unexpected order interrupted the chat of the three people.

To be honest, even if the Blue Star Federation has been deeply analyzed, it is incredible only when you experience it yourself.

In the Great Xia Empire, how could such military equipment orders be issued to private consortiums?

"The Blue Star Federation... is really unique." Virut sighed.

His decades of life experience have made it difficult for him to accept such completely different rules of the game, otherwise he would also show up and do something.

"This is a good thing." Lister's acceptance ability is stronger, and he said with a smile on his face: "Thank you for the support of all the members of the Blue Star Federation. We will soon usher in a technological advancement."

If he could not give a thumbs up, he would have wanted to publicly issue a letter of praise to the Blue Star Federation.

The Great Xia Empire was just complaining about the difficulty of technological iteration, and the Blue Star Federation immediately sent a technology gift package, and also sent people to teach hand in hand, and even helped to update the technical equipment. What do you think of this interstellar spirit?

The three of them laughed knowingly, and it was really hard to hide their inner joy.

The Guardian-class destroyer is the crystallization of the Great Xia Empire's reverse push of the Blue Star Federation's technology. The accumulation of various materials has produced this stitched monster-like product.

In fact, many basic materials rely on excellent basic data to force performance.

The same materials given to the Blue Star Federation government may produce a monster-level destroyer.

At least it should not be a problem to beat the Guardian class.

Fortunately, this research and development behavior has paid off. The Guardian-class destroyer provides a ticket for the Great Xia Empire to enter.

After such a commotion, the existing strategy does not need to be discussed.

Given the current situation of the Blue Star Federation, of course, it is necessary to make every effort to get the wool.

Opportunities are rare and will never come again. Lister even hopes that the unknown civilization will be more powerful, otherwise how can the Great Xia Empire benefit.


Lister's expectations have been realized.

In fact, fraud is basically the unified style of the bureaucratic group.

The war on the front line is far more serious than mentioned in the report.

If the lost warships could not be concealed, they would definitely clear all the responsibilities.

In fact, this first battle was a completely unexpected encounter battle for both sides.

The Blue Star Federation, which has the first-mover advantage, should have crushed the situation if the strength was equal.

However, the warships of the alien civilization are only reconnaissance fleets, and they tied with the Blue Star Federation.

In the absence of heavy warships, this record has already explained the problem.

This battle report, people who know the Blue Star Federation can tell the truth at a glance.

Therefore, the subsequent actions will be very fast, including the speed of weapon renewal.

In recent years, Tianma Group and Maple Leaf Mining have been fighting fiercely, but in the final analysis, it is limited to the Tianma Galaxy.

The renewal of the entire Blue Star Federation military equipment is actually proceeding in an orderly manner.

The main fleet belonging to the Federation has completed the replacement and has begun to move towards the new galaxy.

The components of the Star Fortress are being produced and put into use quickly, striving to bring the new galaxy under the comprehensive protection of the fortress as soon as possible.

However, everything the Blue Star Federation has done cannot help the front line for the time being.

At this time, they must face the first wave of counterattacks from alien civilizations alone.

Countless engineering ships are accelerating construction, and the semi-finished fortress that has just experienced the war is being repaired.

Some huge cannons can be seen hastily installed on the steel platform.

At this time, it is no longer necessary to care about beauty and rationality. As long as it can play a role in the next war, it is worth it.

However, the enemy came faster, and it was obviously also an intelligent civilization, without any IQ problems.

Speed ​​is of the essence. Seizing the interstellar channel while the enemy has not reacted is the option with the least loss.

When the fortress had just repaired the damaged part last time, before it had time to complete the work, it saw dense red dots on the radar.

A shrill alarm sounded, and the engineering ship began to retreat.

The warships that had just experienced a battle not long ago sailed out of the berth, and some of the outer armor had not been repaired.

The fighting will of the federal army is still relatively strong. Good treatment and patriotic education allow the fleet to maintain a relatively high morale.

Moreover, wars between interstellar civilizations occur from time to time, and there is no psychological burden for them.

The fortress artillery began to bombard first, and the dazzling hot light cut through the starry sky.

The close-in defense missiles also began to be released, and countless unmanned fighters flew out of the hangar.

The battle entered a white-hot consumption from the beginning, and the flames of fighter explosions could be seen from time to time.

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