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"Don't you always provoke Yingying. Be careful not to take care of you, Yingying, in the future." Peony gave An An a white look, and said to An An in criticism and warning.

An An threw his tongue out naughtily, embarrassedly begging Peony to beg for mercy, "I promise not next time."

Peony and An An accompanied the twins to doodle two or three chapters of white paper at random, and the maid came to remind them that it was time to eat. Yingying coquettishly asked Peony to hug her, An An glanced at Xiaoling, who was standing beside her, and took him up in spite of Xiaoling's refusal, and set off to the dining room with Peony behind him.

Gu Chunzhu went to the dining room with the last dish, and it happened to hit Peony holding Yingying in. "Did you even go to Yingying to play with them? Ling Xiao was still looking for you anxiously just now."

"I can't understand what Uncle and Ling talked about, and the two of them talked so warmly that I was embarrassed to bother, so I quietly left to find An'an." Peony didn't say very well because she I did not expect that everyone would worry about her in the end.

Yingying stretched her arms at the moment when she saw Gu Chunzhu, hoping to go into Gu Chunzhu's arms, Gu Chunzhu was also defeated by Ying Ying's brilliant and beautiful smile, and took her as she meant, "Hard work, you brought Yingying all the way, go sit down. I prepared a lot of exquisite dishes today."

After everyone was seated, Gu Chunzhu's words urged everyone to chop chopsticks to their favorite dishes, and they also praised the same after entering the mouth.

During the banquet, everyone was happy to talk and laugh, and only An An felt that she was a bit superfluous and sad. After all, looking at the configuration of the dining table, Gu Chunzhu and Su Wangqin, Peony and Ling Xiao, Shangshan and Hu Fei, the pair is right. An An, a lonely and widowed person, is particularly prominent, not to mention that they are also serving each other and occasionally staring at each other. It's too sticky.

An An looked at the performance of several people around her. Peony and Ling Xiao had just been so entangled just now, so I wouldn’t mention it. Gu Chunzhu and Su Wangqin were so loving all the year round. The two and Hu Fei have become so harmonious now. In the end, she was the only one and could only arrange dishes for the twins silently.

She sourly fed a piece of fresh fish into the Yingying bowl, and then looked at Yingying's pink cheeks and her fingers began to itch inexplicably. She thought Yingying's crying skills were still shrinking, but Yu Guang swept a few pairs of figures again, and she gritted her teeth and was unwilling to restrain herself. She stretched out her devil's claws directly towards Yingying's cheek.

Yingying glanced at Anan with an angry face, and then lowered her head to concentrate on the food in her bowl. I still have to rely on An An to help myself, and I am not very happy to see An An. Yingying also sighed like an adult, thinking that if he is so generous, he will lend his lovely cheek to his sister. Never mind.

Fortunately, An An didn't know Ying Ying's heart, otherwise she would only be more sad. Not only did he have to face the frenzy of dog food spreading around him, but he was also miserable by Yingying, a little fart boy. No one is more miserable than her.

Fortunately, in the end everyone ate very contentedly and didn't want to move when they were sitting in their chairs lazily. It was at this time that Wang Kun walked in with a plain and simple letter and said to Gu Chunzhu, "Madam has a letter for you."

Gu Chunzhu, who had just eaten a little and was sleepy, did not pay much attention to the letter held by Wang Kun, and thought that it was a family in Beijing who handed him the invitation card and took the envelope indifferently. But Gu Chunzhu felt something was wrong at the moment when the envelope started. The envelope was too rough and didn't look like the style of people who would send invitations to themselves.

Gu Chunzhu mentioned a little bit of spirit, opened the envelope and pulled out the letter paper to start a look. It turned out that this was a letter written by Da Zhuang to himself. She swept the complete letter quickly and completely with a dizzy spirit, her posture became more and more serious from the beginning, and her back was sitting upright, and her eyes were brighter.

In the letter, Da Zhuang expressed his gratitude to Xiaocheng for sending Qiu Wei this year, because he knew earlier than other people, which meant that he also had more preparation time than others. Then Da Zhuang said that he had already set off with his parents and his second brother. It is estimated that he would be able to arrive in Beijing around June 18.

"Okay!" Gu Chunzhu suddenly drank happily after watching the last time, and it inevitably appeared a little scary in a quiet environment. At least An An and Peony were a little scared, patting his chest to appease his beating heart.

"Why did you suddenly startle, what did the letter say?" An An asked with a sigh of relief, and asked curiously.

Gu Chunzhu was naturally very happy to share the news that Da Zhuang's family would arrive in Beijing soon, and An An also jumped up happily. After all, she hadn't seen a good sister-in-law like Fu's sister-in-law and Da Zhuang, an old playmate. Too. Peony is also very happy about this, thinking that he still has to come to the General House to visit Fusao's sister.

Although Ling Xiao didn’t know who was coming, but they knew that Gu Chunzhu was so happy that they would be busy preparing for the visitors, so he quietly asked Peony’s opinion and offered to bid farewell, “I’m sure the general and the general Madam still has a lot of things to arrange. Peony and I will bother again next time, and I won’t disturb you this time."

"I'm really sorry, things have come so suddenly that I can't greet you well, then we will get together again after the big family comes." Gu Chunzhu, although sorry, did not pretend to keep peony and Ling Xiao politely, agreed After the next meeting, they together with Su Wangqin took them to the entrance of the General's Palace.

After Gu Chunzhu and Su Wangqin watched Peony and Ling Xiao leave, Su Wangqin also had to go out to do his own thing. He looked at Gu Chunzhu distressedly, "I'm really sorry, please let me arrange for you to entertain them."

"It doesn't matter, hurry up and do your own business." Gu Chunzhu and Su Wangqin looked at each other for a long time to replace the kiss, and then they were reluctant to part.

After returning to the General's Mansion, Gu Chunzhu met An An and went to find Mrs. Su with her. After all, the good news had to be shared with her, and Gu Chunzhu also wanted to ask how Mrs. Su entertained the big family. Although Gu Chunzhu is also familiar with them, they still have more time than the old lady Su and they have a deeper understanding of them.

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