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In Shangshan's heart, there was an idea that turned the joke into a real thing, but it quickly dispelled the idea. After all, no one knew what Hu Fei said, but what was the idea for him to succeed in catching Hu Fei. A few copies were determined.

Gu Chunzhu thinks that the progress of the two must be very good, otherwise Hu Fei can't say this. Although her cooking skills are better than the good ones, she is not as good as Hu Fei can sacrifice his second half of his life.

Thoughts flashed through a lot of content in an instant, and Gu Chunzhu hurried back to urge Hu Fei to check the news. Hu Fei was still unhurried, slowly emphasizing a sentence that made Gu Chunzhu remember to give him a good meal, and then he only used light power to "fly" away from the general's palace.

"How long did you say Brother Hu needed to come back?" Gu Chunzhu looked up at the tall wall and consulted, because she wanted to know the news for the first time but could not stay here all the time, but was just being treated by Shang Shan and Hu Fei. The matter shifted, and I forgot to ask Hu Fei, so now I have to let Shang Shan roughly estimate.

Shangshan naturally understood Hu Fei's abilities, and said with a smile that Gu Chunzhu could relax, "If there is no accident, Hu Fei can definitely come back within an hour."

Without saying what Shang Shan said, Hu Fei returned after half an hour. Before Hu Fei went away, he still behaved slowly and slowly, and the result was far shorter than expected. Gu Chunzhu expressed his curiosity, and Hu Fei was very proud to say, "This little thing does not need me to worry, so I am not slow but leisurely and relaxed."

Gu Chunzhu was one of the choked ones. Okay, because he underestimated Hu Fei's ability, he turned to the subject and asked him about the situation there.

At that time, Hu Fei flew to the Pan Mansion quickly after leaving the General Mansion. He randomly found a corner and turned in. Although Pan Man had some guards, it was far behind the General Mansion. Therefore, Hu Fei touched the Pan House very easily, and it can even be said that it was like entering or leaving no one.

Because Gu Chunzhu mainly wanted to know if Mrs. Pan's house was really sick, Hu Fei ran directly to the backyard after entering. The goal was directed to the yard with the best location, and that was exactly where Mrs. Pan was. At this time, she happened to be walking outside, and it seemed that there was nothing at all.

In order to ensure that things were absolutely correct, Hu Fei wanted to wait for an opportunity to give Mrs. Pan the pulse back to the General Mansion, and the opportunity came very quickly. Mrs. Pan went into the back room when she was tired of shopping. Hu Fei faintly fainted Mrs. Pan and a maidservant staying in the house, and successfully put Mrs. Pan on the pulse.

"Sure enough, as I expected, Mrs. Pan's illness was hypothesized to the outside world. In fact, she was in good health and better than the general elderly." Hu Fei bluntly said that the results of his pulse, even to Mrs. Pan's There is a little curiosity about the way of keeping oneself.

"It seems that the purpose of Mrs. Pan's pretending to be sick this time is to force the Hai family to have to take her daughter back, but whether Mr. Pan and Mrs. Pan know or push the boat down the river remains to be discussed." Thoughtfully walked around twice, slowly talking about his speculation, he still couldn't make up his mind, especially on how to deal with the Pan family.

However, the rest of the matter had nothing to do with Hu Fei's charity. They didn't want to know and sent Gu Chunzhu together. The two of them nestled together and didn't know what they were doing.

After Su Wangqin returned, Gu Chunzhu didn't tell him that the messy things disturbed his mood first, but waited for him to change his clothes, change out clothes and put on a more comfortable one. Su Wangqin was really tired when he went out. After changing his clothes, he closed his eyes and leaned on the edge of the bed to take a nap.

Gu Chunzhu put his voice down beside him softly and asked him what he wanted to eat at noon. She was ready to prepare it. Su Wangqin did not open her eyes but accurately grabbed Gu Chunzhu and pulled her into her arms, then comfortably With a sigh, he rubbed his head against Gu Chunzhu's ear and rubbed his warm lips from time to time over Gu Chunzhu's earlobe.

"Don't make trouble, you can't eat anymore." Gu Chunzhu was uncomfortable with Su Wangqin's small movements, and wanted to push away Su Wangqin's big head, but he couldn't move it. After all, his strength was worse. Su Wangqin A little bit.

"Actually, I ate enough of you." Su Wangqin looked at Gu Chunzhu with his eyes open, tempted with Gu Chuanzhu's ear with his deep and full voice, and deliberately licked Gu Chunzhu's earlobe, inspiring Gu Chunzhu Goose bumps all over.

Gu Chunzhu got up and ran out in a panic, leaving only the sentence "I'll get it for you." Waving in the wind. Tu Liusu Wangqin looked at his suddenly empty arms, then smiled indulgently. In the end, Su Wangqin couldn't bear the sleepiness and continued to rest with his eyes closed.

Gu Chunzhu rubbed his hot cheeks and muttered complaining that Su Wangqin always tossed her with beautiful male counters and subwoofers, but Gu Chunzhu, who had a guilty conscience, still thought about what should be given to Su Wangqin to treat him to a hard day.

Soon Gu Chunzhu made a table of delicious food, and let the girls send them to the bedroom, and then drove everyone away to wake up Su Wangqin softly, but the softness of the voice was not like waking up Su Wangqin but was afraid. Su Wangqin seemed to wake up. But such a soft sound quickly opened Su Wangqin's eyes, and then Su Wangqin gave him a soft kiss.

"All right, let's go to eat." Gu Chunzhu blocked Su Wangqin's lips with one finger, organized him to continue to entangle with himself, and urged him to hurry up to eat.

During the meal, Gu Chunzhu told him about Pan Fu's small movements and how he went to check the news of the Pan family. But after listening to all the ins and outs of the matter, Su Wangqin only said four words, "cutting the grass."

"Then how do you cut the grass and remove the roots, and how do you handle the following arrangements properly?" Gu Chunzhu thought about cutting the grass and removing the roots is a good way, but also have some concerns.

"You asked the Hai family to pick up the Pan family, but from the county seat to the Jingcheng Road, we can find a reason for the Pan family to die on the road." Su Wangqin said this naturally, probably Such tricks in the march have been used to become commonplace.

Gu Chunzhu also very much agrees with this. When the anti-disruption continues, she has had enough of Pan. This time she can no longer treat Wen Shi as if she were allowed to let her jump around beside her for so long to cause her troubles.

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