The time has come for the ghosts to come.

A month has passed quickly, and the Zhongyuan Festival has finally arrived.

Wang Lun stood on the top of Longhu Mountain and looked around.

In the past month, Xuanmen and he have killed ghosts together.

The number of ghosts who died in Wang Lun's hands has reached 100 million.

Wang Lun's intelligence and physique have both reached more than 20 million.

The Book of Seals has also unlocked most of the seals.

[Book of Seals: Restore 2% of maximum energy per minute; cause an additional 100% damage to non-human creatures; increase the probability of obtaining special jade by 10%; can forcibly absorb seriously injured and dying non-human creatures to make ghost jade; can absorb different energies and convert them into other energies; Sealed space: once a day, can forcibly pull enemies into an independent space for battle. 】

"Now I should be able to deal with seven ghost emperors without any pressure."

Wang Lun smiled slightly.

"Not enough, we still have to be prepared!"

Wang Lun then closed his eyes and prepared to welcome the night, and the Ghost Gate officially opened.

In the underworld, the seven ghost emperors looked at the Ghost Gate that was about to be completely opened.

I couldn't help feeling a little uneasy.

"That Xuanmen Patriarch didn't take the opportunity to enter the underworld to trouble us, but he killed a lot of ghosts in the past month."

Eastern Qinglong Ghost Emperor said strangely.

"I guess he must be worried that we will have special means in the underworld, but he is indeed right. The underworld is our base camp, and the resentment is the most concentrated. Although the opening of the Ghost Gate can allow us to leave the underworld, the resentment of the underworld will also flow out, causing the concentration of resentment to drop a lot."

Northern Xuanwu Ghost Emperor stroked his white beard, and his two green bean-sized eyes stared forward.

"It doesn't matter. We seven ghost emperors attack at the same time. I don't believe he is our opponent."

The Southern Vermillion Bird Ghost Emperor sneered. The last death curse could be avoided by means, but this time they will not give Wang Lun this chance again.

"Hehe, but he is waiting for us in Longhu Mountain. Do you think he is pretending or is he really confident?"

The Western White Tiger Ghost Emperor believes that Wang Lun's strength is definitely very strong, otherwise he would not do this.

The other party has a special item like ghost jade. It only needs to secretly transform the resentment into spiritual energy in secret, which does not require three or four hundred years.

The era of ghosts will end early.

However, the other party chose the method that seems to be the most risky.

"Just give it a try."

The Central Wuji Ghost Emperor put his hands on the Ghost Gate.

The white moon in the sky suddenly turned into a scarlet blood moon at this moment.

As the Central Wuji Ghost Emperor pushed hard, the Ghost Gate was completely opened.

Billions of ghosts could no longer bear it and rushed towards the Ghost Gate.

In an instant, the entire planet was shrouded in a cloud of black fog, and countless wails and screams came out of it, which was extremely creepy.

The surviving humans could only hide in the corner and tremble as they listened to the ghosts crying and howling.

Hoping that the ghosts would not eat them.

Wang Lun was sitting cross-legged on the top of Longhu Mountain at this time, and saw boundless resentment coming from all directions.

Then he knew that the seven ghost emperors had been born.

Wang Lun used the sports game strategy in advance.

[Sports game strategy: Get a strong state, 60% damage reduction, 1.5% life recovery per second, lasting for one day. ]

60% damage reduction, plus a physical fitness of tens of millions.

Wang Lun was confident that if they wanted to kill him today, they would have to use all their strength to make it possible.

Not long after, the seven ghost emperors came to ten miles near Longhu Mountain, all flying in the sky, surrounding Wang Lun.

The Eastern Azure Dragon Ghost Emperor, the Western White Tiger Ghost Emperor, the Southern Vermillion Bird Ghost Emperor, the Northern Black Tortoise Ghost Emperor, the Central Wuji Ghost Emperor, the Four Directions Patrol Ghost Emperors, and the Eight Directions Rakshasa Ghost Emperors.

The Four Directions Ghost Emperors are all demons, with demonic features in their human bodies.

The Central and Patrol Ghost Emperors are pure human images.

The Eight Directions Rakshasa are rare Shuras.

"Xuan Miao Zhenren, since you have ascended, why do you still have to interfere in human affairs? Don't you see that the ascension passage has been destroyed? Even if you come down and win in the end, you can't go back."

The Central Wuji Ghost Emperor said in a deep voice, not understanding Wang Lun's actions in his heart.

After ascending, he is no longer a human being, and he lives forever, so why wade into this muddy water.

"Haha, things have come to this point, and we have to fight in the end. As long as the seven of you ghost emperors are killed, no matter how much resentment there is, what kind of storm can it stir up!"

Wang Lun glanced at the seven ghost emperors, and each of them had a very strong aura.

However, none of them could defeat Wang Lun alone.

Even the siege of seven people is not.

Only the method they used to create the death curse last time made Wang Lun afraid.

"It seems that you dare to come to the lower world without knowing anything. Have you heard of the name of the saint?"

"In this world, we are considered special saints. Our souls are entrusted with the resentment of heaven. The resentment is endless. We are immortal and indestructible. You can't kill us!"

The four-way patrol ghost emperor laughed and laughed at Wang Lun's ignorance.

"This is where your confidence lies. If that's all, then I can only say that you don't lose unfairly."

Wang Lun will not worry about their immortality. With the seal book in hand, he only needs to beat them to a near-death state.

Directly make them into ghost jade, the ghosts will be leaderless, and the world will be prosperous!

Even after Wang Lun returns to the main world, ghosts will not be able to run rampant in the world.

The seven people don't understand what Wang Lun is up to.

Shouldn't it be a headache to face an immortal opponent? Why is he still so confident?

"Hmph, stop bragging, everyone, set up the formation!"

The positions of the seven ghost emperors were not random, but the Seven Stars Killing Formation was set up to gather the power of the seven ghost emperors.

A ghost fairy who broke through to the level above the ghost emperor.

The moon in the sky was even more scarlet and dazzling, and countless grievances attacked Longhu Mountain, causing gusts of wind.

The Xuanmen disciples a hundred miles away were almost blown away by the strong wind.

If Zhang Daoyuan had not been quick to save him, his body would have been directly cut apart by the strong wind.

The rescued disciple was still in shock, watching a giant of ten thousand feet appear in front of him, and couldn't help but sweat for the ancestor.

"Master, can the ancestor win?"

The disciple was still a little confident, but he lost it after seeing the giant.

Zhang Daoyuan rubbed the disciple's head kindly.

"Believe in the strength of the ancestor. If we lose, it can only be said that this is the fate of the human race."

Zhang Daoyuan saw the strength of the Ghost Emperor and knew that if Wang Lun had not appeared, their fate would have been doomed.


The seven combined ghost immortals have an extremely strange appearance. Wang Lun didn't know how to describe it.

He has dragon horns on his head, fire wings on his back, dragon scales all over his body, and a shield supported by a tortoise shell and a three-pronged fork with blazing fire in his hands.

There is also a poisonous snake at the tail that looks up at Wang Lun from his crotch.

"Since you see the ghost immortal, why don't you bow?"

The voice of the ghost immortal is like a piece of iron piercing glass, which makes people very uncomfortable.

However, if you want to block your ears, this voice goes straight to the depths of your soul and forces you to kneel down.

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