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Gu Chunzhu spent a lot of slobber to distract the twins. The old lady Su who had more thoughts but still respected Gu Chunzhu and Su Wangqin also helped coax the two children together, and then the two children went to see the baby again.

The three of them chatted for a few days, and Boss Long came to tell them that the banquet was about to begin, and the children had to be taken out for the three-washing ceremony. The dragon mother got up and accompanied the old lady Su to walk in front, Xiao Ling and Ying Ying walked around with the baby holding her baby, and the dragon boss and Gu Chunzhu walked at the end.

Boss Long looked at Xiaoling and Yingying so much like the baby, turned around and said to Gu Chunzhu, "Unfortunately this time I didn't have a daughter, otherwise I could marry Xiaoling."

"In fact, there are not many good brothers, there can be a deep brotherhood." Gu Chunzhu said that there was something wrong, and he immediately shook off the philosophical symbols in his mind. What are you thinking about every day, this is that Min Chao can only have pure brotherhood!

Gu Chunzhu’s in-house theater dragon boss can’t accept it, so there must be no wish for the dragon boss to seriously answer this sentence, "Yes, let them go to school together to practice martial arts, and the two will protect Yingying together. Sister."

The two of them walked across the courtyard door with a smile, and never noticed that there was a turbulent wave in the eyes of a maid with her head down at the door. And after they left, the lady also hurriedly ran away, even rushing from the trail to the two of them to the banquet scene.

While the atmosphere here is harmonious, Zhong Deng'er is not in a good mood. Today, she can be said to be dressed up, just to make a splash at the banquet. In fact, she really did it. The lady who had never thought of it would come to talk to her and make her psychological satisfaction unprecedented.

Although she is a concubine of the Dragon family, she is well treated like the first lady, and there is no first lady in the dragon house. Her life is much better than that of the ladies who greeted her. However, during the chat, Zhong Zhu'er gradually discovered that many of them who came to her to speak were not serious wives, and many of them were concubine superiors.

As for the legitimate wives who were greeted by Zheng'er's eight classics, they didn't bother to come to her, and Zhong Deng'er's mood gradually began to subtle. Her ears are about how the pheasant turns into a phoenix and how to squeeze out the successful position of the main room. Her eyes are looking at the scornful disdainful eyes that float from time to time in a group of husbands.

Zhong Zhu'er suddenly thought of Gu Chunzhu's existence at this time. Although her life was good, she probably never got the sincerity of Dragon Boss, so those high-ranking strategies were all useless to her. And if she is always a concubine, maybe all the ladies will not come to associate with her in the end, she is still a humble existence despised.

Just as her eyes grew darker, her maid, Red Tips, hurried to her and hugged to her ear, saying, "No, the old man and the general lady met, and the slaves were intimate when they watched them talk. After the wife of the general has left, the old man is still reluctant to blink."

"I'm sorry, the child cried suddenly, I have to take care of him, first take a step to apologize." Zhong Zhuan'er anxious to understand the details, she casually pulled a reason to go back to the house with the maid.

Red Shaw wished to break up a little bit of small movements and told Zhong Zhener, which was also mixed with many of her own perceptions, whether true or false, inflammatory is true. Especially when talking about what I heard in the Dragon Mother’s yard, Hongsuan was so excited that he didn’t know what the old man thought, he would say that it’s wrong for you to have a son. !"

Zhong Zhuer'er heard that Boss Long disliked him for having no daughter and was so annoyed that he smashed everything in the house. Like Red Shaft, she can't understand what Dragon Boss said. Isn't her son better than her daughter? Isn't the dragon boss love Gu Chunzhu so much that I don't want her to be a little unhappy, afraid that her son would marry Gu Chunzhu's daughter and wrong that girl!

Here hurriedly left to whisper, and the dragon mother and his party also arrived at the banquet to prepare for the three washing ceremony. She still remembers how good Zhong Zeng'er gave birth to her son. She didn't want her child to be without the love of her mother at a young age. She was ready to let Zhong Deng'er wash with her. But she didn't see Zhong Denger's figure after watching it for a while, so she quietly asked Cuigu to ask.

Cuigu quickly heard about the moment when the dragon mother arrived at the banquet venue, Zhongzheng Er hurriedly took the maid to leave, and went directly to the yard to check it. She heard the movements in the house far from the door of the courtyard, and her face was wrong. When she got closer, she heard complaints from Zhong Deng'er and Red Tip, turned around and reported back to the Dragon Mother.

After listening to Zhong Denger’s tumultuous behavior, the Dragon Mother lost all her good feelings in her heart. It is only a small punishment to refrain from participating in the three washing rituals this time, and let her remember that the lesson cannot be repeated in the future."

Cui Aunt ordered to retreat, she didn't mention how to stop the mad Zhong Deng'er, no matter how big the motion here was, she couldn't stop the Dragon Mother from directly asking the aunt Xisan San to start the ceremony. Since then, Zhong Zhu'er has been basically rejected by the Dragon Mother, and there is no chance of continuing to climb up.

People at the level of Gu Chunzhu naturally stood at the forefront of the ceremony, and she saw the changed face of the dragon mother clearly. She also noticed that Zhong Zeng'er did not participate in the three washing ceremony. What happened to Zhong Deng'er. But adhering to the principle that the official is difficult to break the housework, she is not going to know if she is not prepared to intervene in other people's housework.

The ceremony of washing the three was started, and the aunt was sanctified to burn incense, and then the mother of the dragon came to her aunt by holding her baby. Aunt Xi San then dipped water from the clean bottle with willow branches and tapped the baby's head three times. Then soaked in the specially prepared bath water with a veil, then wiped the baby carefully, and finally put him on a brand-new clothes, and the ceremony was over.

The aunt Xiansan was invited by the dragon mother to pay a lot of money. Both the technique and attitude were excellent, so that the baby slept very well throughout the process. The dragon mother held her baby in a new dress, rejoiced in her heart, and also decided to give more aunt Xi Sansan more rewards.

After the third washing ceremony, the mother brought the sleeping baby back to the room, and the banquet officially began.

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