The dead body was buried, and the dead body was buried.

Seeing this, Zhu Hai knew that it was impossible for him and his men to leave here safely.

Watching his soldiers die one by one, Zhu Hai was extremely sad. He was a father and a general.

The pain of losing his son made him angry, but the death of the soldiers he had been with day and night made him sober.

Zhu Hai was full of regret for causing the death of these soldiers who should not have died because of his own reasons.

He took out a special satellite phone and looked at the dozen calls from the army instructors.

Zhu Hai endured the pain and called back.

"CNMD, Zhu Hai, you will be brought to the military court for your behavior! Where are the troops? Bring them back quickly!"

Instructor Ma Sheng yelled, extremely angry. As an instructor, he had a responsibility no matter what. If the two sides had not clashed, it would be fine. If they did fight.

That would be a big trouble.

However, what made Ma Sheng even more angry was what Zhu Hai was about to say.

"Instructor Ma, the troops are encountering a wave of ghosts. 50,000 troops are about to be completely wiped out by ghosts. Request support!"

After saying this, Zhu Hai felt as if he was exhausted. It was he who led them to the abyss.

"CNMD, you deserve to die! You let so many people die for your selfish desires. I want to shoot you!"

After saying that, Ma Sheng hung up the phone.

Hurry up and contact other places that can go to support, especially the Qiren Association.

Only they have the ability to save these soldiers from the ghost wave.

Zhu Hai looked at the hung up phone and understood that Ma Sheng would not stand by and watch them die.

But when the support will arrive is not something they can decide.

Wang Lun was disturbed by a phone call while he was sleeping.

"Hello, Master Wang? The military has 50,000 troops caught in a ghost frenzy. Do you have time to go there?"

Wang Lun was puzzled. How could the military be caught in a ghost frenzy at night? Shouldn't they be stationed near the city?

"Give me an explanation."

Wang Lun would not pay for other people's mistakes. It was too stupid to let the army go out at night.

Zhang Xianren said with some embarrassment: "In fact, this matter is related to you."

Wang Lun was speechless when he heard Zhang Xianren's explanation.

You asked me to save the people who were going to kill me?

Is it the distortion of human nature or the decline of morality? Shouldn't I take the initiative?

"Master Wang, in fact, the only one who has a grudge against you is Minister Zhu Hai. The others don't know that he has falsely transmitted the military order. They are all innocent. They can die, but they should not die meaninglessly."

Zhang Xianren pleaded. Only Wang Lun had the strength to repel the ghost generals in the dark and save them.

"What does it have to do with me? People always have to pay for their stupidity. If you want me to save them, you can exchange them with the inheritance of Longhu Mountain."

Wang Lun is not idle to do such a thankless task.

Zhang Xianren was silent for a second, then nodded and agreed: "Okay! I promise you."

If the inheritance of Longhu Mountain can be exchanged for the lives of 50,000 soldiers, Zhang Xianren thinks it is worth it.

"Okay, it's a deal."

Wang Lun instantly became energetic. He really had a pillow when he was sleepy.

To be honest, Wang Lun was not sure how much ghost jade Longhu Mountain wanted to exchange for the inheritance, and he didn't have much either. This thing depends purely on face.

Unless the ghosts can be allowed to enter the Sealed Book voluntarily, it is not that simple, especially for powerful ghosts.

Knowing that they will be slaughtered at will if they enter the Sealed Book, they will definitely explode their souls.

Zhang Xianren sighed deeply, thinking that he could make Longhu Mountain stronger again with the help of the ghost jade.

He missed this opportunity, and it will be difficult to obtain the ghost jade in the future.

Wang Lun is very strong, not the kind of person who can be bullied at will.

It can also be seen from Wang Lun's style of doing things that he does not have the character of dedicating himself to the public.

Only gentle transactions will not push him to the opposite side.

Wang Lun did not take a car this time, but directly performed Qinggong and flew, killing at least four or five thousand monsters today.

Intelligence and physical fitness have increased to more than three thousand.

Although the speed did not reach the level of the speed of sound, it took less than twenty minutes to travel forty or fifty kilometers.

Zhu Hai anxiously waited for support, and the soldiers also walked out of the truck, holding weapons and aiming at the ghosts.

For a while, ordinary ghosts could not get close.

But the ghost generals and evil ghosts had already broken through the defense and could swallow a soldier into their stomachs with just a wave of their hands.


The sound of the comrades' death was a strong stimulus to the soldiers, but they still withstood the mental pressure.

When their comrades died, they took the initiative to fill the gap and continue to resist the ghosts, even if they knew that they would die after the gap was filled.

But they still did not look back.

Zhu Hai felt extremely painful when he saw this. If it were not for him, these soldiers would be sleeping well now.

Waiting for the sunrise tomorrow.

Suddenly, Zhu Hai saw a cloud of dust rising in the distance, wondering what was rushing over.

Could it be that there was a more powerful ghost?

His heart sank, could it be that God wanted to kill me?

When Wang Lun came here, he found that the soldiers had not fallen into chaos. It seemed that their will was really strong.

Much better than the behavior of a large number of students in the school encountered today.

Fight to the death and never retreat until death.

The liquid nitrogen fire extinguisher was out of liquid nitrogen, so he used his own blood and lifespan to stimulate the spell to forcibly repel and kill the ghosts.

When Wang Lun stopped, not only humans, but also ghosts looked over.

A seven-year-old human child?

When the starving ghost saw Wang Lun appear, he was immediately attracted by the abundant blood and energy, and directly pushed away the ghosts blocking the way beside him.

He opened his bloody mouth and wanted to swallow the child in front of him.

However, when he bit down, his stomach did not feel anything going in.

Wang Lun did not want to enter the stomach of the ghost again. He entered the stomach of the ghost general to kill it in one fell swoop.

But the ghost general was not worth it.

He flew directly to the head of the starving ghost and slapped the top of the starving ghost's head.

Instantly, thunder and lightning surged, and the ghosts near the starving ghost were evaporated together.

Zhu Hai was stunned. Is this the Heavenly Master coming out?

Killed the ghost general with a casual palm.

The soldiers also ignited the hope of survival in their hearts.

Seeing this, the other ghosts were terrified, but soon rushed towards Wang Lun.

They didn't believe that Wang Lun could kill all the ghosts before his mana ran out!

"Humph, just in time!"

Wang Lun saw the ghosts rushing over, without any worry, and the dozens of ghost jades in his arms provided mana.

I can kill from dusk to dusk tomorrow night!

For a moment, the sound of thunder resounded through the sky, illuminating the night sky.

Even Gaoyang County, dozens of kilometers away, could see the thunder rolling outside the horizon.

An hour later, Wang Lun looked around 20 kilometers without any ghosts rushing over, and he still felt a little unsatisfied.

Then he looked at Zhu Hai in the crowd, who was somewhat similar to Zhu Yan.

He wanted to kill him, but Wang Lun seemed to think of something and put his hand down again.

It would be a pity to kill him directly, so that his crimes could be judged, and death would be the easiest thing.

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