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When Gu Chunzhu saw Xiaocheng, he and An An were playing with Yingying and Xiaoling in the garden. Yingying and Anan were noisy and noisy, and Xiaoling was bothering him to shoot arrows with him.

Although Xiaocheng had no expression, she was extremely patient, correcting some small mistakes of Xiaoling tirelessly. Xiaoling naturally corrects her mistakes for Xiaocheng's exceptional worship, just to get Xiaocheng's praise.

After Gu Chunzhu walked over, the four children immediately greeted her, and the most lively Ying Ying threw herself up to hug Gu Chunzhu's calf, and smiled sweetly at her with her head up. Gu Chunzhu saw Yingying's smiling face, and she was like eating a piece of honey. She immediately squatted down and hugged Yingying. "What was Yingying just playing with?"

"I'm catching butterflies!"

"Did that Yingying catch it?"

"I saw one originally, but I was scared to fly by Sister An'an!" Yingying was originally happy, turning to stare at An'an at this point, and directly complained to Gu Chunzhu.

Gu Chunzhu coaxed a few words and asked An An to take Yingying to catch butterflies as a guilt. She also persuaded Xiao Ling, who was standing next to Xiao Cheng, to practice by herself, but this time Xiao Ling had a rare temper, and stood behind Xiao Cheng with a small mouth and grabbed Xiao Cheng's clothes and refused to go. Don't speak.

"Xiaoling is the most sensible, right? Your brother Xiaocheng, whom you admire the most, is going to take an important and important exam recently. Are you sure that you will not be bothered by brother Xiaocheng's play to affect his study?" Gu Chunzhu also Instead of being angry, he looked at Xiao Ling tenderly and persuaded with a smile.

Xiaoling was indeed an obedient child. After hearing Gu Chunzhu's explanation, he quickly let go of Xiaocheng, and said cautiously, "Brother Xiaocheng will succeed, I believe Brother Xiaocheng." Too.

Gu Chunzhu finally sent both children away, and finally had the opportunity to care about Xiao Cheng's recent state of review and the arrangements for a period of time in the future. Xiaocheng bluntly confident of passing the imperial examination final gold list title, but also said that Da Zhuang will definitely get a good ranking. As for the review, he wanted to invite a famous sir, and he asked Da Zhuang to listen to the lecture.

"It really deserves to be my good son. I should be like this. I have a strong self-confidence but can also sink in to learn, and still remember to pull my companions." Gu Chunzhu nodded in relief, originally wanted to pat the small She realized that Xiaocheng had grown so tall that she needed to raise her hand to touch his shoulder, which was no longer the little beanie she remembered.

Xiaocheng left General Palace after dinner, and the busy day at General Palace was finally over. As the sun rises the next day, there will be new things that need to be worked by Gu Chunzhu.

Gu Chunzhu got up early in the morning to arrange for Fu's sister-in-law to purchase furniture, and to discuss with Fu's sister-in-law on a wind and dust feast and to celebrate the joy of relocation, and did not return to the general's palace for a little rest until the afternoon. But before she could sit down and drink a cup of tea, someone came to report Bai's request to see her, and Gu Chunzhu hurriedly asked Bai to come in.

"Sister-in-law Fu came to the capital yesterday? They didn't seem to live in the general's palace?" After the routine politeness, Bai's pretended not to know, and asked.

Gu Chunzhu has not yet noticed the intention of Bai's two problems, and naturally spoke out yesterday's conversation with Fu's sister-in-law. She also lamented that Fu's sister-in-law's sharpness of mouth and the firmness of her heart made her work hard. Neither could Fu Shao's sister shake and move into the general's palace.

"Actually, I thought that Fusister-in-law was going to live in the mansion. She happened to move in and live with Fusister-in-law's family. It was a bit more lively to accompany her on weekdays. But she didn't expect that Fusister-in-law did not plan to stay in the general's palace. "Bai's face said with regret, and her desire to move out was obvious.

Gu Chunzhu, who has a seven-knowledge and exquisite heart, can't hear Bai Shi's implied meaning. For the past two days, she was expressed that she didn't want to live in the General Palace. She was also very depressed. Can't help but guess. Sincerely, or everyone thinks that this General Mansion is a Longtan Tiger Cave?

Thinking about it like this, Gu Chunzhu asked so, and Bai immediately waved his hand and shook his head in anxiety, saying, "Cang Tian Ming Jian, I have no intention of this, but I have the same concerns as Fu's sister-in-law. A person who has come and gone, I have lived in the General House and I don’t know how to return it to you. This really makes me anxious."

"But I didn't want you to return." Gu Chunzhu's repeated retention still couldn't make Bai's heart change. Gu Chunzhu was also really puzzled. She didn't feel that she had paid anything and she never thought that they need to return it. Why? They all evade their help?

"But living in General Palace is still not the same as living in General Palace. Besides, Xiaohu is also time to marry. He can never marry his wife and live in General Palace." Bai Shi then threw out the second one. The reason, this reason really got Gu Chunzhu's understanding, so after three times she persuaded her not to insist, but asked Bai's specific plan.

"Xiaohu told me not long ago that he had saved enough money to buy a small courtyard in Beijing, so I waited for him to find a good house and the procedures were finalized before moving out." Bai Shi remembered that his child was also full of face His pride is full of praise. Although Xiaohu is no smarter than Xiaocheng, he is also the best child in the world in Bai's eyes.

"I'm moving in such a hurry?" Gu Chunzhu couldn't help but compare Gu Xiaohu's purchase of a house with Fu's sister-in-law. They thought Xiaohu could also find a suitable yard soon, and Bai's would soon move away. . Although Gu Chunzhu understood it, he still couldn't bear Bai Shi, so he persuaded Bai Shi not to be so anxious and hasty.

Bai looked at Gu Chunzhu's dissatisfied expression but laughed, "Wouldn't you compare Xiaohu's buying a house with Fusister-in-law's situation this time? Fusister-in-law is also lucky this time, and Xiaohu has already found a house After a while, I still didn’t find a suitable one, so I guess I have to stay in the General’s Palace for a while. Now, if you want to drive me away, I won’t go either.”

"You can live as long as you want, and I will definitely not drive you away!" Gu Chunzhu was also busy recently and was dizzy. After the reaction, she was also very happy. Even she did not mention Wang Kun to help. Anyway, it can be a period of time. time.

Then Bai introduced another very important thing, and it was a little difficult to say. "Actually, I have an idea to take out Gu Gu and live together."

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