For observers of Colossus Civilization and Blue Star Federation Civilization, seeing Seraph up close again is a reward.

But the whole process was completely different from what the think tanks behind them analyzed.

The angelic civilization did not show its power to the indigenous people at all, and then deceived these poor indigenous people.

It seems that it is just a mere appearance and completion of some kind of religious ceremony, which is completely illogical.

Until the camera locked on Manhab, the old man who was kneeling on the ground suddenly burst into flames, and the hot flames even distorted the air.

The people around High Priest Manhab all showed frightened expressions. Some wanted to step forward to save others, while others kept retreating.

Some people who were afraid of chaos in the world began to shout: "The high priest has blasphemed the Sun God and has been punished by the Sun God."

Obviously, there are too many people watching the position of the high priest, so many that when there is an opportunity, some people will jump out at great risk.

Manhab's happy mood was interrupted, and the faith he had been pursuing all his life finally got a beautiful result.

On the ruins of faith, the most beautiful flower of faith grows again.

The power of Seraph gave him new strength and vitality, as if he could live for a hundred years.

Everything was so beautiful, but someone ruined it by shouting.

He doesn't care if someone covets his position, but at such a sacred moment, maybe the god's eyes have not yet moved away. Isn't this giving him eye medicine?

Manhab stared fiercely at the noisy careerist, and the flames in his pupils seemed to turn into whirlpools.

The moment Seraphim connected to the void, his power was incredibly powerful.

He personally unlocked the extraordinary power for Manhab, and naturally passed the initial stage.

call! ! !

Flames emerged out of thin air, and several noisy careerists were instantly ignited.

Manhab stopped his men who wanted to extinguish the flames on his body. The flames on his body turned into a circle and turned into a robe to wrap around his body.

At this time, his clothes had been burned clean, so he could only cover it up like this.

"Everyone be quiet. The great gods just came to the mortal world. They felt the devout faith of our people and gave me the power of Seraph. From now on... our people will welcome the attention of the gods again."

The breaking news left the scene completely silent except for the screams of the burned victims.

To be honest, the closer you get to gods, the more your faith collapses.

Of course... the premise is that gods do not exist.

Otherwise, it will be like now, with many people looking pale and trembling when they think of the blasphemous acts they have done.

After all, in religious classics, in addition to chapters praising gods, the most numerous contents are about various divine punishments.

As members of the religious system, they may not be religious enough, but they are absolutely skilled in business.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

Immediately, there were figures kneeling down, praying to the gods for forgiveness with the most pious gestures in their lives.

Manhab frowned, but did not go into details. After all, mortals have bad natures, and it is common for them to have unsteady beliefs, just like before.

And this is the duty of spiritual walkers like myself, to guide the faith of mortals.

This is not dedication, this is the natural instinct of mortals.

But the incident was not over. Manhab's senses were very sharp at this time, so he immediately discovered the abnormality above his head.

When he looked up, he saw a group of mecha angels with spread wings descending from the sky.

A group of four-winged and two-winged mecha knights surrounded Michelle, who was only piloting a two-winged archangel.

There are special red-gold threads on his black mecha, which represent the blood in his body.

When Manhab saw the mecha knight floating in the air, he thought of the Seraph he had just seen, and naturally understood that the two sides were of the same origin.

It just so happens that the desire for the sky is probably the common pursuit of intelligent life.

The history of this civilization is littered with images of winged gods.

Of course, it doesn't matter even if they don't, they don't mind being ruled by alien gods.

After hesitating for a moment, Manhab asked: "I am Manhab, the priest of the gods on the earth. Do you dare to ask if you are the messengers of the gods?"

Michelle and the others landed, their feet on the ground, and the wings on their backs were retracted.

"Mortal priest Manhab, we are all servants of God, priests from alien planets."

Michelle's voice is gentle and the language is automatically converted into the local language.

Regarding the different world, Manhab has this concept, but it may be biased.

But everyone is a servant of God, so that’s easy to say.

He expressed his welcome with enthusiasm: "Welcome to you, the people of the Sun God welcome brothers from other worlds."

The old knight Burdette beside Michel was dissatisfied with Manhab's attitude and immediately pointed out his mistake: "High Priest Manhab, standing in front of you is His Highness Michel of the Holy Blood. I hope to get your respect."

How can the sacred blood be like ordinary people?

In his eyes, Manhab was just a native who had just accepted God's favor. A group of mortal believers dared to compare themselves to the sacred bloodline.

This method is also feasible under the belief of the Sun God.

Not only did Manhab not feel annoyed, but he immediately became serious and lowered his head to express his surrender: "Please forgive me for being rude and pay tribute to the sacred blood."

Under the belief system, class differences are never concealed.

Compared with other civilizations that need to whitewash the existence of classes with equality, fairness, etc., they not only recognize but also maintain this class difference in various ways.

This is the need and embodiment of domination.

As for those who are not convinced, I will give you a sword. If you have the ability, you can talk to the mecha knight.

Even Manhab himself felt honored. It was also a memorable thing to be able to get close to a sacred bloodline.

Michel helped Manhab up. He seemed very friendly: "High Priest, we are all believers of God. There is no need to be polite. This time, the Seraphim will refocus his attention on this pasture. You will also return to the arms of God. There will be plenty of opportunities to deal with each other in the future."

"Pasture?" Manhab was a little confused. He even thought it was a mistake in the other party's description.

"Yes, the universe is endless. God created humans and allowed them to rest in His pasture. It's just that time has cut off faith, so that you have forgotten history.

But we are here today to help you return to the arms of God."

Michel took the opportunity to promote his theory of the unity of gods. At least there is no mistake in logic.

Especially with various great powers, that is the absolute truth.

High Priest Manhab believed it. At this time, even if you let the Blue Star Federation tell them the truth, he would definitely try to persuade the Blue Star Federation, these lost lambs, to return to the embrace of God.

Preconceived ideas are only one aspect, and benefits are another.

Who wants him to change his mind? Can you give yourself extraordinary power or a long life?

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