After Wang Lun left, Qin Su began her own dictatorship.

The elders were afraid of her power and had to succumb to her.

At the same time, the people of Longguo supported Qin Su's decision, and people from other countries could not resist.

Because the people of Longguo were blessed by the gods, not only were they powerful, but their descendants also inherited some of their power and were called the Golden People by later generations.

Among them, Qin Su was even honored as the Golden Empress.

After Qin Su gained the right to rule the empire.

There were less than two million survivors in the world, of which one million were in Longguo, and all the others were transferred to Longguo.

Qin Su directly implemented high-pressure rule and issued a fertility law, forcing people of marriageable age to pair up. Polygamy and polyandry were both allowed, and the only criterion was to give birth to children.

Families with newborns would receive rewards from the empire.

There were also education laws, and everyone had to receive secondary education and learn scientific and technological knowledge.

Implement imperial control and allocation of resources.

There were also religious laws. Even though Wang Lun repeatedly warned and told them not to leave the church, they still wanted to commemorate Wang Lun's contribution to mankind.

But Qin Su and others still decided to leave the church, but learned from the church in history.

They equated the church with doctrines such as Confucianism, only spreading deeds, not establishing a real church, no priests, no popes.

There was only a statue of Wang Lun for the people to admire.

People had to pay homage to the gods when they ate and slept.

Most of the foreign survivors did not understand Qin Su, and some even wanted to overthrow her rule.

But they would be reported and suppressed by the Dragon people.

Because the people of Longguo understand that it is not the time for human beings to enjoy themselves. If the first alien arrives, there will be a second one.

But there may not be a second Wang Lun. Human beings must fight for their own destiny.

Reproduction, increase population, education, and climb technology.

Only by becoming a race that can travel through interstellar space can they be qualified to survive in the universe.

After thirty years of recuperation.

The human population has reached 10 million, and technology has returned to the level before the end of the world.

Some foreigners who can't stand Qin Su's high-pressure rule directly left Longguo.

Return to their own country, but what they don't know is that their action has turned them into monkeys millions of years ago. They continue to live on trees according to their instincts.

Others use their feet to open up the land.

Fifty years after the end of the world.

The human population exceeds 100 million, and begins to climb the interstellar navigation technology left by aliens.

Seventy years after the end of the world.

The human population reaches 500 million, and the first spacecraft test flight is successful, safely arriving at a planet five light years later.

One hundred years after the end of the world.

The human population reaches 1.5 billion.

Humans can now freely navigate the universe and register with the Interstellar Race Alliance.

They have become a race with an identity and will no longer be bullied by other races without any sanctions.

When they saw the successful registration, the humans on Earth were excited and cheered.

After a hundred years, they finally completed this arduous task.

In the imperial palace, a little boy in Qin Su's arms also cheered with the crowd.

"Father, I have completed your task, and it is time for me to step down as emperor."

Qin Su held the little boy in her arms, and seeing that he was seven points similar to Wang Lun, she couldn't help but think of a hundred years ago.

"Mom, we finally have our own foothold in the universe. In the future, I will lead everyone to spread the reputation of the human race throughout the universe!"

Qin Xiao said seriously, with confidence in his eyes.

"Mom believes in you, but before that, you have to study hard and don't fight with others anymore."

Qin Su rubbed Qin Xiao's head lovingly.

Qin Xiao pouted and said, "Mom, don't touch me. If you do, I won't grow taller. Besides, they say the priest can't be my father. He left a hundred years ago."

Qin Su heard this and her eyes became sharp, but she didn't get angry in front of Qin Xiao.

"Don't listen to their nonsense. You are the product of the priest's blood and my blood. He is naturally your father."

After Wang Lun left, Qin Su cleaned up Wang Lun's room and found Wang Lun's remaining hair, so she saved it.

It was not until more than 90 years ago that life science and technology reached its peak.

After the technology of artificial humans matured, Qin Su combined her own cells with Wang Lun's cells and used life instruments to create

Qin Xiao.

Everyone in the elders' council knew about this, and they even supported Qin Su in doing so. They needed a new emperor to lead the human race to develop in the universe.

Qin Xiao, who had the blood of Wang Lun and Qin Su, was the best answer.

While he was powerful, his status was also extremely noble.

"You will understand when you grow up. You are the hope of the empire. Don't be bewitched by their ignorant words, understand?"

Although Qin Xiao didn't understand, he still nodded.

One hundred and twenty years after the end of the world.

The development of mankind in the interstellar was hindered, and a group of brain-eating people found that human brains were particularly delicious.

So they secretly invaded the earth, wanting to cultivate the human race into their own food.

But soon, humans discovered the existence of the brain-eating people.

They hunted down the brain-eating people, which attracted the warships of the brain-eating people.

The human race is a race that has just appeared in the interstellar society, and dared to attack the brain-eating people.

The human race knew that they were no match for the powerful interstellar battleships of the brain-eating tribe, but the brain-eating tribe proposed to pay one million humans as compensation every year.

The empire vowed to resist to the death, and the golden human race could only die in battle, and there was no possibility of signing an unequal treaty.

When the application for protection from the interstellar alliance failed.

The empire could only deal with the brain-eating tribe alone.

Other cosmic races watched the show and bet on how long the human race could hold out.

However, the final result was shocking.

A thousand interstellar battleships of the brain-eating tribe were instantly smashed into pieces in front of a human.

Qin Xiao not only perfectly inherited half of Wang Lun's attributes, but also learned the force in the universe.

With the addition of the two, the interstellar battleship could not cause any damage to him at all, and Qin Xiao could destroy the interstellar battleship with one punch.

Qin Xiao became famous in one battle, and the golden human race became famous throughout the universe.

Countless races wanted to marry the golden human race and share this powerful power.

However, to their disappointment, this power will not be perfectly inherited by the offspring, and at most only half can be inherited.

So, the cosmic races began to look for the source of the power of the golden human race.

The mysterious messenger of the God of Killing and Destruction.

Earth became a place where countless races visited to search for treasures, but unfortunately they found nothing.

Only a few words can be found in history to prove the power of the messenger.

At the same time, countless scholars are curious about whether the angel race really exists?

Are there other interstellar civilizations in the universe that have not been discovered by the Interstellar Alliance.

Qin Su, after the war between the human race and the brain-eating race, left Earth with confidence and began to wander in the universe, looking for everything about the angel race.

She believed that if she could achieve immortality, then he must be immortal too. As long as she kept looking, she would be able to meet again.

Qin Su knew that she was not worthy of the other party, and she did not desire Wang Lun to love her.

Looking for Wang Lun just became her obsession and motivation to live.

Wanting to meet the other party again is to say a long time no see, and the human race is doing well.

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