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I saw the doorway of the General's Mansion, a few thin and light clothes, the beautiful woman who was wearing ambiguously, and Shi Fendai, followed gracefully behind Su Wangqin. Su Wangqin walked calmly in front of the walk, but from the perspective of Su Su, it looked like Su Wangqin and the portrait behind were very close.

The group of women shoved and laughed at each other, among them there were a lot of tempters, and a few pairs of greedy and lustful eyes were stuck to Su Wangqin's back. The old lady Su thought that she had just praised Su Wangqin and never went out to provoke wrongdoing. As a result, she saw Su Wangqin at the door and brought the fox spirits outside, and it was not a group.

The old lady Su only felt like she was slapped in the face, and it hurt. You know that Gu Chunzhu expressed the highest trust and affection for Su Wangqin, but Su Wangqin treats this feeling like this now, and Mrs. Su is extremely disappointed and extremely angry. I saw the old lady Su taking three steps and taking two steps, and came to Su Wangqin's side in a thunderous manner.

She looked like an angry cow and slammed the delicate women who were behind Su Wangqin. If these women didn't help each other, they would only be left in a state of distress. The old lady Su didn't care about these people. When she came to Su Wangqin, she stretched out her hand and grabbed Su Wangqin's ear.

Su Wangqin, who was born and died on the battlefield, was ready to fight back as soon as Su Laotai was close, but he saw that the person was Su Laotai before his physical reaction. Finally, Su Wangqin suffocated his movements, and obediently leaned down slightly to facilitate Su's movements.

The old lady Su twisted Su Wangqin's ear a few times, making Su Wangqin's ear immediately red with blood. Mrs. Su clenched her teeth indignantly and asked, "Okay, Su Wangqin, now life is going to be easy, you just float for me, and learn to go out and hook up the vixen! How can you be worthy of supporting you in silence behind you all the time?" Bamboo!"

A series of interrogative questions were directly thrown on the face of Su Wangqin, who was stunned. Su Wangqin had no time to ask about the reason and refute. Su Wangqin listened for a while before he burst into laughter and heard the reason. He didn't know that his mother-in-law didn't trust him so much. At the same time, he was very happy that the relationship between his mother-in-law and his wife was so harmonious.

What he saw in many other people's homes was a tit-for-tat tension between his mother-in-law and his daughter-in-law, and then his son was caught between the left and right. He used to be in the same situation. Fortunately, Gu Chunzhu was clever, and Mrs. Su gradually became sober, and the atmosphere in his family was so harmonious, so that he could have no worries about going abroad.

Even though Su Wangqin knew the reason, he couldn't explain it under the anger of the old lady Su. Even if the explanation was estimated, the old lady Su didn't quite believe it. Finally, Gu Chunzhu said peace, she firmly said, "I believe that Brother Wang is not a person who likes new things and old ones. There must be a reason for the appearance of this group of beautiful women. Let's listen to the explanation of Brother Wang."

"Looking at Chunzhu's reasoning and believing in you, I will listen to your remarks this time. If you can't convince me this time or let me find you messing around outside, you will wait for family law. Wait for it!" Su Su's words fell, let go of Su Wangqin's innocent poor ears, and then watched Su Wangqin with dangerous eyes waiting for his explanation.

Su Wangqin rubbed his red and sore ears, and in the future he said clearly to the veins, "Today, I and my men entered the palace, and I don't know what the emperor thought. The Lisse. After the strict rejection, the emperor was not very happy, so that my generals had to accept this group of people."

"Then why did they all follow you, shouldn't they just take it away from each other?" Su's words to Su Wangqin had no basis for trust, not to mention that she could easily find out the problem, so she stared at Su Wangqin suspiciously. , Do not believe Su Wangqin's words at all.

"I just came to take something, took it and left, and then took people to meet the group of people under me. And this group of people followed me because the general had seen the emperor and left the palace. This matter was later discussed with me alone." Su Wangqin had no intention of telling the details to the two of them, but he did not expect that Mrs. Su was so sharp, so he could only say.

At this time, Su Suqin's encounter with Su Wangqin was very clear. It turned out that this group of people was originally the emperor who directly stuffed Su Wangqin, but Su Wangqin refused and turned his head to Su Wangqin's men. The old lady Su was still satisfied with Su Wangqin's performance, but she still taught Su Wangqin with a cold face.

"You should throw people directly to your men, how can you bring them back home, what should happen if something happens, Chunzhu misunderstood? Or maybe an outsider saw chewing the tongue in front of Chunzhu and letting Chun What should I do if I’m not in a good mood? So don’t bring the messy people outside home in the future, but you can’t destroy the harmonious relationship at home."

"Especially you remember for me, don't move your mind, don't give me concubines in your life!"

Mrs. Su scolded Su Wangqin fiercely, spitting at the scene. Su Wangqin listened obediently, daring not to say anything. The group of people behind Su Wangqin was frightened by the expression of Su Suqin's face three steps back, far from Su Wangqin, they were afraid that the war would accidentally burn themselves.

They have no thoughts at this time. Su Wangqin is handsome and rich, but he can't afford the old mother at home! What they want is to please the people in power in the family, and then get a stable and good life, not to run into the family and suffer. If Su Wangqin couldn't keep it, they wouldn't be sold by the old lady at home.

Gu Chunzhu comforted the excited old lady Su while quietly communicating with Su Wangqin with his eyes. Gu Chunzhu suddenly turned up in the gutter during the joke Su Wangqin, and let the old lady Su catch him by the handle and was reprimanded. Su Wangqin frequently said that Gu Chunzhu should quickly take away the old lady Su, and let her not be complacent, otherwise she would make her look good at night.

Su Wangqin still made her look pretty threatening, so she started to exert force and used two twins to distract Su's attention. The old lady Su was talking right, and was reminded by Gu Chunzhu to rush in to put down the twins. This was the end of the posture, and finally stared at Su Wangqin. "

"Yes." Su Wangqin repeatedly sent away Mrs. Su, probably this will be the biggest black spot in his life. After all, how could he be so kind as to send out the Buddha to kill the Buddha. Just because the opposite is not the enemy, but the mother who gave birth to him!

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