Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wangjia Peasant Woman: Raising Buns and Making Riches!

At the entrance of the General's Mansion, Wei Xingzhi and An An stood together, while Ainuo, who was opposite, stood next to the General Mansion and asked the Yi people who were found by the General Mansion and the carriage he brought with him.

"Presumably I don't know He Jingjing again and again, but I hope the prince is precious." Wei Xingzhi and his brother patted A Yinuo's arm well and said solemnly. An An also said a few auspicious words, and A Yinuo accepted them bit by bit.

"The same is true for you, there will be a period later." Finally, he expressed his thousands of words in his heart. A Yinuo turned on the Yi's carriage, and the carriage left, and the sound of kicking echoed in the empty alley.

After seeing A Yinuo leave, Wei Xingzhi should also resign to his home. At this time, he finally had a short time of solitude with An An. He was very reluctant. His eyes stuck to An An and could not be pulled off. An An was looked a little awkward and shy by Wei Xingzhi, and he turned sideways to Wei Xingzhi uncomfortably. "You always watch me doing it?"

"I just want to ask you a question, but I don't know how to say it." Wei Xingzhi still looked at his sweetheart fondly, and his face lit up in the setting sun, just like shooting an arrow in his heart. Let his heart beat wildly. He quietly touched his heart and appeased the restless it. Don't worry, An An will marry you sooner or later.

"Don't ask if you can't ask. You always look at me." An An was not very happy and was also to get rid of this dilemma quickly, so she said that she would go back when she turned around. I'm going back to rest too."

Wei Xingzhi watched An An about to leave, and in a hurry, he grabbed An An's arm with a blank mind, regardless of asking his own thoughts, "An An, I just want to ask you if I can come to raise my parents! I have really waited It’s too late, and so many people are thinking about you, I want you to give me a quasi-word to reassure me."

"How can I be so sought-after? Many people are worried. I didn't find any of them." Although An An stopped, he didn't turn around. He just broke away from Wei Xingzhi's wet hands and smashed the broken hair beside his ears behind his ears. She did not directly answer Wei Xingzhi's question, but instead looked at the other questions in Wei Xingzhi's words and complained.

"Who said no, just walked a jackal tiger leopard looking at you." Wei Xingzhi reminded An'an not long ago that A Yinuo also said that he wanted to **** his relatives, and he approached An'an a few points with confidence, hoping that she would answer her own question quickly. problem.

An An anxiously stepped away from Wei Xingzhi and replied awkwardly, "Even if you can't wait to marry me, you don't have to wait for Xiaocheng's brother to marry, I will never embarrass my mother."

Upon hearing it, Wei Xingzhimeng thought that An An was refusing himself, and he felt a little frustrated. Immediately pondered carefully, right, An An's attitude is not unhappy now, on the contrary, it is just reminding himself to wait. The expression of Wei Xingzhi, who was suddenly blooming in his heart, was not as anxious as it was at the beginning, and the momentum was all put away, which also made An An relieved.

Wei Xingzhi, who has just pressed his mind and asked himself, is really terrible. An An thought with a bit of fear. Sure enough, even the docile rabbit also bites at that moment. I really hope that I will only see Wei Xingzhi as cute and docile as a big dog. After that little apprehension, An An recovered and was a little angry. Is Wei Xingzhi this time he is a dog, and dare to force her!

Wei Xingzhi didn't find anything about An Anfeng's mentality, and he fell into a beautiful discovery. He even put forward his ambitions, "I'll go back and let my mother contact some ladies to show Xiao Chengxiang a little more Miss, it is best to let him get married this year!"

An Anke didn’t forget that she wanted to match Xiaocheng and Chu Yunlan. Wei Xingzhi’s inappropriate idea must be suppressed. She immediately turned to look at Wei Xingzhi with a cold face, “You’re being messed with my brother here. Is that all right? Don’t mention the whimsical nature of your daydreaming to your mother. My brother is the one who is going to participate in Qiu Wei this year. How can he have time to watch?”

Wei Xing did not know An An’s plan, but thought An An was awkward and refused to accept himself directly, and said with great will, “It’s artificial, and I have great confidence to do this!”

"You are not allowed to disturb my brother at this time! If you do this, my brother will fail if I don't pass the exam!" An An decided to introduce Xiao Cheng to Wei Xingzhi and stomped and glared at where he was anxiously. Wei Xingzhi threatened.

"No matter what you say anyway, I will take care of this matter!" Wei Xingzhi is not threatened by An An at all. On the one hand, he is confident and capable, and on the other hand, it is for the marriage between himself and An An to be settled as soon as possible. Hard work, he really can't wait for a moment.

Leaving his own Lingyun aspirations, Wei Xingzhi also worried that An An came up with other faint tricks to force himself to follow, and quickly slipped away. An An shouted angrily behind his back, even ignoring the image of everyone's boudoir, "Wei Xingzhi, if you dare to disturb my brother, I and you will not be friends!"

Wei Xingzhi heard An An's words from afar, and he was sullied. I didn't want to be your friend, I just wanted to be your husband.

This conversation between An An and Wei Xingzhi was almost unhappy, and An An stepped back with a heavy footstep, venting all his anger to his feet. The clever Mercy probably knew some of An'an's plans and quietly comforted her, "Miss, don't be angry with your body. Besides, Mrs. Wei is a person who knows the importance. Miss Chu must be the first person she thinks of. "


"Absolutely, Jinzhi..." Jinzhi paused in a heartache, and then said, "Mingzhi uses his one-month regular money guarantee."

An An was amused by the miserable expression of Meng Zhi, and waved her hand with a smile, "When do you become such a fortune fan, forget it, you collect your regular money yourself, I believe it is."

When walking to the garden, An An met Gu Chunzhu who was waiting for her. Gu Chunzhu specially reminded her, "Don’t be involved with her, I got the news that she has killed herself. It’s like you and her are having trouble with flies. If you flies, you will be killed, or you will be killed. The flies were disgusting."

An An immediately realized that Gu Chunzhu was talking about Xuanyuan Rong. After listening silently, he immediately knew that, "I want to stay away from her now, and I will never touch her a little bit."

"Yes, just pay more attention to yourself." Gu Chunzhu showed the greatest respect and trust for An An, and he got up and left.

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