The power represented by Paramount has enough weight in the Sirius system and is one of the consortiums that dominates this system.

Of course, he cannot directly and blatantly support the actions of Maple Leaf Mining Group, otherwise a civil war will break out and he will sacrifice himself first.

For Maple Leaf Mining Group, the impact is not good.

Paramount himself will definitely not agree. He supports Maple Leaf Mining Group for profit, not for ideals.

If he sacrifices himself first, no matter how much profit he makes, it will be meaningless.

Therefore, both parties tacitly did not mention the best solution.

Therefore, sometimes the behavior of decision makers is confusing. There are obviously better options, why not use them?

Obviously the problem can be simplified, why do you have to be stubborn?

The human relations in this can only be understood by sufficient experience.

However, Paramount is not useless. On the contrary, his role is very large.

Not to mention the various dragging behaviors, shaking a group of people with weak will is the basic operation.

The truly fatal operation is that he directly leaked the intelligence of the so-called coalition.

This kind of confidential information was only known by the few bigwigs who formed the coalition.

But no one thought that someone would betray themselves.

Paramount obviously invested a lot of money, even if their fleet suffered huge losses.

So, the Sirius coalition, which had no idea that they had been sold, stepped into the ambush.

When the marching route was determined, Lister deployed many interstellar artillery positions in a short time.

When the coalition, which knew nothing, rushed in, they were greeted by overwhelming shooting.

In a short period of time, they were first baptized by laser turrets, then encountered fleet bombardment, and finally the mecha knights attacked at close range. The battle was doomed from the beginning.

Lister soon got the good news and was relieved.

"Let the Paramount family cooperate with us to incorporate the Sirius system, complete resource integration as soon as possible, and provide assistance to the Sirius Fortress."

In the interstellar fortress war, nearby support must be provided.

Otherwise, the long supply line and delayed command will drag down the fortress.

Now, the Sirius system has been completely taken, which means that the war has the capital to continue.

In this battle, the Paramount family must have suffered heavy losses, after all, the fleet invested in it cannot be faked.

But the rewards are also rich. With the end of the battle, the remaining battles in the galaxy will become low-intensity security wars.

With the Paramount family as the guide, the security war will not last too long.


Pegasus Galaxy!!!

The Pegasus Group watched nervously as one warship after another passed through the fortress and entered the Sirius system.

They had been worried that the Maple Leaf Mining Group would turn around and deal with them, but nothing happened.

As if forgotten, the Pegasus system fell into a strange calm, as if the world was at peace.

But everyone from top to bottom knew that the war had already started.

When the support of the warships was interrupted, Ma Jiahe decided not to wait any longer.

"Five aircraft carrier formations have passed us in the past two months. Even if Maple Leaf Mining Group has spare capacity, it doesn't have much.

The sudden stop of warship mobilization at this time is either due to lack of successors or the victory or defeat."

Ma Jiahe analyzed the current situation of Maple Leaf Mining and felt that the latter was almost impossible.

He admitted that Maple Leaf Mining Group had shown good strength and it was not a problem to crush Tianma Group.

But compared with the entire Blue Star Federation Government, it was still far inferior.

So, the sudden interruption of support at this time may be due to the lack of successors of Maple Leaf Mining Group.

Distance is an important obstacle in the interstellar era.

Even if Maple Leaf Mining Group has the support of other civilizations behind it, its endurance is still worrying.

Ma Zhi understood what Ma Jiahe meant when he heard it, and asked: "Should we take the initiative to attack?"

"Of course, we have to show them some strength and share the pressure for the federal army."

Ma Jiahe said righteously and chose to conceal the truth that he wanted to surrender.

The purpose of the war is to negotiate, and the top leaders of Tianma Group need bargaining chips.

As for the deceived pawn, it might be a blessing to die in a confused state.

This is Ma Jiahe's idea. As for Ma Zhi... he will tell him the truth when necessary, and even share some benefits. After all... he is also a senior worker.

For people like Ma Jiahe, capital also needs some executors, and Ma Zhi is one of them.

Ma Zhi doesn't know Ma Jiahe's idea. They both have their own secrets.

He just sneered at the naivety of Ma Jiahe and even the top management of Tianma Group. The huge interests made them ignore the best choice and choose to confront.

Rational people know that no matter what the outcome of Maple Leaf Mining Group is, Tianma Group can't afford to offend.

The other party has not made any move until now, not necessarily because they are afraid of you, but more likely because they are too lazy to pay attention.

Once the other party remembers, the ending waiting for Tianma Group will not be too good.

Ma Zhi thinks that surrendering during this window period is a good choice.

Keep the strength. Even if the federal government comes back, Tianma Group can still retain most of its strength.

But... what does this have to do with me?

Not to mention that he had already joined Maple Leaf Mining Group in advance, even if he hadn't joined... not all people with the surname Ma are the owners of Tianma Group.

Ma Zhi took the task seriously and began to study the specific war plan.

No matter what happens next, the work to be done cannot be neglected.

As a traitor, Ma Zhi was walking on thin ice, afraid of being discovered and then lighting a sky lantern.

Ma Jiahe paid attention for a while and was very satisfied with Ma Zhi's professionalism. He was really a very useful worker.

But what he didn't know was that Ma Zhi handed the detailed battle plan to Lister.

In terms of time, Lister saw the battle plan earlier than him.

The specific information of each warship, as well as the route, target and time of this battle, were all clearly marked.

Ma Zhi knew that this might be the last time he was a traitor, and he didn't need to cover up and protect himself.

After reading the battle plan of Tianma Group, Lister remembered that there was still a small problem that had not been solved.

"Tianma Group's production line can be modified and used directly. It's time to deal with them."

Lister decided the fate of Tianma Group with one word.

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