Wang Family’s Peasant Woman: Raising kids and Making wealth

Chapter 1037: Accommodation implementation

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An An's comfort made Xiao Cheng slightly better. At least he knew that he still had an important position in An An's heart and would not be replaced by Wei Xingzhi and others. He um counted as an answer. An An and Jin Han didn't know what to continue to say. Da Zhuang Man Man didn't know the inside story, so everyone didn't speak, and they deserted.

And Wei Xingzhi was uncomfortable watching the scene suddenly fall, mainly because he didn’t like An’an’s sadness because of the Prince’s house, so he smiled and pushed the book to the front of several people, “Don’t be so Happy, in fact, I have good news to inform you when I come here."

In fact, this thing that should have been told directly to Gu Chunzhu, he almost forgot all about it. Fortunately, what he needs now is to make the scene hot again to make him think again.

"Let's talk about what good news is." An An faced Wei Xingzhi to raise his chin and urged him to say quickly.

"The book came to find a good house. I was about to go to the maid with Shulai to say something."

It turned out that Wang Kun took Fusister-in-law's couple to the dental clinic before, and was taken by Yazi to see several houses. They were not very satisfied or the house price was too high. Fusister-in-law could not afford it. When they looked at the fourth house, they met Wei Xingzhi who was hanging out. When Wei Xingzhi saw Wang Kun as an acquaintance, he naturally stopped and chatted.

Shulai is also a person who likes to inquire about news. He happened to be in a coincidence. He had just heard that someone had to retire his house because he couldn't survive in the capital a few days ago. Today, he happened to meet the family of Fu's sister-in-law who wanted to rent a house. He led them to see the small courtyard.

The small courtyard is actually very good in all aspects, and Fusao also likes it. In addition, the tenancy period of the family has not yet arrived. They are willing to sublet it cheaply, and the price is also acceptable to Fu's sister-in-law.

"Then you haven't told my mother, and you're still talking to us for so long!" An An raised his hand and patted Wei Xingzhi's arm a few times, after listening to Wei Xingzhi's words, it was no effort at all, stunned. Wei Xingzhi yelled in pain. Then An An chased and beat Wei Xingzhi, let Wei Xingzhi slip through the smoke and bring the book to go to Gu Chunzhu.

Wei Xingzhi's mobility was soon, not to mention An An in his heart, and he rushed into the small kitchen to finish the news with Gu Chunzhu quickly. He didn't wait for Gu Chunzhu to ask a few words before he ran away. Gu Chunzhu looked at Wei Xingzhi's back, and soon disappeared into the back of his field of vision. He shook his head humorously. Sure enough, he was lively when he was young.

Wei Xingzhi returned to the pavilion and said nothing else. He said that he had offended a lot and wanted to invite everyone to go out to visit the capital together. He also generously said that he paid for all the food and drink today. An An called the rich man excitedly and said enthusiastically that he would eat some of the most expensive pastries and the most expensive restaurant today.

At a small cost, I was thinking about waiting for Su Wangqin to come back to drink and talk to him about Wei Xingzhi at noon, but now Wei Xingzhi invites guests to do things and let everyone go out to play. He looked at the big and full of expectation in his eyes, and couldn't say what he refused, so he could only push back the good things and wait until dinner.

"What's the most expensive restaurant you want in your family's open-minded and elegant business, not to mention that the maid's craft is so good that you can eat outside?" Wei Xingzhi walked side by side with An An, not forgetting to laugh at her.

"My mother said, there are people outside the world, and these restaurants can operate for a long time. There is definitely a trick for them. Maybe a special dish is better than my mother. Besides, me and you are both vulgar. The master behind Daya, shouldn’t we spy on the enemy’s situation and make a contribution to the development of Daya?” An An looked at Wei Xingzhi contemptuously, quickly walked a few steps to Xiaocheng’s side, and turned his head to do with Wei Xingzhi. Made a grimace.

A few teenagers came to the door talking and laughing, and they just happened to meet Gu Chunzhu who went out to read a book to find the house for Fu sister-in-law. Gu Chunzhu politely asked them a few words, and the teenagers were also happy to say that they were going to eat Beijing Special snacks. Gu Chunzhu was a little worried this time, and nobody might have eaten the food he had prepared.

She had thought that Fusister-in-law would not find a good place so quickly, and she would definitely go back to the General Mansion for lunch at noon, but now that she has already settled in, she must be busy tidying up the yard, so she can just go in and stay at night. If a few teenagers do not go out to play, the food she cooks is not a waste, but now even they have to go out to play, which is troublesome.

But when I thought about it, since sister-in-law Fu was busy packing up her house at noon, she certainly couldn't think of preparing to eat. She just asked Mother Liu to prepare other dishes and send it to her. So Gu Chunzhu told a few children to pay attention to it, he told Mum Liu of the decision, and left Mum Liu in the house.

Before going to Fu's sister-in-law's foothold, Gu Chunzhu went to Xiufang to find Luo Xinlan's mother and daughter. One of them was to inform them about Fu's sister-in-law's arrival, and the other was to find them to arrange for Fu's sister-in-law to catch up. Clothes matter.

After hearing Gu Chunzhu's intention, Luo Xinlan was happy for a while with Fu's sister-in-law's family, and then pondered the arrangement of clothes. This matter even gave Yingzi some new ideas, such as specializing in making ready-to-wear, etc. In fact, she is sometimes not satisfied with the so-called popular styles and colors, she has an urge to lead fashion.

Yingzi knows that this matter is in no hurry, at least he has to wait for him to go back and think about the development plan and design some suitable styles and colors before he can talk about this matter with Gu Chunzhu.

"This thing is feasible and feasible, but you know, we don't have the size of Fusister-in-law." Luo Xinlan said with some embarrassment.

"But I want to give them a surprise as a gift of housewarming, and I can't directly measure their size, which is a bit difficult." Gu Chunzhu also had his own consideration, and this matter came to a deadlock.

"Actually, I can probably estimate that I can't be separated from one another. I'll find you sister-in-law with me later. I can help with cleaning by the way." Luo Xinlan's eyes lit up, and he suddenly responded that he did it all the year round. The clothes already had the ability to guess the size at a glance, and she also wanted to see Fu's sister-in-law as soon as possible.

Gu Chunzhu and Luo Xinlan hit it off at once, handed over the shop to Yingzi, and went straight to Fu's sister-in-law.

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