The old man was very happy.

"Lan Shiya, come and try it."

Wang Lun wanted to see if other people could use the energy on the ghost jade.

Lan Shiya took the ghost jade without thinking much, and felt the gentle energy emanating from it, and her body was very excited.

"Master, what is this? It feels so comfortable to touch."

"This is a ghost jade, which can transform resentment into spiritual energy, allowing you to practice the righteous way, even the side door can use it to replace the consumption of qi and blood."

Speaking of this, Wang Lun thought to himself that he really didn't know the righteous magic of this world.

"That is to say, as long as I keep holding this ghost jade, I can continuously absorb spiritual energy and release spells. This is much better than a ghost man, at least I won't become something that is neither human nor ghost."

Lan Shiya seemed very happy, and it was worth it that she rejected the other party's invitation.

"That's right, but I don't know the authentic magic of Xuanmen, so I can't teach you for the time being."

I have to find Zhang Xianren.

But Wang Lun hasn't gone to Zhang Xianren yet, and Zhang Xianren called.

"My friend, are you free tonight? The governor is preparing a banquet for everyone. I hope you can come."

"Of course, I want to ask you a few questions."

Wang Lun naturally has no problem.

Soon, an Audi arrived in the community.

Others looked at it and wondered why it could drive over. Could it be that there are still some powerful people in this community?

You know, gasoline is now a strategic material, and you can't buy it without some ability.

After all, ghosts are everywhere now, and the ocean is a disaster area, and oil trade has long been suspended.

Dragon Country's existing oil reserves alone can't sustain for a few months.

Wang Lun didn't bring Lan Shiya with him, after all, it was not appropriate, so he let her take the ghost jade and slowly ponder the spell.

In less than twenty minutes, Wang Lun arrived at a magnificent restaurant.

However, except for the part that was used, most of the places in the restaurant were dark.

In the hall, other people had arrived long ago, but the banquet had not started, but they were waiting for Wang Lun.

Today, if Wang Lun hadn't taken action, Gaoyang County would definitely not escape the fate of being submerged by the tide of ghosts.

The three brothers of the Zhuge family sat next to Zhang Xianren, inquiring about Wang Lun's news.

"Mr. Zhang, is Master Wang really not the reincarnation of your ancestor? The Golden Light Curse and Thunder Method are the signature skills of your Longhu Mountain."

Zhuge Cheng looked unconvinced.

Zhang Xianren said helplessly: "Really not, if it was, I would worship him now."

Zhao Andong on the side also listened attentively, and was a little disappointed to hear this answer that was the same as before.

Others also wanted to know Wang Lun's origins. He was only seven years old, and he killed the ghost commander easily. What was he doing at his age? He was probably still playing house.

Suddenly, everyone sat up straight. They all sensed someone coming outside the door.

But when the door opened, everyone was dumbfounded. Why wasn't it Master Wang?

"Senator Chai, today's dinner is good. It seems that the ghosts didn't cause you too much loss."

Zhu Yan walked into the hall, and a dozen soldiers with guns and live ammunition appeared behind him.

Chai Xin stood up, his eyes were a little unfriendly.

"What are you doing here? We have been asking for help for so long, but there is no support from your city. Now that the ghosts have been killed by us, what are you doing here again!"

Chai Xin would not give the other party any face. It was clear that Sanyang City was not threatened, but he was still unwilling to support.

"Don't get excited first. I came to borrow Master Wang to guard Sanyang City according to the instructions of the superiors. It is really a waste of talent for him to stay here with you."

Zhu Yan smiled, but his eyes were full of disdain.

"Second? You think he is someone from our army, and you want to take him away with a secondment letter. I tell you, he is not even from the Strange People Association. When he comes, I advise you to be more respectful."

Chai Xin said coldly, it's abominable that these guys in Sanyang City don't support him, but they want to take him away.

I must complain when I go back, even if I don't become the governor!

"Haha, don't be angry, Governor Chai, a good bird chooses a tree to live in, I believe he will make a decision that suits him."

Zhu Yan said confidently, Gaoyang County is so small, what is there to be nostalgic about.

"Hey, you are blocking my way."

A childish voice came from behind.

Zhu Yan turned around and saw that it was a seven-year-old child.

"Little brat, this is not the place you should come to, go home quickly, otherwise I, your uncle, will spank you."

Zhu Yan looked down from above


"Oh, it seems that you don't know me. Ignorance is innocent. I don't care about your offense this time."

Wang Lun was puzzled. Did Chai Xin invite him here to disgust him?

Seeing this, the others in the hall kept silent. They thought Zhu Yan had done intelligence work before coming here.

Unexpectedly, he didn't know that Master Wang was only seven years old. Now he has offended the other party. Let's see how he ends up.

"Hehe, kid, who do you think you are? Ignorance is innocent. I don't care about my offense. What if I step on you?"

As a second-generation official, Zhu Yan relied on his father's help to become a big official. With his arrogant character, how could he be polite to a child?

With a light snort, he wanted to kick the child in front of him out.

Wang Lun understood that the other party didn't seem to know him, otherwise why wouldn't Chai Xin and others stop him.

Bang, there was a loud noise.

Everyone couldn't bear to look directly at it. Zhu Yan on the wall was embedded in the wall, forming a swastika, and his life and death were unknown.

Seeing this, Zhu Yan's guards opened fire at Wang Lun.

It was too late for others to stop him.

However, Wang Lun just snorted coldly, and lightning surged in his hand, instantly knocking the dozen people to the bottom.

Not to mention that their own defense completely ignored hot weapons, they could hardly break through the defense of the Golden Light Curse.

Zhang Xianren immediately stood up and came to Wang Lun's side to explain: "Master Wang, they are people sent by Sanyang City, and have nothing to do with the people of Gaoyang County."

"It doesn't matter, but you, I don't care about the accountability afterwards, but you are in trouble."

Wang Lun said indifferently.

"Haha, they deserve it. They actually shot at you, and I won't forgive them."

Zhang Xianren said sternly. All along, the Strange People Association and the official have not been of one mind, but now they have to fight together in the face of ghosts.

Since the other party dared to take action, they will naturally pay the price for it.

Especially after shooting.

"Master Zhang is right. Zhang Yan is too arrogant and has angered Master Wang. He deserves it. Everyone, please take your seats and have a good meal today."

Chai Xin asked others to take away the bodies of Zhang Yan and the others and continue the banquet. He seemed to be completely unconcerned about Sanyang City's pursuit.

Seeing this, Wang Lun didn't care. If they wanted to retaliate, then let them know what the power of the Heavenly Master is.

Wang Lun would not compromise himself for the mission. Being free and easy is what matters.

[Happy New Year's Eve. Bu Yu wishes all book friends good health and good luck. In the new year, you will have a lot of money and become rich overnight. ]

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